It's finally happened.


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Australia's children are now around the fattest in the world.

4 out of 5 are classed as obese... It also is a risk that the parents will outlive them.

According to some random test or something like that (Which I saw on the news) most kids aging 10-15 spend over 12 hours in front of a TV or computer :)| Uh oh)

What are your thoughts? Is there anyone you blame?
I find that hard to believe considering what I've heard about the amount of money and effort going into Australian athletics
Danimal said:
Australia's children are now around the fattest in the world.

4 out of 5 are classed as obese... It also is a risk that the parents will outlive them.

According to some random test or something like that (Which I saw on the news) most kids aging 10-15 spend over 12 hours in front of a TV or computer :)| Uh oh)

What are your thoughts? Is there anyone you blame?
All of my friends are fit and healthy. Except me, but thats not fair because i have a bone disease. And i'm not even fat.
When i read the title of the thread and saw who posted it i for some reason thought it was gunna be an i lost my verginity thread :-/ Weird eh?

Um, who cares if ppl are fat? As long as they're happy i'm happy.
The problem with it is that it increases risk of heart attacks and diabetes.
I'm sure they'll be happy when in 15 years they have their first heat-attack and have to undergo major heart-surgery, don't you think? I'm sure people are going to be happy when their medical fees burst through the damn roof too.

In obesity I see laziness and selfishness.
Ikerous said:
Um, who cares if ppl are fat? As long as they're happy i'm happy.

w00t!w00t! /ikerous gains influence :D

i go to a school of about 1200... and only bout 50 are overwieght...

*tries to count 50/1200 on fingers :D

1/24! :D
venturon said:
In obesity I see laziness and selfishness.
You can't possibley be serious XD
I can see laziness, but some ppl can be lazy and skinny, and some ppl can be lazy and fat. It really is different for different people. But selfish? XD Oookay
Ranga said:
w00t!w00t! /ikerous gains influence :D

i go to a school of about 1200... and only bout 50 are overwieght...

*tries to count 50/1200 on fingers :D

1/24! :D
Lol ::High fives ranga on the leet math skillz::

You have a small school :-/ Mine has like 2700 ppl
Its really not very big either.. its a pain getting around
Its not so bad.. one of the girls who made fun of me when I was in school has turned from quite pretty to completely disgusting... karma I guess :D
Mind that Australia has a rather low population for a country it's size.

Why selfishness, you ask? It's quite simple. If a person has an operation due to their obesity, they're clogging up the state hospitals and making the waiting lists longer for people who need treatment. They're why more money has to flow into hospitals when it could be used on our schools. When they chose to eat and not excercise, they accepted that what they did is bad for them--like someone who smokes.
h00dlum said:
Lets put another shrimp on the barbay Barbra!

It's not Barbra, it's Shiela or Shazza :|

venturon said:
Mind that Australia has a rather low population for a country it's size.

Why selfishness, you ask? It's quite simple. If a person has an operation due to their obesity, they're clogging up the state hospitals and making the waiting lists longer for people who need treatment. They're why more money has to flow into hospitals when it could be used on our schools. When they chose to eat and not excercise, they accepted that what they did is bad for them--like someone who smokes.

You know, there is people who have thier porblem for other reasons than laziness, the fattest man in Australia came that way because of when his father died, he would eat his problems away.

He know wieghs 300 pounds (I don't know how many KGs) and is desperate to lose the wieght (Which he is doing quite well)
venturon said:
Why selfishness, you ask? It's quite simple. If a person has an operation due to their obesity, they're clogging up the state hospitals

All 4 beds?!
Sorry, I don't quite see the humour in that. It's a very real future possibility given that we now have the highest child obesity rate on the planet.
An addition to my above statement:

Also, what if someone broke thier leg? They would be going to hospital too... Isn't that 'clogging' the system?
Danimal said:
An addition to my above statement:

Also, what if someone broke thier leg? They would be going to hospital too... Isn't that 'clogging' the system?
But the leg breaking would be an accident
He considers heart disease something you do on purpose
Danimal said:
An addition to my above statement:

Also, what if someone broke thier leg? They would be going to hospital too... Isn't that 'clogging' the system?

:| that was a really ba.... oh.. it wasn't a joke...

if you break your leg, you go to a doctor...
our hospital system in wa takes so long to get into tho.. i had some weird thingy.. with a green out (everything went green, really!), and i had to wait for 6+ hours to see a doctor ;(. I COULD HAVE DIED! :O

Ikerous said:
Lol ::High fives ranga on the leet math skillz::

seweet! i am still teh smartie!
its happening wherever there is western civilisation...

people's diets will have too change, other wide out people will get too unhealthy to even walk themselves..

its a ticking timebomb. :x :eek:
what's sad is some of the people that get on the train system in wa. i've seen more than 3 people whose stomach hangs over their knees :x
Ranga said:
what's sad is some of the people that get on the train system in wa. i've seen more than 3 people whose stomach hangs over their knees :x
That has to be hyperbole o_O

That isn't even possible...

people's diets will have too change, other wide out people will get too unhealthy to even walk themselves..
Am i the only one who cringed while reading that....
Ikerous said:
That has to be hyperbole o_O

That isn't even possible...

no hyperbole... it is really horrible :x and then, to make it worse... they sit next to ME of all people
Ranga said:
no hyperbole... it is really horrible :x and then, to make it worse... they sit next to ME of all people
Aww! They luv you ^_^ How cute

If i were really fat id sit there playing with my stomache...
All that fat looks like itd be really fun

Do you ever ask anyone if you can play with theirs..?
because im doing a first aid course in a Sport Centre, i see obese people coming in the gym and never returning, its the laziness of these people that gonna genetically make future generations obese..

which means children will be fat from birth, therefore making it harder for them to lose weight..

Ikerous said:
If i were really fat id sit there playing with my stomache...
All that fat looks like itd be really fun.

lol.. it would be like your own personal table..

to read the paper, play cards, eat you lunch.. sounds like heaven to me..
KoreBolteR said:
because im doing a first aid course in a Sport Centre, i see obese people coming in the gym and never returning, its the laziness of these people that gonna genetically make future generations obese..

which means children will be fat from birth, therefore making it harder for them to lose weight..
I'm pretty sure being fat won't change your genes...
KoreBolteR said:
lol.. it would be like your own personal table..

to read the paper, play cards, eat you lunch.. sounds like heaven to me..

Wake up, go to sleep, have breakfast, have break-brunch, have brunch...
Danimal said:
Wake up, go to sleep, have breakfast, have break-brunch, have brunch...
See, if i could live my life like that, i'd have no problem dying at fourty.
But then you gotta look at the negative points... =/
Danimal said:
But then you gotta look at the negative points... =/
Such as...?

Isnt being over like 350 pounds enough to put you on disability?
Or is that just on the simpsons XD
Meh, I don't live in America, I woudn't know.

EDIT: I thought it as 300, not 350.
KoreBolteR said:
Rofl! The pic in that article made me bust out laughing XD
Danimal said:
Meh, I don't live in America, I woudn't know.

EDIT: I thought it as 300, not 350.
Yea, i'm pretty sure it was 300 in the simpsons
But i think in real life its like 350...
Of course my brain coulda just made that up outta nowhere..
It tends to do that
I saw wieght loss ads by Google on the 2nd article :|
Ikerous said:
Rofl! The pic in that article made me bust out laughing XD

Yea, i'm pretty sure it was 300 in the simpsons
But i think in real life its like 350...
Of course my brain coulda just made that up outta nowhere..
It tends to do that

i know what you mean... did you know that 47.9427% of statistics are made up on the spot?

the poor guy on the bike... :(
Don't you mean the poor ashphalt under the bike?
Yeah there's too many fat little spoilt xbox playing kids around. I just want to punch them all. Strange that we're still the most successful sporting nation in the world, considering our population size.
excatly. and if it keeps going were going to implode the world with our own weight... :|

cmon fat people get to the gym, save us humans!
Humans? :|

I thought they only exsisted to scare people like us off...
but where do we draw the line as to who is fat? i mean... i don't want to be responsible for killing any skinny people... :|