It doesn't seem like five years ago.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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It's crazy to think that 9/11 was five years ago, 2001. This isn't a thread really devoted to that so much as it is one devoted to the crazy reality of how fast time has passed.

At least, time has flown for me. Seems like a couple years ago at most. Five years? That's 1/4th of my life ago! It just seems surreal... the older I get, the faster time seems to pass me by.

Years seem like months, months seem like a week, weeks seem like only a couple days. Days... hell, I wake up and it seems like i'm going to bed almost instantly. Sometimes that is the case when I get my schedule all fubared... hehe.

Anybody else feel their life slipping by at an alarming rate?

EDIT: On another note, but semi related... I have broadband again! I was away for a week... more like 9 days. It seemed like a month! I think the key to slowing down time, is locked away within the mysterious 56k modems. When you're using them... everything is always slower ;)

Just implant a couple of those babies in you, and you'll live forever. At least, it'll seem like it.
well i think it doesnt seem 5 years ago because its still such a big event thats talked about regularly enough. i look back and realize i was in like 11th grade when it happened and that seems pretty long ago.

but i agree time flies and yet other events dont seem to slip away at all and they seem like yesturday.
I was in 7th grade when it happened. I was in science class and my classmates and I pretty much had no idea what to think.
Well, I know I'll sound crazy.. buuut.. It feels like less time has passed, because it's in the best interest of those in power to keep reminding us of how much danger we are all apparently in all the time.

Otherwise, how else could they keep getting us to elect them? they're "keeping us safe" aren't they... with all their new laws and wiretapping?
Time flies when you're having fun eh?
I was in high school back than, I remember going to school and playing some handball as per usual before school started and a couple of kids started talking about it and someone mentioned USA had already attacked but the attack in question was some cruise missile related to something else.

Than I forgot about it, thank goodness it isn't plastered everywhere.
I was in my world history class, and my teacher was running late.

She comes running into the classroom in tears, she turns on the TV... and we all just watched it, having no idea what to think. :|
It was a bit of a shocker... watching the planes slam into the towers.
5 years ago and now its hyping in Holland because there's a political group that pushes on investigating if the US government blabla "they watched too much loose change" crap (they even use Loose Change as their forman).
Funny thing is, yesterday the technical universities, demolision construction companies and flight industries in Holland looked into their claims (documentary), and all their arguments (those of "loose change") faded to dust (including wtc collapse, airliner crash 93 and pentagon attack).
Only 2 remained: how come soo many ppl sold their airline stock so close to 9/11...
And that Building 7 thing was weird, according to an architect the foundation collapsed due to regional stress coming from the WTC, but this still is pretty vague.
At tops the conspiracy crap could aim the US government knew the attacks were coming and decided not to act.
But who knows, even that seems a bit unrealistic.
Its more likely several (including corrupt officials) perhaps, ppl tied to the terrorist groups decided to make a little cash off it.

Ah well who knows, it is funny its hyping here in Holland atm. Mainly because we're sending another shipment of soldiers to dangerous parts in Afghanistan.

It doesnt feel like 5 years ago imo, time flies :S
it does seem'll be even weirder when we're all 40 years old and have 100,000 posts on this forum and we spend our time sharing baby pictures all day.
And Cpt.Stern will go senile and start ranting about how much Bush rules.
Sounds like an alternate reality to me.

Maybe time was passing really quickly for you guys. I'm 15, it still feels like molasses moving uphill in January... on crutches... to me.
Sounds like an alternate reality to me.

Maybe time was passing really quickly for you guys. I'm 15, it still feels like molasses moving uphill in January... on crutches... to me.

hah. you said mole asses.
ah to be 15 again.
Ome_Vince: why are is Holland in afghanistan anyways? you're not part of NATO or IASF (International Security Assistance Force). What is the official justification?

9/11 seems like a long time ago. 5 years and still not a shred of progress in bringing those responsible to justice the meantime the US has used 9/11 as a pretext for unjustly invading iraq, ensuring that there will be further 9/11 style attacks on US soil in retaliation
I was at home playing GTA 2 with a friend, when my mom called and said that two planed had crashed into WTF (we had been in one of the towers just a couple of years before, so it felt odd). I turned the TV on just in time to see the second tower crash down.
Yes, it was 5 years ago. Yet people are still freaking out. "OHHH It's the 2nd ani of 9/11...."
"Ohh its the 3rd ani.."
Ohh the 4th
The 5th!!!

Then the media makes lots of money profiting off it, and yay, another year passes. *sigh* Market schemes ftw. And hell, now that it's this day, we can't even have matches in our checked luggage. What, are we going to hide a robot in the bag to light the TNT we have stored in there?
Hell, I was in school when it happened...really, this may sound cold hearted and assholish, but I really didn't care. Then again, I'm one those people who think the government was part...but then again, I'm on unencrypted internet...DOH i'm busted.
Meh... remember this thread isn't so much about 9/11 as it is the rapid passage of time.
Ome_Vince: why are is Holland in afghanistan anyways? you're not part of NATO or IASF (International Security Assistance Force). What is the official justification?

Heh? you must have mistaken Holland with some other nation: Holland is part of NATO
We also are part of IASF

Anyways, the main reason for going to war wherever Mr Bush wants us, is because the USA is seen as our main ally, and we have a weak-minded Prime Minister.
70% of the Dutch were against going into Iraq, but we did, and our PM denied it until the US listed us as official allies in Iraq.
Heh? you must have mistaken Holland with some other nation: Holland is part of NATO
We also are part of IASF

sorry my mistake, I was going on memory

Anyways, the main reason for going to war wherever Mr Bush wants us, is because the USA is seen as our main ally, and we have a weak-minded Prime Minister.
70% of the Dutch were against going into Iraq, but we did, and our PM denied it until the US listed us as official allies in Iraq.

but they must have said something to justify it
We're co-founders of NATO :)

but they must have said something to justify it

The usual "terrorism threat" bullshit. What else?
ya well you cant be all that important if Stern cant remember if you are or not ;)

I'm kidding guys
I'd say the five years have gone pretty fast, too. When that happened, I was in Middle School, and I remember going to my old First School where my mum works to get a lift home and she told me. In all fairness, I was all like ''The Twin what?'' I had no idea what they were. I didn't know what to think at the time. It was just ''Whoa.''
5 years ago.

Yet the feeling seems to be that we're in more danger now, than this day 5 years ago.
Yeah, time flies away, I know. It's hard to forget the 9/11 attacks, not with how much the media has covered it ever since.

But yeah, I'm what...21 years old now...or something. I don't really give a shit anymore. I feel like I've grown and aged enough.
I wish I had several lives after this, so I could experience my youth again.

We really haven't got much time to live on this earth. It's like, what the hell are we supposed to do? Evolve? I want to contribute something useful to society, I want to remembered for ever, or at least for a long time. I know I won't though. :/ meh...wormfood, that's all what we are. :x
tbh, the UK could take over America if it wanted. the numbers don't lie, America lost it's superiority in about 2003.
Am I the only that doesn't really care?
no, send in our army of neotanks. duh.

all uk residents know about it, but we keep it secret from the yanks.
I was in 8th grade when it happened. My friends made sick jokes about it, and I laughed with them :(

I always feel kind of empty when those kind of things happen. It's like they're too distant for me to feel, even though 9/11 was only a few states away. But I suppose it does feel like 5 years. I'm a completely different person now. But it just seemed like everything was grand before 9/11. Then that day came and it shook the world.
Well, you've just broken the official secrets act and will be sent to Australia for treason.
i can be very nonchalant, probably because i'm a player, and a pretty darn good one. you learn a few things.
Yeah 5 years ago doesn't seem that far back. I wonder what made things go slower when I was in School. Cause it just flies now.

This new years I'll be saying "Only 3 years til 2010!". Way too too early to be saying that.:bounce:
Wow, time has flown by since then, remember that was when i actually did some exercise! :O