It always starts the same way.


Aug 20, 2003
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It always starts the same way. I am in the garden airing my terrapin Jetta when he walks past my gate, that mysterious man in black.

'Hello Roy,' I say. 'What are you doing in Dusseldorf?'

'Attending to certain matters,' he replies.

'Ah,' I say.

He apprises Jetta's lines with a keen eye. 'That is a well-groomed terrapin,' he says.

'Her name is Jetta.' I say. 'Perhaps you would like to come inside?'

'Very well.' He says.

Roy Orbison walks inside my house and sits down on my couch. We talk urbanely of various issues of the day. Presently I say, 'Perhaps you would like to see my cling-film?'

'By all means.' I cannot see his eyes through his trademark dark glasses and I have no idea if he is merely being polite or if he genuinely has an interest in cling-film.

I bring it from the kitchen, all the rolls of it. 'I have a surprising amount of clingfilm,' I say with a nervous laugh. Roy merely nods.

'I estimate I must have nearly a kilometre in the kitchen alone.'

'As much as that?' He says in surprise. 'So.'

'Mind you, people do not realize how much is on each roll. I bet that with a single roll alone I could wrap you up entirely.'

Roy Orbison sits impassively like a monochrome Buddha. My palms are sweaty.

'I will take that bet,' says Roy. 'If you succeed I will give you tickets to my new concert. If you fail I will take Jetta, as a lesson to you not to speak boastfully.'

I nod. 'So then. If you will please to stand.'

Roy stands. 'Commence.'

I start at the ankles and work up. I am like a spider binding him in my gossamer web. I do it tight with several layers. Soon Roy Orbison stands before me, completely wrapped in cling-film. The pleasure is unexampled.

'You are completely wrapped in cling-film,' I say.

'You win the bet,' says Roy, muffled. 'Now unwrap me.'

'Not for several hours.'


I sit and admire my handiwork for a long time. So as not to make the ordeal unpleasant for him we make small talk on topical subjects, Roy somewhat muffled. At some point I must leave him to attend to Jetta's needs. When I return I find he has hopped out of my house, still wrapped in cling-film. The loss leaves me broken and pitiful. He never calls me. He sends no tickets. The police come and reprimand me. Jetta is taken away, although I get her back after a complicated legal process.

There is only one thing that can console me. A certain dream, a certain vision...

It always starts the same way.


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A very strange act Shuzer... Although clever.

However you won't get away with this...

When the time comes you will realize you mistake.
Mr. Shuzer, do you remember me? We need to talk.
Bad^Hat said:
Oh yeah, what the hell is a Jetta?
jetta = a type of volkswagon, goes by a different name outside the US. i think. :monkee:
I am speechless...Has shuzer go the way of Mr.Reak?
This is why you don't post 7,930 times on On the 7,929th post he must of snapped. Poor shuz3r
YOu shoulda gotten a pic of him wrapped in cling wrap
It begins innocently enough in the pet-shop. I am seeking worms for Jetta.

'Hello there,' says a vaulting tenor voice behind me. 'We meet again.'

I turn and take in the black clothes and trademark dark glasses. I bow and smile. 'Mr. Roy Orbison, I presume. What brings you to our little emporium?'

'I was passing through town on my way to a rock star conference in Essen when I decided to get some de-worming powder for my dog.'

'Ah! How ironic! Your dog has worms and my Jetta eats worms.' I decide to risk a little joke. 'Perhaps we should bring the two of them together!'

But Roy does not laugh. The eyes behind the dark shades express no mirth. 'What? What are you saying? Are you saying your terrapin should eat worms out of my dog's ass?' he snarls.

It is all going wrong. My palms sweat. I wish to die. I try to wake up.

I blush and mumble apologies. Fortunately just then a distraction arrives.

Two criminals burst in waving shotguns.

'This is a robbery!' they yell. 'You two are hostages.'

'Make them tie each other up,' says the lead robber.

'Ach! I have forgotten the rope,' says his cohort.

'I happen to have a roll of cling-film with me,' I offer diffidently. 'Perhaps that would serve?'

'It will have to. Wrap that man in black in cling-film at once or it will go badly with you.'

'Very well.' Trembling, I take out the cling-film. 'I am sorry Roy, it looks like I have no choice.'

'Do what you have to.'

I start at the feet and work my way up. I wrap him as tenderly as a mother swaddling an infant. I marvel at the play of light on the miraculous translucence. Soon, Roy Orbison is entirely wrapped in cling-film. I thank God that I was born to live this minute.

'He is completely wrapped up in cling-film,' I report.

'Good,' says the bandit. 'Now I want you to wrap the clingfilm around the two of you so that you are wrapped up with him.'

My mouth dry, I stand pressed against Roy, who is wrapped completely in clingfilm. Awkwardly, I pass the film around both of our waists several times, until we are bound together by the miracle substance. My synapses overload with joy.

'We are both wrapped in clingfilm,' I tell the robbers. 'I am not completely wrapped, however, but is there more clingfilm in my briefcase if you would care to finish the job.'

'No, that will do.'

It certainly will!

It is an hour or more before the police come to release us.

'Well,' I say to Roy Orbison, 'it was nice to meet you again.'

'I'm not a philosophical man,' says Roy thoughtfully, 'but it seems like we are bound together in some way.'

'Yes - by cling-film!' I say.

This time Roy does laugh.
A large Winnebago has pulled to the side of the road ahead. An anxious-looking man flags me down.

'This could be trouble,' I say to Jetta. 'It is certainly irregular.' Jetta says nothing. Little do I know what is in store.

'Can you help me,' says the man. 'I am Roy Orbison's tour manager.'

'Also?' I say in polite surprise. I have already read the legend 'Roy Orbison tour bus' on the side of the vehicle.

I get out of the car. 'What seems to be the problem?'

He leads me to the back of the van. 'Roy has succumbed to a heart attack and is clinically dead,' he explains, indicating a certain well-known man in black sprawled on the floor of the vehicle.

'So,' I say.

'Are you perchance a doctor?'

'No. I studied at a catering college for some years but was forced to leave for reasons I prefer not to disclose.'

'Ach! Then I am at a loss what to do.'

'There is one thing we might try,' I say with elaborate nonchalance. 'If we were to wrap him in cling-film, this would prevent corruption setting in until we can get him to a hospital.'

'It is certainly worth a try. But I have no cling-film.'

'Fortunately I have several rolls in the car.' I go to the car and retrieve it. The tour manager looks anxiously over my shoulder as I set to work. 'I must work undisturbed,' I tell him. He nods and gives me privacy.

Now it is just me and Roy Orbison and the cling-film. I start from the ankles and work up to the trademark dark glasses, wrapping slowly and carefully. Soon Roy Orbison is completely wrapped in cling-film. He is like a big black beetle wrapped in a silvery cocoon. The satisfaction is unparalleled by anything in my previous existence.

'He is completely wrapped in cling-film,' I call to the manager. 'I will accompany him as you drive to the hospital.'

Four hours later Roy Orbison sits up in bed in hospital and smiles at me.

'I hear I owe you my life,' he says. 'Please accept these concert tickets.'

I bow politely. 'There is something you perhaps should know. While you were in a coma I was forced to wrap you entirely in cling-film.'

'Quick thinking,' says Roy.

'You did not mind?'

Roy's expression is unreadable. 'I wasn't aware of it.' But was there the slightest twinkle behind those dark glasses?

Of course, I reflect as I return to the patient Jetta, there can be no question of him enjoying it, for he was dead at the time.

Or was he...???
I looked down on Orbison as he stepped back up. He was a free man now.
Does anyone know were the "i found a camera" thread has gone?
Could someone please explain what this is about? Something English? American? Martian?

I r confused :(
Bah, and so the mystery of how Shuzer got so many posts all of a sudden becomes clear

Knock it off or you'll be Mr zero in the time it takes one of us to go complain to an admin :p
it seems to be a story writting exercise for school/college or something - we had similar things to do, the lenghts some tutors will go to stop plagerism !! i guess the remit must be - A story about a chance encounter with Roy Orbinson including a Jetta, wrapping in clingfilm and the police?!
The Dark Elf said:
Bah, and so the mystery of how Shuzer got so many posts all of a sudden becomes clear

Knock it off or you'll be Mr zero in the time it takes one of us to go complain to an admin :p

What exactly is your problem? This was hardly spam, I made one post, just to see what people would say. I didn't even write that story, go google "Roy Orbison" and click the second link.

BTW, Jetta is a TURTLE. It's the name of the turtle.
sorry for double post, but the googleads on this page are hilarious! :D
you broke it shuzeh ;)
cheers :cheers: to you shuzey for being such a dumb*** i dont get you
theres an edit button, mate, use it...

edit: ironic, yes, for me saying this after double posting. but I wasn't doing such to correct a typo. so nyah.
Jackal hit said:
jetta = a type of volkswagon, goes by a different name outside the US. i think. :monkee:
No. We have Jetta's here in America. They're supposed to be a lot of fun to drive.