It takes a real f*cking douchebag to...


Jun 25, 2004
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Sue Apple claiming that their iPods can cause hearing loss.
Honestly, the legal system in the US is so ****ed when people can sue over dumbass shit like this. And I know this crap has been going on for years. Like that person that sued McDonald's because their coffee was hot. Honestly, the bastards who sue for this shit and get millions of dollars from it should all be taken out and shot for being greedy, dumb motherf*ckers. And I'm being generous. They don't deserve money for this shit, and I know they;re going to get it.
The problem is the lawyers and judges. The lawyers are sleazy enough to sue for anything to make a quick buck, and there are so many that lack any morals or common sense (albiet there are still a lot of good lawyers out there). And the judges that take these cases piss me off (of course there are still plenty of good judges, and most of these things settle out of court). But still, shit needs to change, or I need to be given the authority to kill everyone who is too f*cking stupid to be alive.
He should also sue the headphone company while he's at it.

Icarusintel said:
Sue Apple claiming that their iPods can cause hearing loss.
Honestly, the legal system in the US is so ****ed when people can sue over dumbass shit like this. And I know this crap has been going on for years. Like that person that sued McDonald's because their coffee was hot. Honestly, the bastards who sue for this shit and get millions of dollars from it should all be taken out and shot for being greedy, dumb motherf*ckers. And I'm being generous. They don't deserve money for this shit, and I know they;re going to get it.
The problem is the lawyers and judges. The lawyers are sleazy enough to sue for anything to make a quick buck, and there are so many that lack any morals or common sense (albiet there are still a lot of good lawyers out there). And the judges that take these cases piss me off (of course there are still plenty of good judges, and most of these things settle out of court). But still, shit needs to change, or I need to be given the authority to kill everyone who is too f*cking stupid to be alive.

Well in the mcDonalds was kind of valid because the coffee caused like 3rd degree burns...but it was her fault. She should be slapped with a bag full of bricks.
maybe he should sue the bands for playing their music so loudly.
I'm going to sue him for emotional trauma resulting from him suing my favorite company.
Why not sue someone about monitors saying they cause blurriness and bad eyesight? Why not sue mattress companies for you not being able to sleep at night?

The funny thing is if people were to sue over those 2 reasons I listed, they would make a sweet mil. I hate America.
Icarusintel said:
The lawyers are sleazy enough to sue for anything to make a quick buck, and there are so many that lack any morals or common sense (albiet there are still a lot of good lawyers out there). And the judges that take these cases piss me off (of course there are still plenty of good judges, and most of these things settle out of court).

If a pond is polluted by idiots, it is not the pond's fault for being available.
Try getting rid of the ponds and wave good-bye to a stable ecosystem.

I think we need to refocus our attention.
Those people are just Self-Centered Cryers. They think they have it so rough and then they go and sue companies over BS crap like that. It's their fault for taking the initiative (spelled wrong) to deafen themselves or whatever. These people who take the time to do this remind me in a very strange way about emo people (whine about stuff and take a stupid action to "fix" it).
you can sue anybody for anything, whether you win or not is a different story.
xcellerate said:
you can sue anybody for anything, whether you win or not is a different story.

I agree, It's a huge gamble.

Really, if your lawyer is significantly superior to your opponent's you can win anything. One flaw that afflicts law is that wrong and right don't matter. What you can prove as wrong or right matters.

What does that mean? More people take chances.
NotATool said:
I agree, It's a huge gamble.

Really, if your lawyer is significantly superior to your opponent's you can win anything. One flaw that afflicts law is that wrong and right don't matter. What you can prove as wrong or right matters.

What does that mean? More people take chances.
I like this new member.
Que-Ever said:
maybe he should sue the bands for playing their music so loudly.

I wonder when the first lawsuits vs rappers come : "those rappers ruined my kid" :stare: