IT Destruction!


Jul 2, 2004
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Today I smashed a server.
I dropped it out a 5th floor window into an empty carpark. :D

Smashing computer/electrical equipment is great fun.. little bits of case/wires/diodes fly everywhere, and afterwards, you can go and kick the wreckage.

What computer/electrical stuff have YOU people smashed?
I like this format:

Object: Ancient IBM Server
Accident? (Excuse used): No. (Hey, Can I drop this out the window?)
Assistants: IT slave kid, cleaner. (He just watched, I didn't make him clean it up)
Value (at smashing): ~$10
Value (new): ~$6000
Method of destruction: Dropped from window, then jumped on a bit.

A good bit was when a cleaner turned up.. an old chinese guy with a deep voice (I think he was called "Chan")
Chan: Hey that a big mess
Me: Yeah... I dropped it out the window up there
Chan: You drop it out the window?!
Me: Yeah
Chan: [Looks up at window again]
Me: It was broken anyway
Chan: [Big laugh, realises I did it on purpose] Ha ha. Looks like fun, I want to see next time ok!?
I, along with some schoolmates, once made a small video of a G.I. Joe action figure pushing an old Mac up three flights of stairs (this is in school now), to the roof, and over the edge down into the parking lot below. The same fringe group responsible for that was later disbanded after accidentally launching a rocket from the football fields into the third floor classroom of a very grumpy chemistry teacher.
Sledge Hammer + Guitar + Multiple ruined computers with parts = FUN!

Let me tell you, after a good 3 hours of trying to install Windows, and it never working cause the HDD fails every time, you decide...I want to find ANYTHING to destory this I grabbed the electrical guitar and sledge hammer, and went to town. I think you could vaguely tell what it used to be afterwards...
Object: Old Laptop
Accident?:Not really
Value (at smashing):Worthless
Value (new): (I have no idea)
Method of destruction:Bare hands.

Object:Sister's Stereo
Value (at smashing):$30
Value (new):$70
Method of destruction:Fists of furry.

Object: Old (really, really old) Radio
Value (at smashing):Nothing, unless it was considered an antique.
Value (new): (I have no idea)
Method of destruction:Fell apart in my hands.

And last, but not least:

Value (at smashing): (?)
Value (new): (?)
Method of destruction:First split pop on it, then spilt pop on it again (my sister).Then left it outside... and it snowed! Then we tried to get it working again, but without any luck. My dad bought another NES and we put the old one in a freezer, where it was forgoten for some time untill we found it again and threw it out.
Object: Old (Not exactly ancient) computer
Accident? (Excuse used): I didnt know what this switch did, so I pushed it out of curiosity? :eek:
Assistants: No-one.
Value (at smashing): Hard to say.
Value (new): You mean when we bought it or what? Not a clue.
Method of destruction: Flicked this red switch on the back of the computer, bit of a bang, flash of blue then smoke started coming out of it. Couldn't hide the smell of smoke and my dad found out a while afterwards. :eek:
Twas useless anyway.
Object: IT manager
Accident?: Hell no
Assistants: None
Value (at smashing): See Organ Sale market
Value (new): Worthless
Method of destruction: multiple stab wounds, shallow grave
SimonomiS said:
Method of destruction: Flicked this red switch on the back of the computer, bit of a bang, flash of blue then smoke started coming out of it. Couldn't hide the smell of smoke and my dad found out a while afterwards. :eek:
Twas useless anyway.

Ahh.. The good old voltage selector! they were on PSU's before they put a little thingy inside to automatically select the right setting. Putting it on the wrong one causes the PSU to blow-up/burn.

My old school coated them all with PVA glue to stop people touching them after an incident where a dumber student was convinced that it was a "secret turbo button"
Pi Mu Rho said:
Object: IT manager
Accident?: Hell no
Assistants: None
Value (at smashing): See Organ Sale market
Value (new): Worthless
Method of destruction: multiple stab wounds, shallow grave

Did it have anything to do with your super secret game project thing? ;)
I didnt think it was a secret turbo button but I was curious anyway. :eek: What can I say, I was young.
Bit spammy today, school IT lesson and teacher isnt in. :D
Well it's not exactly IT but I threw a TV down the stairs when I was 5 years old or something. :eek:
Object: Game CD
Accident?: YES
Assistants: Dog
Value (at smashing): 10,000 won ($10)
Value (new): 40,000 won
Method of destruction: dog bites, stove
Object: Old Monitor
Accident?: no....
Assistants: Younger Brother
Value (at smashing): No idea. maybe $40
Value (new): $120
Method of destruction: Gravity.
The Dark Elf said:
hmm I just blew up one of my PC's by accident does that count?

what? didd you plkug the pc into a 220 and not a 110?
15357 said:
what? didd you plkug the pc into a 220 and not a 110?
Naa, trying to get a UPS working. I shoulda taken my chances with the electrical storm instead.
The Dark Elf said:
Naa, trying to get a UPS working. I shoulda taken my chances with the electrical storm instead.

i'm sorry but whats a UPS?
15357 said:
i'm sorry but whats a UPS?

Uninterruptable Power Supply -basically, a backup power source for computer systems if theres a power outage, and protection againsts spikes/sags/surges
bliink said:
Uninterruptable Power Supply -basically, a backup power source for computer systems if theres a power outage, and protection againsts spikes/sags/surges


thanks a lot.

Q: how long can it last if the power goes out? (for a desktop pc)
15357 said:

thanks a lot.

Q: how long can it last if the power goes out? (for a desktop pc)

Depends on what type you get... there are 1000's.

Some give 1 PC 10 minutes, some give 100 servers 10 hours.
bliink said:
Depends on what type you get... there are 1000's.

Some give 1 PC 10 minutes, some give 100 servers 10 hours.
Yeah, but the 10 hrs are t he ungodly expensive D: I gu ess it's worth it for a business to NOT lose thousands of dollars D:
bliink said:
Depends on what type you get... there are 1000's.

Some give 1 PC 10 minutes, some give 100 servers 10 hours.
This one was for 15 minutes, but didn't even manage that, soon as it switched to battery mode the problems started. So yeah, chalk up 1 fried PC, 1 fried monitor and loss of data... however its got a warrenty for £20,000 damages. So sorting that out now. Should be fine for around £10k with luck.. Which should buy me a new renderfarm *dances* and maybe a UPS that WORKS!

Still gonna take the ****er back though, its just sat there looking at me all smug like :p
Object: Crappy old Compaq Server
Accident?: no....
Assistants: Friend
Value (at smashing): nothing
Value (new): £4000
Method of destruction: crusher

Object: BBC (oh yes, the kind you used to have in school)
Accident?: no....
Assistants: no
Value (at smashing): -£500
Value (new): to crap to value
Method of destruction: 12 bore shotgun

Objects: About 50 600mhz shite pcs, 20 printers, and other crap
Accident: no
Assitants: friend
Value (at smashing): In total about £400
Value (new): $5000
Method of destruction: we had to put them in ONE garage, so we just threw them in.
Object: Robot
Value (at smashing): $1000000000000000
Value(new): $10000000000000000000000000
Assistent: No one
Method: Eat it.
Object: Old ISA Soundblaster card.
Accident: Officially yes... ("We were just looking at this soundcard when all of a sudden this golfball came flying out of nowhere, and I had to defend myself...")
Assistants: 5 occupants in a cramped room.
Value (New/Old): $100/$1
Method: Very long soundcard + golfball + 6 guys in a small cramped room (let's play baseball!)
Object: Tin can (massive tin can, 2 ft tall by about a foot in diameter)
Accident? (Excuse used): Got bored, had nothing to do
Assistants: Foxtrot
Value (at smashing): Uhhh, $5?
Value (new): Where the hell do you buy tin cans?
Method of destruction: Louiseville Slugger against cold concrete garage floor
Object: Old ISA computer monitor
Assistants: "the gang" at my school - really just a mob of geeks, but the toughs left us alone for some reason
Value(Old): ~$100
Value(New): ~$100
Method: High-differential kinetic displacement (Threw it at the ground a lot)

Object: CD-ROM drive, back when CD's were awesome and new
Accident: no
Assistants: Screwdriver, parents for booting me off the computer
value(old) == value(new) = a lot
Method: entranced by pretty colors on circuit board, began taking it apart - couldn't get it back together. Kinda anti-climactic I guess. Oh yeah, then I lit it on fire with kerosene. There ya go.

Object: Old, school computer POS
Accident: that's what we...yes.
Assistants: parents, proper people in school's IT department
value: you don't care dammit.
method: It was a shooting weekend, and we wanted targets that might do cool stuff when they were shot - bam, here comes the craputer. Actually, crack here comes the bullet at the craputer, over and over. Pretty cool to watch, even cooler to do.
Object: Cheap generic SocketA motherboard and AthlonXP2600
Accident? No. We just wanted to see watercooling in action using a hose pipe aimed at the CPU (no cooler)
Assistants: My mate (he supplied the technology, i'm not that stupid)
Value (new): ~£300
Method of destruction: Took motherboard, CPU, RAM and PSU out into the garden, plugged it in to an extension cable and boted it up. Used a hose pipe pointed at the CPU to act as cooling. Machine suffered severe water damage after an amazing display of steaming and crackling.

Object: about 30 generic 386s and 486s
Accident? (Excuse used): No. The school had upgraded and so we were given orders to throw them all in the skip.
Assistants: My mate
Value (new): ~£1000 each or there abouts
Method of destruction: Drops from great heights, shot-putting into the skip, physical attacks using primative weapons such as hammers and feet.

Object: A brand new (at the time) library computer at my school
Accident? Yes, it was an accident... sort of.
Assistants: My mate saw me do it and laughed - the librarian wasn't far away but didn't see, thank god.
Value (new): ~£1000
Method of destruction: It messed me about, so I kicked the box. Nothing serious, just a frustrated knock. Blue screen of death came up so I rebooted - and it locked up on the reboot. Me and my mate made a quick exit and the next day the PC had been carried away. Oops.

Object: 486 SX25
Accident? (Excuse used): No. It was my old PC and at the time I didn't want it, although now im nostalgic and wish i'd kept it.
Assistants: Nobody.
Value (new): ~£1000
Method of destruction: Barbecue lighter fluid & fire.

Destroying machines is great stress relief, specially if they aren't your own.
We trew some school computers into a container and pulled out all shit without unscrewing the screws
bliink said:
Uninterruptable Power Supply -basically, a backup power source for computer systems if theres a power outage, and protection againsts spikes/sags/surges

Doesnt that need to be: Universal Power Supply (or is that the same)
No-live 2 said:
Doesnt that need to be: Universal Power Supply (or is that the same)

it is the uninturuptable thingy.

it says so on my textbook
I just put all my dodgy or broken or old stuff in the attic and let it collect dust, i don't see the whole point of destroying computers, even if they are broken.

Oh and Pi Mu Rho, you're a bad, bad man.
Object: Keyboard
Accident? Nope
Assistants: None
Value (at smashing): ~$0
Value (new): ~$30
Method of destruction: Keyboard + hammer = many pieces

No accidents. Droped an old two colour monitor down into a dump, the dump being at the bottom of a 70 foot ravine.

Other than that a few friends from my comp sci class broke open old hard drives and started throwing the disks at each other.

Also used to have fun with the same group of friends in the same class making resistors and capacitors explode by sticking them into electrical sockets. Those smell really bad.
Object: 1 20gb hard drive
Accident? (Excuse used): No. I got told to get one of the guys in the workshop to drive a stone chisel through it. Apparently to stop anyone pinching it and recovering data, including a semi-decent mp3 collection and other random data that nobody could do anything with.
Assistants: 2 worried onlookers who gave me funny looks until i quit.
Value (new): ~£20
Method of destruction: Head workshop guy declined the chisel offer and gave me a small hammer, so i took it out to the yard and killed it, killed it dead! Waste of time but at least i got some fresh air, our server room lacked air conditioning.
Onions said:
Object: 1 20gb hard drive
Accident? (Excuse used): No. I got told to get one of the guys in the workshop to drive a stone chisel through it. Apparently to stop anyone pinching it and recovering data, including a semi-decent mp3 collection and other random data that nobody could do anything with.
Assistants: 2 worried onlookers who gave me funny looks until i quit.
Value (new): ~£20
Method of destruction: Head workshop guy declined the chisel offer and gave me a small hammer, so i took it out to the yard and killed it, killed it dead! Waste of time but at least i got some fresh air, our server room lacked air conditioning.

Thats one expensive HDD
20 pounds for a 20 gig hdd, thats bollocks
this thread seems like a good place to ask this,,,,i have got a realyl old computer...give me some suggestions on how i should get rid of it! thanks
don_johnson said:
this thread seems like a good place to ask this,,,,i have got a realyl old computer...give me some suggestions on how i should get rid of it! thanks
Make a molotov cocktail and stick it inside the computer with a much longer fuse than normal. Then stand back, light it, and watch the fireworks.

Or load it up with fireworks and light them at night.
don_johnson said:
this thread seems like a good place to ask this,,,,i have got a realyl old computer...give me some suggestions on how i should get rid of it! thanks
Take the cover off, sprinkle barbecue-lighter fluid inside it (generously), then put the cover back on ... shove a lit match in through the PCI-gaps in the back, then stand back and watch.
My friend's mother is old, ultra religious and a bit of an alcoholic. My friend and I were watching tv at his house years ago. His mom asked him to do something and he either ignored or refused her, I can't remember.

She freaked out, screamed at the top of her lungs that the devil inhabited the television, ripped it from the wall and threw it down the basement steps (vcr still attached). She then prayed for hours. Now, having no religious background myself, I couldn't contain the amusement I found in this situation and ended up getting kicked for life from ever visting his house again.

object: TV
accident: absolutely not
assistants: the devil
value after smash: priceless
value before smash: several hundred dollars for the tv and maybe one hundred for the vcr
method of destruction: excorcism