Right, and I'm unsure as to how anyone accused your post of being off-topic. I said that us discussing our own countries would be off-topic.

Quite apart from making the unjustified (stupid) assumption that we are "unwilling to apply" our ethics to our own countries (many of us are, when that's relevant), you also made the following points:

  • none of us know anything about Israel or Palestine at all, and cannot know (implied: we are not allowed to have opinions at all)
  • the level of 'care' necessary to have an opinion is also the level of 'care' that obligates one to intervene materially
  • argument and blame are irrelevant anyway; history is conquered by the strong
  • (implied) any criticism is invalid in its substance if it comes from someone who does not hold their own country to the same standard

I don't think these are very smart points to make.

Also, your post was 'inflammatory' because you swore at people and called them names.
You may not consider them smart points to make, but isn't that just your opinion here?

That sounds a little like you are belittling my opinion, which is exactly what you are accusing me of doing to others. Do you see my point yet? You have, by accident (or on purpose?) proven my point exactly. A lot of people of different nationalities are accusing one country of "evil" acts that they themselves have partaken in during their history.

And please, you'll have to excuse me but my "attack" was meant towards people who were calling Israel some kind of demon for providing aid to Haiti, and then bringing Palestine into it like it had something to do with it. If you felt personally insulted, then I apologize, but that is no reason to label me as "stupid" (which is a personal attack). I don't see why you feel attacked if your view does not hold to that, or why, instead of asking for further clarification if that was the case, you decided to jump to conclusions about me.

Perhaps I will hold off on inviting my significant other to come here. I wouldn't want staff calling her names for disagreeing with them.
I wanted to, but yours takes up so much space that I didn't know where to fit mine

what takes up so much space? your dick in your mom or absinthe's dick? I'm so confused
You may not consider them smart points to make, but isn't that just your opinion here?

That sounds a little like

It might be his opinion, but because he provided good reasoning to back his opinion (all of which you ignored) his opinion is very solid.

To say that we don't have a right to talk about Israel because we don't live in Israel is absolutely ****ing stupid. I don't mean any offense by that, but it's a fact.