Its finally time..


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
My HDD is VERY close to kicking the bucket. So far the past two days it has bluescreened at least 5 times. It takes the longest time to load the desktop. I heard a clicking noise earlier. What should I do? Should I freeze it first before I go right out and buy a new one?

:( I'm gonna miss my HDdizzle. Poor guy.
Back stuff up. Then swap it with a new one or send it in under warranty.
Back stuff up. Then swap it with a new one or send it in under warranty.
I doubt it has a warranty. I was going to actually purchase a new one, make it primary, and then move the stuff from the old HDD to the new one. I'm going to try to get a Raptor or such. Do you know if there will be a price drop soon?
If you heard the clicking, HDD is dying and may not wait for you till you get ready for new. Backup your stuff ASAP and start shopping.

Good Luck.
yes back up immediatelly because if you wait to buy a new hard drive and get the files then it might now work.
Back stuff up. Then swap it with a new one or send it in under warranty.

Thats the way to do it.

I would recommend a Western Digital Caviar SE16. They are fast, cheap and reliable.

The raptor just isn't worth the price you pay for it. It is only slightly faster and you sacrifice a lot of storage space. Plus it still costs a lot.
Thats the way to do it.

I would recommend a Western Digital Caviar SE16. They are fast, cheap and reliable.

The raptor just isn't worth the price you pay for it. It is only slightly faster and you sacrifice a lot of storage space. Plus it still costs a lot.
That is why I was asking if there was going to be a price drop soon. If not, then I could purchase a HDD from the Egg or ZZF.
OEM version?

Well most of my stuff are OEM including my OS and one of my HDD, so yeah OEM should not be given an undeserving fears. And it's actually much cheaper than retail, with the same warranty and support. Excluding XP, we must dial 1-900 number, damn it.
I thought you had to purchase WinXp with it :P
Well, as I've read OEM hardware is just the hardware without any fancy packaging or manual?
Well, as I've read OEM hardware is just the hardware without any fancy packaging or manual?


Which reminds me.......Shamrock, make sure MB supports 3gb SATA II and you have the SATA cables. Otherwise, buy them separate.