Islam is the light!


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
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So, I was in English class, we were discussing freedom of assembly, and this girl brought up how people at the local Target are protesting dolls being sold because they say the phrase "Islam is the light!"
So during our lunch break, me and my friend drove to the Target down the street to find these babies for ourselves.

And indeed, it is true, clear as day, at least I think so. I can't figure out anything else it could be saying.

Fisher Price's Little Mommy Real Loving Baby Cuddle and Coo doll is supposed to utter only one actual word: Mama. The rest of the sounds emanating from the speakers inside the doll are just cooing and giggling sounds. Or are they? Some say they hear the words "Islam is the Light" among the baby babble are demanding the toy be removed from the shelves.

Third time he waves his arm-
Haha :laugh: you infidels... they dont only say "islam is the light"... there also ticking nerve-gas time bombs... like duh.

Hahahahahaha, doll microchip hackers strike!
Go out and buy one. There's a very good chance they might become collector's items.
20 bucks, neither me or my friend really felt like spending the money. Maybe if they go down in price.
I'd just go ahead and do it before the store has a mysterious electrical malfunction and burns to the ground.
So, I was in English class, we were discussing freedom of assembly, and this girl brought up how people at the local Target are protesting dolls being sold because they say the phrase "Islam is the light!"
So during our lunch break, me and my friend drove to the Target down the street to find these babies for ourselves.

And indeed, it is true, clear as day, at least I think so. I can't figure out anything else it could be saying.

5 second search could have saved you a trip to target

See guys? Even inanimate objects recognise the true faith of Muhammad! Praise be to Allah!
That baby was floating in a mysterious black void!
During the third wave I was like "These guys are crazy, its just babbl-OH GOD IT ACTUALLY SAID IT!"

Creepy indeed.
The 2006 talking book Potty Time with Elmo had some folks hearing its "Uh-oh! Who has to go?" phrase as "Uh-oh! Who wants to die?" — a negative toilet-training message if there ever was one.

In 1982 similar problems plagued "Baby Darling," a doll manufactured in Hong Kong. American consumers mistook its Spanish "Quiero a mami" (meaning "I want mommy" or "I love mommy") as "Kill mommy."
****in lol'd.
Suck my penis. I already did the research.

It was next the mall where we went to go on our lunch break and get Far Cry 2, anyways, we wanted to see it for ourselves, who wouldn't? You, because you're too old to go out, it would hurt your backkk, right old faggit?

You're a sensitive little guy, aren't you?
He's not worse than me; they would have been death threats.

lol j/k j/k..
That could be somebody in the production plant doing silly things. We don't use the messaging features of our older progressive display modules, but we purge them nonetheless before they go on the floor, because this happened at another casino (I think it said 'Mikohn sucks' or some similar inane message). Urban legend has it that it was from a disgruntled employee.
if you listen to it backwards, its actually singing the ethiopian national anthem


I ****ing hate dolls.