Isometric Bugbait - FINISHED

pr1est said:
Tell us if he PMs you back!! :D
Heh, yeah, we talked a bit...

I lost all interest when he said "we have to draw a cell and label the parts..."


I had to make a MODEL of a cell.. And label all the parts..

So, yeah, he's on his own... (We are cool, he didn't get mad or anything) He has probably turned it in by now.. I wonder what grade he got. :p

Oh and BTW, I am gonna start on Failed Weapon Designs 2! :D

FWD 1:
Wow! I though resizing images in MsPaint made me a pro. I just realised I'm a newbie :P
Very nice Veg, I look forward to seeing more of your work as well :)
Ha your flash skills are awesome. That weapon was cool aswell, you could mod it!
BrimStone04 said:
I am very impressed, good job man, lets see some more after release :)
Heh, I could map out the entire game in that Isometric style!

Oooh! And I could easily get the proportions perfect by using the Overview console command, taking a screeny, then rotating and squeezing it 2x!

That is, if I can stop myself from playing.. Must.. Play NOW!!!
ArKTisK said:
all he did was take a screenshot and drew over it lol
A screenshot of what?

(You realise this was finished a month before HL2 was even out)

And even if I DID trace it, it still would be a tedius task to do all in MS Paint. Almost redundant, sinse there is no layers feature.

Thanks again everybody. :)
vegeta897 said:
A screenshot of what?

(You realise this was finished a month before HL2 was even out)

And even if I DID trace it, it still would be a tedius task to do all in MS Paint. Almost redundant, sinse there is no layers feature.

Thanks again everybody. :)

Right on! Nice work again Vegeta! Can't remember if i actually said i was soo impressed the first time round lol! :)
If I were to make an isometric Half-Life.. It would have to be strategy.. Turn based... Fast paced is too hard to control iso characters with.

Hmm.. Strategy HL2... Could be interesting.. Too bad I know absolutely nothing about coding.. Well, I can make some stuff in Game Maker, and I know Visual Basic.. But no C++ what-so-ever. :o

Iso Gordon? I could try that... (Do the combine soldiers in my drawing look ok?)

The turrets were the hardest things to draw.. (Only so many pixels, and the restricted view angle...) And so was the Antlion Guard, because I had so little media to work with...
Ill say it again amazing work. Very nice.
reminds me of Syndicate for teh Pc by Bullfrog (old game). awesome ;D
CREMATOR666 said:
Boy, we dug up another thread, is the people that bored? :P
Good point, and Vegeta hates people digging up old threads. Perhaps I should close it? :)
If you want to vegeta, if you could cut the iso back up and send me the individual bits and pieces, I could make a little 2d rts out of it with directx. Sortof like red alert 1 but with little combine and rebels and antlions in bugbait-esque areas.
Dont close it, we need to pester Vegeta for more iso-drawings and FWD2, I just watched the first one, it was so funny