It's all about Chi Power...

yeah, Commander Keen was great...... when I was a 10 year old kid and it was 1990...
I can see this game being very fun to play with friends. 8 players at one time sounds like it can get pretty crazy, Soccer looks fun as well.

defenitly not for everyone!
chupacabrachus said:
I registered just to say that this game looks crappy (I'm not refering to graphics, A-holes). ESPECIALLY if it's "quite short" as you say it is. And how are they supposed to sell a game that is a new concept and is a "game which requires you to actually play the game before you can fully understand what it's about" who would want that? Seems like a HUGE waste of 13 dollars. A demo would definatly help sales so people can "fully understand" what the hell this game even is. P.S. +1 on the "when is the site moving to domain".... What about the "We are Half-life 2" thing on the top? You should probably update it to "We are Steam"

With comments that constructive you should of saved your time and subsequently ours.

alphadec said:
I can say for 100% certenty that I WILL NOT download this ever.

Hell it's a wonder they let you loose near a keyboard let alone an internet connection.
dissimulated said:
When is the site moving to the new domain?

Sorry, no one cares what you think.

Maybe when you have more than 4 posts under your belt, you can tell the staff what they can and cannot post about.
Zaphod_ said:
If nothing else this game proves that Steam is a good way to get a game that would otherwise never sell much released to a large number of users, with a decent amount of hype.

You know, that's one of the features I think Valve is surrepticiously trying to get across by distributing this game on Steam. RDKF is not a blockbuster game by any means but an independantly developed product which would be relegated to near-anonymous, quickly forgettable shareware/freeware status if not for Steam. If RDKF does reasonably good sales I imagine more independant start up developers will look to Steam.

Unfortunately, I won't be getting RDKF. Not my type of game.
chupacabrachus, dude. Holy unecessary.

When a concept is revolutionary, there is nothing like it, therefore no one can compare it to anything. And you have to actually experience it to know what its about. That is how it works. Nothing to do with marketing. We are talking logistics here, very basic ones.

Treat it like the matrix, you know the one you watched too many times before you run around in CSS under the name "Neo666".

To be honest, if any one site starts covering all the things i love i wont be shoutnig it down. Why bitch about a games site covering games? fs, newest person
Kadayi Polokov said:
Hell it's a wonder they let you loose near a keyboard let alone an internet connection.

Who the hell are you to make someone else feel like they can't express their opinion? Because he 100% won't be buying this game, you feel like he can't be "let loose near a keyboard"? Do you perhaps feel that what he said was "trolling"? Why don't moderators here stop people from flaming...?
dissimulated said:
When is the site moving to the new domain?

Oh yeah, updates are awesome. But only if they pertain to Half-Life 2. Only. None of that "Aftermath" or "Lost Coast" crap, and ESPECIALLY not DoD:S. I mean jeez, who do these people think they are? VALVe?

OK, done with the sarcasm. Go... get mugged, or something, dissimulated. Smart-mouthed jerk.
Gusdor said:
chupacabrachus, dude. Holy unecessary.

When a concept is revolutionary, there is nothing like it, therefore no one can compare it to anything. And you have to actually experience it to know what its about. That is how it works. Nothing to do with marketing. We are talking logistics here, very basic ones.

Treat it like the matrix, you know the one you watched too many times before you run around in CSS under the name "Neo666".

"Dude", do you mean "wholly unnecessary"? Or are you getting religious on me? I disagree w/ "nothing to do w/ marketing". The matrix had previews showing what it was about. It was revolutionary (albeit overrated) in what it did (special effects wise). Moral of the story, I'm not buying it until I see it's worth a damn, and then I'll probably still not buy it. :) The second moral of the story is that you all need to stop freaking out about video games and get a life. This will be my last post ever on this forum.
there asking alot by making people preorder it and not releasing a demo untill retail ('retail' for this makes me laugh) 'Its All About Money Making Power'
I can't believe I just read every single one of those posts.

Game. God. Game. Help. Live in the woods. Hunt bunnies.

Cant believe im having to explain this:

Quote from Morpheus
"No one can tell you what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself"

Bit clearer now?
Chris_D said:
There's lots of phrases like that throughout the game. Including at one point where a character gets really annoyed he screams "Six Stella and kebab style!".
I had been going to wait for a demo, but that phrase tipped me right over the edge. Now where's my credit card! ;-)

To everyone else: lighten up. Not everything has to be a pseudo-photorealistic first-person shooter. Personally, I think this game's graphics are great. What else should something built around kung-fu puppets look like?
Oh bugger. Wrong user account. Now it looks like Minerva's got a taste for cheesy kung-fu films! ;-)
mbrithoms said:
there asking alot by making people preorder it and not releasing a demo untill retail...
They're not making people do anything. You can preorder it or not or wait for the demo or not. It's entirely up to you.
chupacabrachus said:
"Dude", do you mean "wholly unnecessary"? Or are you getting religious on me? I disagree w/ "nothing to do w/ marketing". The matrix had previews showing what it was about. It was revolutionary (albeit overrated) in what it did (special effects wise). Moral of the story, I'm not buying it until I see it's worth a damn, and then I'll probably still not buy it. :) The second moral of the story is that you all need to stop freaking out about video games and get a life. This will be my last post ever on this forum.

Aw, How cute.
Another person, whom plays video games, is attacking others for showing enthusiasm over other video games!

By the way, None of those are morals.
The Matrix is a movie, not a game(a good game that is...).

Bah I'm not even going to bother.
Stay tuned for the full review later on tonight guys.

We'll be as objective as is necessary. I know not all of you appreciated the DOD: Source review so we'll be as objective as possible.
What time does it get released on steam? The countdown at the official site is based on your computer's clock, so isn't very usefull.
A GMT time would be nice :)
its going to cost me little over a fiver so im going to preorder it.
i wish the time countdown was gmt, instead of one of americas varying times, i bet if i bought it on wednesday (the last day of price-cut) i will be told that i cant have the reduction (because the time is being taken from america)
chupacabrachus said:
This will be my last post ever on this forum.

* feels the collective IQ of the forum suddenly rise up
Chris_D said:
You don't need a demanding system. Those screenshots were taken with a P4 2.66GHz, 768MB RAM and an nVidia GeForce 4 ti4200 graphics card :D

It's not the requirements that bother me. It's the whole Hard Drive monologue:

"You've been filling me with crap for well over a year now and seeing as I have just gone out of warranty, I am going to spite you by commiting suicide."

Still, I can cycle to my friend's house, buy it there, play it there, live there, kick him out, and talk like a ninja for a week.

"No one can tell you what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself"

Another person who didnt get it. I was talking about the matrix as an object. The matrix as described IN the film. Not the damn film. geezus christ
I think you'll find, "No one can tell you what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself" IS the way that Morpheus describes the Matrix to Neo... Isn't it?
Chris'y i gave it a try and i must say i'm not a fan, the wiggling for the chi power thing has given me RSI, and its all a tad confusing with the arrows before you hit etc. The look of the menus look very nice though, and customising is good for individual players, otherwise not really impressed, to pass the time or younger gamers in general will like it though. Gave it a go though eh? :)
Yes Chris_D it is.

Can everyone please attempt to understand that only way to approach the unknown is to try it?
Gusdor said:
Can everyone please attempt to understand that only way to approach the unknown is to try it?
No, because that's not the only way. While some unkowns might need to be experienced to be understood, I can appreciate that sticking my hand in an operating kiln is a stupendously bad idea without having to experience it.
Hectic Glenn said:
Chris'y i gave it a try and i must say i'm not a fan, the wiggling for the chi power thing has given me RSI, and its all a tad confusing with the arrows before you hit etc. The look of the menus look very nice though, and customising is good for individual players, otherwise not really impressed, to pass the time or younger gamers in general will like it though. Gave it a go though eh? :)
:( How have you managed to try it.

Naughty Hectic Glen :|
Chris_D said:
:( How have you managed to try it.

Naughty Hectic Glen :|
Well theres my punishment, you spelt my name with one N, which is THE biggest hate of mine.

Yeah i'm not good, however i'm not going to continue using it anymore, nor buy it, it was purely a means of 'an early demo'. You said i should give it a try, and i'm a little impulsive.

Spell my name right next time Cris...
Nice to know the insta ban for admitting to pirating software, is only in effect for people under 1k posts.
Why should he be banned for admitting it?
Encouraging others to pirate, or helping others to pirate, yeah ok, ban.
But just admitting he pirated to get an early demo and then deleting the game after deciding not to purchase it is clearly not a serious offence. It may still be illegal, but I don't think there's much morally wrong with what Glenn did.

Oh Chris, when do we get this review?
Heres another scenario.

"I pirated HL2 for demo purposes, completed it. But! I deleted it afterwards"

Sorry, but that does not fly with me, there will be a demo out shortly after the game.

But it's nice to know that I can now freely admit that I pirate games(Not that I do, but it's always handy to know that I can admit it) Because I have a post count of over 1000.
^Ben said:
Nice to know the insta ban for admitting to pirating software, is only in effect for people under 1k posts.
I do not endorse it, nor did i explain my routes to which i managed to obtain that file, but as mezz said rightly, it was a means of trying the game as an "early demo". Its not connected to these forums, so i don't see why it would be punishable. I can promise you i will not be using this version of the game (not my cup o tea)

Pirating is illegal Ben, but it doesn't say that on the forum rules.
I have seen many people banned who have come in with pirated versions of HL2.

It's ok tho, they where only people with under 100 posts. Gotta keep the caste system alive.
Hey i lied about having the game!? Ben seriously, this is not based upon the fact i've been here for some time. I'm telling you i got the file, but the fact is who knows? Maybe i just want attention? I haven't hurt anyone here, or anything the forum rules says. If i had come here with links and what not telling people how to get it, i would agree with you. Those people banned are usually due to the fact they come here just to work out how to activate their AI, and are not interested in anything else HL2 related.

Downloading this game is wrong, however i felt i had just reasons, an early demo (which will be free anyway), as Chris told me to try it out, and i am not going to purchase the game, nor play it further. I dislike it in all honesty. I am not one for pirating games etc, nor having a reputation for problems on these forums- so i'd hope that this isn't something to swing that. Not so much a caste system, more of a well knitted community.

edit: getting some shut eye, g'night, try catch up with you tomorrow.

Hectic Glenn has not broken any forum rules by saying he's played a pirated copy. This site doesn't condone such behaviour (no matter how you justify it) but we certainly wouldn't ban someone for pirating a game.

A lot of people still come to the forums with the ai disabled bug, but they don't get banned. Maybe they did at some point in the past, but they shouldn't have been.

Anyway, we're going slightly off topic, and without talking about pirated games let's continue the conversation...

Our RDKF review is delayed slightly and so it'll be online tomorrow before its release.
Pirating software = lost revenue, negative. Its only revenue losti f the customer intended to but it in the future. Ive heard lots of ppl say they would play it but not if they had to pay.

So, nothing wrong with piracy then.

RDKF today :D
Damnit, according to the clock it's being released at 1 am tonight. Better get to sleep, so I can get up and play tonight, and still be somewhat rested for school tomorrow. This one's deffo worth it. Hope to see some of you online, you know what my name is!