it just me or are there only three weapons in DM?


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
The AR blue ball thing, and the rocket launcher, and the peackeeper.

every single other weapon is "Use if no other choice, and I'm still SOL"

Shotgun? 6point blank and the guy still is running
hand gun? Forget it. 100% useless
starting machine gun? Nope. I've gotten like, one kill with it, never been killed by it.

Crossbow? Good at point blank, useless otherwise unless you want to be a sitting duck, AND manage to find someone that isn't looking at you. if they see you, they will avoid it.

Grenades? Laughable.

GravGun? Good for suprize/close range only.


Grab the RPG? Three easy kills, get ammo, repete
AR? Bounce balls anywhere in the map, 2-3 easy kills
peackeeper,'s a 3rd one hit wonder.

I'm going back to UT. Grav Gun only arena is kinda fun for awhile, but as DM? Not at all fun.
well I respect your opinion, but my feelings are the oposite.

I find the shotgun and the crossbow to be very effective both at long and shot range. You can still get running people with the crossbow just have to judge it right. Shotgun does need beefing up, but get right in someones face with the secondry fire and the second shot will send them flying.

I see the grav gun as the biggest killer in most DM games, the instant switch alows fast killing if you need to reload or just you can use it as your only weapon and still kill people with the revolver ect.

The RPG is alright but can only kill as many people as you can get rockets for.

The starting machine gun is weak as it should be, but stay on someones tail and you can easily kill them more so if they arent up to full health which is common.

Overall tho, it doesnt quite stand up to classic MP games such as unreal, but its good to just launch up, drop in and have a bit of fun every now and again.
The weapons I see mainly used is the SMG, AR, and RPG. Since the Magnum nerf, it hasn't been used as much. The shotgun is ok, but rare. I mainly use the gravity gun. Too many laugh at it, but it is dominant in the right hands. You can rack up the kills in doors, especially on overwatch. Who ever knew that having so much trash on the ground could be so lethal?
I'm not going to respect your opinion: opinions are just immunity from being told that you're wrong.

From the top:

Gravity: Useful in many situations, you can defend yourself, and if you are good with it you can attack from close-medium ranges.

Pistol: Great for taking down n00bs who are trying to use the crossbow.

SMG: Secondary fire (grenades) are very useful in almost any situations.

Shotgun: Use double-blast to the head. Keep doing until they're dead.

Crossbow: Great for short, medium, and with experience, long ranges.

Grenades: Good for people holed him in small rooms.

And wtf is the peacekeeper? You mean the revolver?
I've gotten a few kills with the grav gun, but 90% of the time they just catch what I throw. You have to nail em from behind. Meaning your more likely dead.

and shot gun, I kid you not, as it was a small room, point blank, all six rounds using alt fire and the guy killed me with a rocket.

Meaning he took damage from ALL my point blank shotgun hits, AND splash damage from the rocket, and didn't die.

He said he had 1health, which I believe because I spawned near him and took him out.
But COME ON?!?
Tantalus said:
I'm not going to respect your opinion: opinions are just immunity from being told that you're wrong.

From the top:

Gravity: Useful in many situations, you can defend yourself, and if you are good with it you can attack from close-medium ranges.

Pistol: Great for taking down n00bs who are trying to use the crossbow.

SMG: Secondary fire (grenades) are very useful in almost any situations.

Shotgun: Use double-blast to the head. Keep doing until they're dead.

Crossbow: Great for short, medium, and with experience, long ranges.

Grenades: Good for people holed him in small rooms.

And wtf is the peacekeeper? You mean the revolver?

so in other words, every weapon is usefull against absolute noobs?

Things I can think of right off the bat to improve MP:

First off, RPG should be hard to get, and ammo respawn delay should be trippled to quadrupled.

seconds: AR alt fire should be RARE (Not five of them located throughout the map) Hard to get to, and respawn delay should be no less than four times what it currently is.

Glock: 5 shots = dead, as in, each shot does 20 damage.

Shotgun, at point blank, alt fire = gibbed. If MAX armor, three shots at point blank. (Each doing 100 total). Near useless past med range

Magnum: Keep it as is, after nerfing

SMG: primary damage needs to be upped by 10-25%

Crossbow: I think it's OK really, but ammo is WAY to abundant.

GravGun: Increase the range at which objects cannot be cought. It's aggervating to throw something from like, 15 feet away and have them catch it.

Grenades: Primary = Boom on impact. Alt = as it is for bouncing.


Do that, and you might have a balanced and enjoyable game. As it is now, with the exception of the Crossbow, it's a spam fest with the one hit wonders, and the rest are so underpowered they are useless.
A2597 said:
I've gotten a few kills with the grav gun, but 90% of the time they just catch what I throw. You have to nail em from behind. Meaning your more likely dead.

and shot gun, I kid you not, as it was a small room, point blank, all six rounds using alt fire and the guy killed me with a rocket.

Meaning he took damage from ALL my point blank shotgun hits, AND splash damage from the rocket, and didn't die.

He said he had 1health, which I believe because I spawned near him and took him out.
But COME ON?!?

Shoot at their feet.

As for the shotgun incident they must have had almost full suit. And they couldn't have been head shots.
A lot of the use of weapons comes from being able to access them quickly. I've got direct key binds to every weapon and it helps me out a lot. If I'm in an open area I'll have the RPG or SMG out (for the contact grenades). At extreme distance I've got the magnum (or if they're standing still, the crossbow). If someone is holed up somewhere or I can't get my hands on anything better, I'll secondary fire a grenade and then grav gun it at them. (this by the way is an excellent way of killing the RPG holder on overwatch.) In close quarters I've got the pulse rifle secondary, grav gun, shotgun. If I suspect someone to be going down a narrow corridor I'll use the crossbow. You can also use it for close-range combat, though missing can hurt you. And I forgot to mention, at all times, the SMG primary can be deadly. One clip is easily enough to kill someone, especially if you can get a few headshots in there.

It's one of the reasons I think HL2DM has the best starting equipment setup you could ask for. You've got significant killing power right off the bat, but the game still rewards you for finding the more potent weapons.
RandomEngy said:
It's one of the reasons I think HL2DM has the best starting equipment setup you could ask for. You've got significant killing power right off the bat, but the game still rewards you for finding the more potent weapons.

Very true, I love the starting weapons.
A2597, most of those things are the mappers fault, not the mod.

we need more weapons. I wouldnt say the ones that we have are useless , just boring compared to the amounts that are seen in hl1dm op4dm cs 1.5-cs:source , tc etc. I do agree with you on one thing though , the weapons power needs to be changed a bit. Like the smg grenade , (merely tickles opponents) , a shotgun blast to the face is rarely a kill unless the enemy is already banged up, etc. Hopefully we see more weapons soon.
a lightning gun and a hook would be good too.
and a flame thrower :D
hl2dm is great tho, you gotta love it .. :D
So essentially, you dislike the game becuase other people are better than you?

On and ever taken into account that you may be slightly choked..

My weapons of choice:

smg1: for softening up targets and nading large groups of people
357: for 1-shot kills to the head
crossbow: for quickbow and long range sniperising
shotgun: for wiping out nearly anyone: 1 shot to the head at close range is about 75 damage. Get both barrels on target and they're pretty much wasted.
AR2: primary fire for just plain ownage, and secondary fire for clearing rooms/hallways
physcannon: for catching junk thrown, for occasionally radiator-ising the odd person and for picking up grenades and launching them
grenades: for attacking positions and picking up with the physcannon
rpg: for taking out troublesome 200 HEV people

I count 8.
I get more crossbow kills than I ever could with the magnum.
I also get killed most by the SMG and shotgun.
Which weapons are good is a matter of personal taste.
I think the weapons are pretty well balanced. Could be tweaked a little but overall theyre pretty good.
Complaining that the starting weapon is weak...and then going back to UT? :P
Hehe. Good point Varsity.
But the SMG and shotgun really are too weak. I myself seem to get kills with all weapons, though. I love the shotgun <3
I don't agree with you. Just the hand gun is useless. But it's good at long distances, and under water! (it's the only that does damage under water [i think] )
No there is only one: the PhysGun.

/jk. It's just a matter of personal preference that I whore that thing. I usually come out on top so why not? All the weapons have their respective uses and you can kill easy enough with any of them.
As much as I care, they could remove either smg or AR2, since they are both essentialy the same hit screen weapon (not considering alt fire of course). If they needed to beef up the smg, i'd much rather see accuracy increased then damage. Keep randomness to an absolut minimum.

Crossbow is great to a point where I'd almost say it's a bit overpowered close to mid-range. It'd definately not the long range weapon it was in HL1, but that's ok.

Shotgun...weird weapon. Together with the Magnum those two weapons are the reason i believe that something is seriously wrong with hit registration. There are times when i get killed by a double SG blast to the head (as it should be) and then again, I hit a fresh spawn dead center 3 times and he still doesn't die. Same happens with Magnum. Obviously there is that crouching bug, but it feels like somethings wrong with hit detection when you're sprinting as well. Just makes it hard to judge weapons properly (besides being frustrating ingame obviously).
i love using the crossbow. That k'thwack noise when I nail somone to a wall is simply awesome. 100 damage with every shot, you just have to lead a bit.

at any rate it might be that i'm pretty good with it because I am used to playing Battlefield mods like DC and POE with lotsa tanks, and you have to adjust and lead your aim when using tanks like crazy.

I personally love/hate the RPG. I love how you can take out someone who's hopped up on max armor. I hate how it becomes the most prevalent weapon on some maps, where if you don't have it to fall back on, you are a dead man. Mainly maps like Crossfire_b3 where the rocket launcher is out in the open for anyone to get, and there's a secondary one not that far away.
A2597 said:
GravGun? Good for suprize/close range only.

Then obviously you have no idea how to use it. I get 75% of my kills with the phycannon and I hop between different servers.

The problem isn't that the enemy can catch your throws. The problem is the user. If you throw a cabinet at someone who is looking directly at you. Throwing said cabinet at their head is a pretty stupid idea. I always go for incredbily low shots in which said cabinet is barley if not on the ground. Your opponent then has to quickly look at the ground, and if they do pop them in the head with a quick blast from your favourite weapon.

In my case a quick shotgun blast to the head usually does the trick :D
Tantalus said:
I'm not going to respect your opinion: opinions are just immunity from being told that you're wrong.

Hmmm, media studies student perhaps? If not, then I'm sure you'd fit in well.
I don't understand why people say the shotgun is no good. Primary fire at mid range can take someone down very quickly.
A2597 said:
Grab the RPG? Three easy kills, get ammo, repete
AR? Bounce balls anywhere in the map, 2-3 easy kills
peackeeper,'s a 3rd one hit wonder.


Sounds like you play the game only to get "easy kills".

You only use weapons that will "automatically" kill people, with little or no aiming required.

Why don't you try using weapons that are not cheap?

.syL said:
Together with the Magnum those two weapons are the reason i believe that something is seriously wrong with hit registration. There are times when i get killed by a double SG blast to the head (as it should be) and then again, I hit a fresh spawn dead center 3 times and he still doesn't die. Same happens with Magnum. Obviously there is that crouching bug, but it feels like somethings wrong with hit detection when you're sprinting as well. Just makes it hard to judge weapons properly (besides being frustrating ingame obviously).

I agree. I have this problem all the time. I sit there and click the mouse about ten times, but it only registers about half as many shots. Headshots work better on some players than others. There's also a sprinting problem. Sometimes I jump and sprint at the same time, and get catapulted thru the level. Quite annoying.

Hopefully they can sort more of these bugs out soon.
you are a noob if you cant find a use for all of the weapons. i kill people with the starting machine gun (and the hand gun for that matter) all the time.
The shotgun, after the update, is one of the best weapons. This is the order in which I rank the weapons.

Rocket Launcher
Pulse Rifle w/ Secondary Ammo
.357 and Shotgun
Pulse Rifle w/o Secondary Ammo

The shotgun will take down 100 health to the chest in double shot if the target has no suit-charge. Well, at least on the server I tested it on.
I think the weapons are fine. I'm having a lot of fun with HL2DM and in the servers I've been playing on there's quite a bit of SMG firefights as well as some nice GravGun brawls.
you know he's a UT player because he wants to change everything to make the game his.

anyone who frequented the UT2003/4 forums as the games ere released will know what i'm talking about. Fook sake, it's a fun DM mode, i don't beleive the intention was there for it to be competitive.
saggyherman said:
Hmmm, media studies student perhaps? If not, then I'm sure you'd fit in well.

lol, no, I'm not a media studies student... in fact, I hate the media. Well, most of it.
you gotta work the maps better. i avoid using the RPG all together and i do great.
i cant say im a big fan of the magnum.
bind all your weapons. this allows you to have faster weapon swich which leads to better and more interesting kills
The RPG and the ALT-fire on the Combine AR are limited in ammo and you have to keep coming back for more. They are slaves to their position.

I have avoided the AR gun many times when someone alt-fires in the room/hallway that I am in.

The RPG is easy to get kills but it attracts attention and you may die quickly as a result. Though I say that more from killing people with RPGs than me having it. ;)
The main level I enjoy using the RPG is in Crossfire. :p

I use the shotgun and crossbow the most. A weapon for one shot kills that requires aiming and another for brute force. Those two weapons support my style of playing probably the most. My crosshair never moves from someones head when I have that shotgun. I guess what helps is that I'm very good at dodging and I try to make myself the most impossible target to kill.
I also use grenades a lot. Throwing it in windows or down stairs.

I'm not a big fan of the magnum either but it's because I do so well with the other guns and I don't like walking over objects while I'm trying to fire it. Can't hit people very often that way. :rolleyes:

I use the manipulator with objects more as shields than as weapons although I will throw the occasional radiator. ;)
rocket spam just screams newb!
and Gravity Gun > AR rifle,
nothing gives me more satisfaction when i catch an orb with the gavity gun.
If you think the grav gun is useless, then.... wow.

The SMG is a great gun too, just strafe and fire. Shotgun can be ownage up close. Crossbow is very effective for people coming around corners to quickly nail them to the wall. Pistol = last resort, like the sidearms always are in games, but it can be quite useful sometimes.
Gravity gun: Best ever
Shotgun: My fav

And i don`t care about other weapons. SMG weapons are really boring. just hold the left mouse key until he`s dead.