its finally done

Jul 6, 2003
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i set out to make a quick test model to import into source and it has finally been modeled and textured. the modeling and conceptualisation took a quick 5 min the structure really isnt all that complex which is why i dont really want any crits on the geometry i would however apreciate c&c on the texture.
i do realise that hl2 models shouldnt have that high contrast texture style this is just an experiment. ingame screens will be posted soon.
if anyone wants me to post the flats ill be more than happy to oblige.


What 3d app? It's very pretty - what is it and can we get an ingame pic? Also I'd like to see the texture map too.
3dsmax 7 , its a gun .....i hate it when people ask me what it is has a barrel ..if it has a barrel its safe to asume its a gun.
as for hte ingame im still working on it .
heres the flat
this is also my first sucessful unwrap so if anyone sees any piece that should have been bigger smaller....etc pls dont hesitate to crit..also if you want to use bits of this texture for ur work feel free to do so just throw me a line id like to see where its being used(mentioning my name would help to ;)).
the texturemap is really bad, but it's 1st, that makes it good.
there is way to much space lost make it as dense as possible ;)
you have way to much open space, it could have been layed out much better (even bigger textures then) you only use like 55% of your texturemap, use 95% ;)
the largest space that is empty on the map is occupied by the unskinned andle apart from that i really dont see how i could have improved it ?
can you show me how i could change it ?
I just cut it up in photoshop. Your uvw unwrap should have as little blank space as possible. That way you can enlarge everything and get the maximum texture resolution possible for your texture size. It's like a puzzle, and this is a very fast example here:


See all that brand new blank space?
Right, although you don't want to leave all that blank space at the bottom.

For example, here's a UVW map that I made for my A4 Skyhawk (you've seen it already I think....)


It's not the best unwrap ever, but see how I rotated and scaled things to fit all the space of the map? That's what you want to do.
here is one of my maps as an example, as you can see left almost no black space.
IMO, having it at 45 degrees or any other obscure angel can make it a pain to texture.

I've always UV mapped with the faces facing at 90 degree angels even though they won't always fit togther great. I also tend to cramp everything as close as possible/best fit to use as much space but was then told by a texturer that it wasn't always the best way. :|
first off turning it to angles that are not 90 is extremely hard to paint especially if u have to draw pannels and such it might make a nice gridlock but its hard to get right .as for the compressing everything together i heard that as the engine switches mip maps the bg tends to blleed into the texture area so if u had things so close together it might not work out too well.
btw fictious will thats a much more efficient way of re arranging it ... thanks for the ilustration im going to work on this in my next model.
so everyone making nice and tidy UV maps all over somewhat every CG forum is wrong... look in HAMMER to some UV layouts .. , you'll see that they are all filled up pretty nice... but yea.. do whatever you wanna do, its your model
mindless_moder said:
why so defensive lol ? i was just telling you what i heard ...sorry.

I studiet the art of self defence :hmph:
i set out to make a quick test model to import into source and it has finally been modeled and textured
u guys all need to chill out. it doesnt matter if he wasted like a bizillion pixels of texturing space. THIS IS A TEST. god damn. go smoke some weed, sniff some coke, drink some beer, and kick back. plus i think it looks very good(even though the texturing is old school :D) nice work man. good to see some shit gets done around here besides what i make.
PS: don't know if i'm gonna be making anything for a while. i'm currently studying character modeling and plus i got school shit coming up. very stressful.
ok first off

go smoke some weed, sniff some coke, drink some beer, and kick back

you missed out smoke some crack pipes. you bastard!

mindless moder i dont meen any offence by this but everytime you post some work and ask for c&c (im not talking about comand and conquer) you always disagree with what people say lol. but anyway i think it looks cool it reminds me of the old school classics like unreal tournement, quake and pong. also theres nothing wrong with having your parts of you uv map closer together. i do agree that when they are at weird angles it is a pain to texture. not that i am any good at texturing.
too bad c&c was sold to EA games. i guess westwood just didnt have it in them. :|
Thats not a bad texture, though to much contrast for my taste. But thats just me. It's nice though.
Why not skin it first and then cram it into a UV. Or does it not work that way?
xC4RN4G3x said:
too bad c&c was sold to EA games. i guess westwood just didnt have it in them. :|

EA owned Westwood since 1998, after they bought out VIE, the previous owners. EA then asset-stripped Westwood and shut them down. Their only interest in Westwood was the C&C brand. Westwood more than had it in them (just look at Petroglyph), but they were hamstrung by EA.
well actualy c&c wasnt the only interest. there was monopoly as well
Pi Mu Rho said:
EA owned Westwood since 1998, after they bought out VIE, the previous owners. EA then asset-stripped Westwood and shut them down. Their only interest in Westwood was the C&C brand. Westwood more than had it in them (just look at Petroglyph), but they were hamstrung by EA.
Yeah too much space but i love your metal. So much grit , wear and tear. Me likey.
Pesmerga said:
Why not skin it first and then cram it into a UV. Or does it not work that way?
doesnt work that way the uvs are for painting over .
as for disagreeing i actually agreed with simon and everyone else who stated that i need to work on more efficient uvw mapping but i was just wondering what they thought about the texture bleeding.
im very open to comments but im not going to sit and act like a noob when i can actually explain the reason why i did something.
The thing about having the uv's all set is that when you finish placing the texture and you move them differently than it was before, the whole uv will be all placed wrong when you try to place it into the model.
what u meen move them differently? what went wrong in your head? your not gona alter your model after youve uv'd it and textured it.
This gun looks sweet! Nice to see some imaginative weapons instead of another old AK47. Can't wait too see how it looks in game...