Isn't this just so beautiful?


May 19, 2003
Reaction score

Looking forward to some bigger maps with different gameplay types. Can't wait to see what valve has to offer.
tokin said:

Looking forward to some bigger maps with different gameplay types. Can't wait to see what valve has to offer.

When I saw the image I LedMAO because a bomb is planted and your looking off into the distance, buutttt yeah it does look very nice.
that pic was taken a while ago, ive turned aa to 4 and af to 8, still get good fps too :)
Not something a modified Quake 3 engine cant do.
um , thats a 3d skybox and its not really "in" the map. Its a clever trick valve did to give the illusion of much bigger environments. Those hills are actaully only 1/8th the size they appear. As a mapper its one of the coolest aspects of the source engine. :)

You wont be able to build maps as big as that looks sorry.,
Woggy said:
Not something a modified Quake 3 engine cant do.

Maybe thats true but once ValvE release more maps... Which im sure they will :angel: Then they will improve the older maps and textures.

Remember the CS:S wasn't originally going to be released before HL2 was actually out, so maybe they rushed some of the maps... so the textures might not be upto scratch.

And the water effects OWN :naughty: :smoking:
you can build maps that big but good luck trying to get good performance. yes its the 3d skybox which is why there's always a strange looking "mini version of the map" in each map tucked away somewhere. i'm no fan of cheap tricks personally, unless its a retro 80s band.
Wesisapie said:
i'm no fan of cheap tricks personally, unless its a retro 80s band.

Heh well said :smoking: Although aslong as these "cheap tricks" save us a a few FPS, im happy! :p
source maps can be freekin huge, as in, with 1 light source they can take 3 mintues to run the vrad, just because they are that big. THe only reason that the maps are limited in size is becuase they requrie a crap load of ram for textures, which many people dont have.
ukfluke said:
so in reality the maps cant be freekin huge?

They can be... but its very unlikely many will be. And even more unlikely they will look any good...

Its not the engines fault btw... its just that people dont have good enough hardware to cope with it all just yet.

Just imagine that in another 5 years time modders will still be using this engine. Thats when you will see some incredible stuff...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
They can be... but its very unlikely many will be. And even more unlikely they will look any good...

Its not the engines fault btw... its just that people dont have good enough hardware to cope with it all just yet.

Just imagine that in another 5 years time modders will still be using this engine. Thats when you will see some incredible stuff...

Sorry, but that's totally wrong. The US PCgamer review clearly states that there are HUGE outdoor environments.

de_piransi is hardly what i would refer to as "HUGE"
No CS map is huge, they're hardly even large. I'm looking forward to seeing what it would be like running about 32 players on a humongous map.
the huge outdoor maps in hl2 are the coast levels, theyre big but are very empty and use lower res textures. The maps ull see for cs:s wont be that big sorry
None of the HL2 SP maps are as big as they look. Take Docks for example. You stand on the pier and look out at the water. It seems to go on forever and that the map is incredibly huge. Up on the hill you see rows and rows of trees with small hills produding in the distance. But it's all an optical illusion. A very well concieved one at that. If you were to jump out in the water and head towards the vast nothingness in Docks, you'd hit an invisibile wall almost immediately. It's all in how you use the 3d skyboxes and align the proper textures beneath it, at the horizon.
Dirk Pitt said:
Sorry, but that's totally wrong. The US PCgamer review clearly states that there are HUGE outdoor environments.

de_piransi is hardly what i would refer to as "HUGE"

I am talking Really huge in that quote :)

Don't worry, Ive seen all the comparision shots from ages ago. I know the dimensions it can do and everything.

Its just I doubt many maps will be that big with the same amount of detail thats all. :thumbs:
^^ That sucks WTF! Valve better be able to make some big ass maps, i dont believe this, if they lied about this, that will just make them look even worse considering they are the best game company, so i guess that won't do much huh
tokin said:
^^ That sucks WTF! Valve better be able to make some big ass maps, i dont believe this, if they lied about this, that will just make them look even worse considering they are the best game company, so i guess that won't do much huh

.... They can be absolutely huge. And I am sure some will be.

Just don't expect miricles thats all.....