ISDN and Gaming


Sep 15, 2003
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Anyone here on ISDN? If so how well does it handle playing games online?

I am getting really desperate to find something better than 56k and I need to play games online. The last time I played online was around when Tribes 2 came out. I tried CS:S but couldn't even handle the "Select Team Menu" before I got lagged like a bitch.

Plus you guys and your Battlefield 2 is really pissing me off. I want to play too gah-dammnit :frown: :sniper: :x
ISDN can get expensive as there are the same charges (ie time connected) that there are for say 56k. But in terms of quality, its quite good. Basically, its 'poor' cable over phone lines. I'd recommend ADSL or cable if you have the ability.
I tried CS:S but couldn't even handle the "Select Team Menu" before I got lagged like a bitch.
Im a 56ker seems your ISP absolutly blows.
For me I have a nice local isp, and a nice modem...I can play Cs:S...all seems real lag spikes... and I can do quite good.

I don't know much about ISDN...though Ill probably look into that myself.
Yea, when I had dial-up (a couple of months ago), I could play CSS fine with a ping of 250-400. I mean fine as in "I could at least move."
Well I live in a f***hole town so I imagine everything is shitty. I am 100% sure cabe (Adelphia) will not run line down my part of the road since the majority if not all people have Directv or other satellite services. Verizon. I don't know wtf is their deal. It's been 5+ years since they said "Should have DSL available within a year."
I know what you mean... Cable is to gay... My school has a T1...yet that line dosn't run by us...DSL is just out.... God I really wanna blow some companies up.
Just as I should of expected, ISDN isn't available where I live. The service rep did say something about them currently upgrading for DSL. But with past relations with these shmucks I take it with a grain of salt.
chu said:
Just as I should of expected, ISDN isn't available where I live. The service rep did say something about them currently upgrading for DSL. But with past relations with these shmucks I take it with a grain of salt.

sheesh, where abouts do u live? :|
no cable, no DSL...and no ISDN? wow.
i feel sorry for ya.
yeah, that blows. My town (Belmont) owns all others in that Verizon offers private fibre-optic here. Right now, I'm accessing the internet at speeds upwards of 5 megs/second. But yeah, just look into every option available.
Try see if you guys have Road Runner there. I know damn near EVERYWHERE has.
sinkoman said:
Try see if you guys have Road Runner there. I know damn near EVERYWHERE has.

See I can't get cable because the cable company hasntt run any out this way and they won't. Everyone my way has satellite tv. Only option is Direcway but that is complete shit.
Can't you get satellite broadband? Or am I just imagining things?
ISDN is good, it may not have that big of a capacity but it has low latency, you shoud absolutely avoid satelite internet, even if it is broadband, cause that has high latency, basicly isdn is good enough , but adsl and cabel are offcourse better.
Grey Fox said:
ISDN is good, it may not have that big of a capacity but it has low latency, you shoud absolutely avoid satelite internet, even if it is broadband, cause that has high latency, basicly isdn is good enough , but adsl and cabel are offcourse better.

Yea I am avoiding satellite broadband because it's expensive and you still upload at 56k rate which is shitty for gaming.
Satellite is the worst for gaming..worse than a 56k..
Lets look at this:
The waves at the speed of light have to go to the satellite above earth and back down taking about 1 - 2 seconds. It can transfer alot of information at once, but it can't transfer it quickly. You need to transfer a good amount very quickly for gaming.
If you're over 18,000 Feet away from the telephone companies central office then you're pretty much ****ed for chances of ADSL. SDSL is out of the picture as well because it requires an even shorter loop length. I used to live in the sticks and had dial up for 5 blew...i played c-d with a ping of about 250-350, i played fine but to everyone else i was all laggy and I'd always be 1 or 2 seconds behind everyone else which sucked. But I moved and I have ADSL now :D
As far as I know my CO is right around 2 miles away.
Damn, people still talk about 56k modems? It's a shame the broadband network in USA is what it is. Around here ADSL is available pretty much everywhere and it's pretty cheap too. Around $50 (45 €) for a 8mb/1mb ADSL. sorry for boasting
I've almost had ADSL for a year now. Before that I thought there was no hope for me ever getting Broadband since I live in a Village. Luckly, there was one company offereing 256/512 for £29/M (about $50). Little hefty but I didn't care. Since then it's dropped in price and there are more ISP choices.

I gave up playing games on 56K, the lag was just to annoying with the warping and all so I feel for you. :|
Its 2005 and there are areas without cable/dsl? Wtf.....I really feel bad for people who live there.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Its 2005 and there are areas without cable/dsl?

My thoughts exactly except mine involves much more profanity.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Its 2005 and there are areas without cable/dsl? Wtf.....I really feel bad for people who live there.

yeah...some areas of countries where its all rual area.. (farm land) and then u have down town cores of some cities where they have old technology but no support for any new technology...and since it would cost these cities alot of money and traffic jams to get this new technology installed in these old down town cores... i guess city municipalities(sp?) shy away from these things.

shocking? maybe...believable? yes.
how would you know canada boy? ;)

most cities over 10,000 population in the US have some sort of DSL or broadband offered.
Hazar said:
how would you know canada boy? ;)

most cities over 10,000 population in the US have some sort of DSL or broadband offered.

i knowz all :p
actually.. when i was living in down town Toronto and wanted DSL or cable, it was an explanation i was given at that mind u its been quite a while since but still.. the fact remains that some of the older neighborhoods of these older cities need to be dug up in order to install these newer techs... and we know that costs the cities money and alot of traffic jams ;)

something not everyone is open to me thinks :p
Hazar said:
how would you know canada boy? ;)

most cities over 10,000 population in the US have some sort of DSL or broadband offered.
Canadians know all, didn't you know.
I see DSL offers that are the same price or less than the cost of a dial-up isp. WTF!!! I am paying the same price for the internets that someone with a connection 10x faster than mine is.
Hazar said:
how would you know canada boy? ;)

most cities over 10,000 population in the US have some sort of DSL or broadband offered.
love your avatar, still play that game.
sry for the offtopic post.