Its horrible to relise your a noob.


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
i am a noob, i admit it.

im making a map for css, sure it wont be any de_dust 2 but im sure it will be somthing.

my map isnt looking to bad besides the fact that i dont have any LIGHT!!!!
i have read a few things about the enviroment lighting but i can not seem to get it working.
somthing about using sky boxes?
when ever i use a skybox texture for the sky it goes all weird and half my map turns invisible.

can anyone help me with this issue, or refer me to a good "lights for Noobs page"

thanks a bunch
Are you using tools\skybox or whatever it's called? (Type 'toolss' into the texture browser and it should pop up). When I first started playing around with Hammer, I tried using the little sky pictures, but they do mess everything up, you need to use the tool texture. It looks like a light blue grid and says skybox on it in the browser, so you know which one it is.
ok i will try it when i get home from work, thanks a bunch man