Isaac Clarke returns to break the generic space marine mold

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Holy shit his hair. The setting is an ice planet colony where another Marker was being held by EarthGov, the bad guys.


He's got a coop partner too named Carver. The series is finally into full on action-horror territory. Still, waiting on retards to come and say "HERP DERP ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A SURVIVAL-HORROR".


More screens in the spoilers after the jump. Here's a teaser for the game.




There's gotta be one person on this forum who actually likes video games that aren't Betheshit or any other usual suspects for the Shit-Tier Dev of the Year Award.
Dead Space wasn't always action horror? Also, are we getting a torrent of space marine stuff recently I hadn't noticed?
I actually liked the direction they went with Dead Space 2. The action was tight as hell and it was enough of a challenge on hard mode to make me nervous about rounding that next corner. Not because I thought there might be a lame jump scare, but because I thought there might be something that could actually legitimately kill me.

Actually I think they just released some gameplay footage of Dead SpaOH NO WHAT A HILARIOUS MISUNDERSTANDING

As much as I enjoyed DS1 & 2, I'm having a hard time getting excited for this. Gunna wait for a gameplay trailer or something more than a screenshot or a guys helmet before getting hyped at all.
I LOVED DS1, just started DS2 (playing with an XBOX controller on my PC). So far DS1 is WAY better imo. Still can't wait to try this.
I keep reading this thread title as "Arthur C. Clarke returns to break the generic space marine mold" and I never know what to think when I do.
Dead Space wasn't always action horror? Also, are we getting a torrent of space marine stuff recently I hadn't noticed?
Nah. I'm just joking about Isaac being a guy in a space suit killing aliens who isn't just bald like every other guy. Though, that was different in the first game.

I actually liked the direction they went with Dead Space 2. The action was tight as hell and it was enough of a challenge on hard mode to make me nervous about rounding that next corner. Not because I thought there might be a lame jump scare, but because I thought there might be something that could actually legitimately kill me.

Actually I think they just released some gameplay footage of Dead SpaOH NO WHAT A HILARIOUS MISUNDERSTANDING

I still never did finish Zealot because of the part in one of the last chapters where you ride the huge mining drill. Too much shit and no health packs. It'll break your balls.

And yeah. I mean, I don't expect anything good out of Capcom anymore bu that's just cray cray.

"Our game is the first to take place on an ice planet."

Bold claim.
I liked the narrative of DS2 as much if not more than 1, but the I actually missed the laggified aiming. It's just something you get used to for the first game.
Love the DS games, first more than the second but I think the reason I like them is that it's a horror game that doesn't get too much for me because with games like Amnesia I just can't go on. Not to sure about the co-op and hope it doesn't end up detracting from the single player story like it did in FEAR 3. Cautiously looking forward to this. More Isaac...Yay! :D
Been meaning to start the DS series for a while, but I've been preoccupied with... other pursuits.
forgive me if i'm wrong, but isn't isaac clarke returning to break the generic space marine mold... with a generic space marine co-op partner?
That he is. Carver looks like a generic bald space marine. I guess he didn't get the memo hair is back in style. I kind of like the way they are handling coop. You meet Carver in the story, but he isn't always there by your side and Isaac experiences things normally for the most part. If a player drops in as Carver then it adds a different layer of interaction over everything with him as a constant partner in Isaac's escapades with lots of interactions. It also subdues the hallucinations and freakouts Isaac would normally experience in the campaign.
Guess Ellie will be another damsel in distress again. Assuming they didn't just kill her in the trailer.
Alright, this costume of his is just bugging me. Isnt his suit already designed to keep him alive in vacuum? What is the point of a layer of freaking animal fur and scarf?

Also everything else that is wrong with making a horror game coop, why would they do this, who keeps pushing this on developers?
I probably wont bother
The suits aren't all purpose environmental suits either. It may keep him alive in the vacuum of space, but it was never meant to handle extreme heat or cold for extended periods of time without any other assistance.

And for butt's sake, Dead Space was never horror. It's an action game that the devs insist on calling horror just because it has monsters, scare chords and some element of item preservation.
Well, Dead Space 2 was kinda dumb in that in some suits like the hacker suit your skin was left exposed, but going into space with the suit had no detrimental effects! *Nitpicks*

Anyway, this footage has made me wanna buy Lost Planet on Steam, must resist temptation.
The suits aren't all purpose environmental suits either. It may keep him alive in the vacuum of space, but it was never meant to handle extreme heat or cold for extended periods of time without any other assistance.

And for butt's sake, Dead Space was never horror. It's an action game that the devs insist on calling horror just because it has monsters, scare chords and some element of item preservation.
It's action horror just like RE4.
Well, Dead Space 2 was kinda dumb in that in some suits like the hacker suit your skin was left exposed, but going into space with the suit had no detrimental effects! *Nitpicks*

Anyway, this footage has made me wanna buy Lost Planet on Steam, must resist temptation.
Technically, bare skin can be exposed to vacuum for short amounts of time with no permanent negative effects. But I looked up the Hacker Suit and it's basically just a friggin' leather jacket, so, yeah, pretty dumb :V
The suits aren't all purpose environmental suits either. It may keep him alive in the vacuum of space, but it was never meant to handle extreme heat or cold for extended periods of time without any other assistance.

And for butt's sake, Dead Space was never horror. It's an action game that the devs insist on calling horror just because it has monsters, scare chords and some element of item preservation.

Its airtight, any air it does take in wont be helped by animal fur, and the hacker suit was also horrible

Just because its got action doesnt mean its not horror. Both had atmosphere and a sense of dread to spare. Also butt sake sounds like a new staple of deviant Japanese porn, Im trademarking it:cool:
Title should read "Isaac returns to continue his trilogy of Resident Evil 4 Cover Versions". Just smashed through the first game in the past two days. The game is completely soulless, completely uninspired. Not one bit of it is not cribbed from another game. Audio logs ala System Shock 2? Monster closets from Doom 3? (honestly, why are they taking design cues from that). And of course, pretty much everything from Resident Evil 4.

Resident Evil 4 In Space's story is the usual filler rubbish. Unfortunately it doesn't go for RE4 approach of almost winking camp but instead it opts for overblown seriousness in a story that is clearly just a haunted house in space. Isaac Clarke is mute everyday man (who in the sequels appears to talk? I'm not sure what's worse). The audio diary backstory is boring and makes absolutely no sense ("Goodbye my wife and child, now listen to me cut off my limbs"). The end tried to sell me a twist, that was clearly evident not one minute into the game. I'm a sucker for supernatural disaster games like this that attempt to install backstory but this is so horrifically done I couldn't give a shit about the Ishimuru or it's crew. For the love of god, Resident Evil 4 managed, in a game that had me rescuing the President's Daughter, to wring more emotion and empathy through a two minute credit sequence:

So why then, did I bother to complete it? Well, the combat is just satisfying enough, the guns feel punchy, the audio and visuals are pretty stunning. The attention to detail is great even when the design isn't. I liked the weightiness of Isaac. I really liked the UI. I enjoyed that it at least maintained the survival part of survival action horror. I was going into most rooms with barely half a clip in each gun, it got quite intense. However, combat does amount to simply monster closets the entire way. Where are the set pieces? Apparently they consist of large arena battles every fifteen minutes. There's barely any variety, and it gets incredibly weary.

Should I let the game stand on its own merits? Well, no, not when it borrows so liberally from other games that it feels so rote and predictable. I could probably have more fun just replaying through RE4 but to reskin it and transplant it gives it enough reason to go through the motions again. Thus I must rate it on its own scale, the "How Competent Is It In Comparison To Resident Evil 4" scale which in conclusion, I give it two and a half Leon Kennedys out of a possible five.

I don't even understand how uninspired dreck like this got the moniker underrated (whilst other games that at least attempt something interesting get unholy shafting from the community for being "overrated", ala Bioshock). Despite all this, what is the sequel like? If the combat is in fact vastly improved in variety and includes at least one set piece I might be interested. Otherwise, I'm pulling the Gamecube out from under the bed.