It's Lent...What are you giving up?

Jul 1, 2003
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It's officially Ash Wednesday. For those of you that are christian it means the beginning of Lent. I don't wanna get into detail about what it's supposed to mean to us and things... People usually give something up that they like for 40 days (until Easter Sunday). Some give up ice cream...their favorite TV show...etc.

I'm giving up masturbation

I figure that'll be a challenge...especially since I don't have a girlfriend right now that could help me out...

If you're giving something up...what is it?
I'll give up cigarettes. Oh wait. I already did that 6 months ago :|

Umm, I'll give up university, for 40 days :LOL:
Ill give up showering. :) ok i will give up making fu of people that use windows. (well for the most part)
AmishSlayer said:
I'm giving up masturbation

It's actually not as hard as it might sound. I once went on for like 1½ month without shaking hands with the little fella'...

I'll give up gaming............HA! Yeah right!
I was thinking of salt perhaps.... but I don't think i could do it.

Maybe.... Gaming so I can work. I don't play as much as i used to anyway. Sounds silly comeing from this forum lol :LOL:
I'm gonna give up giving a rats ass about stupid religious holidays.

No Offense
craigweb2k said:
I'll give up cigarettes. Oh wait. I already did that 6 months ago :|

Umm, I'll give up university, for 40 days :LOL:

I will give up sigarettes too. But maybe if I just cut down,

I've been smoking a little too much lately. :rolling:
AudioRage said:
I'm gonna give up giving a rats ass about stupid religious holidays.

No Offense

was there any point in posting that? i'm not christian and i'm not religious but i didn't feel the need to post anything like that. if i were religious i'd take offense to that so you'd better apologise.
I agree with you Dedalus, people seem to love to shit stir.
What was the point?

I am not religious but I take offence because my brother and my mum are both religious.

Oh and another thing. Sticking "no offence" on the end just doesnt cut it when you are obviously offending people without a care in the world.
Lordblackadder said:
Good you should.....because.......

Lol.. one of my friends has that for his desktop as motivation.

Oh...and AudioRage.. yeah..I don't really read too much into the significance of these holidays..I just feel like challenging myself each year to give up something I care about. I am not offended by your comment..but I wouldn't doubt that others here might be.
It was a joke guys, I'm not trying to knock on a perticular religon or your beliefs.

Up until a few months ago I was pretty religious myself.

I apologise for offending anyone, I was just poking fun.
nother stupid religious holiday........give u something u like. What kinda haliday is that?

SOunds more like something satan would want u to do rather than God.....seriously
I think i'll give up wearing my glasses till easter. Hope i don't get into a car crash... :dozey:
AudioRage said:
It was a joke guys, I'm not trying to knock on a perticular religon or your beliefs.

Up until a few months ago I was pretty religious myself.

I apologise for offending anyone, I was just poking fun.

Yeah I think religious people, Christians especially, take such a beating from pop culture that they are starting to get offensensitive.

No big deal as long as they also reserve some ire for anti-religionists in pop entertainment (put their money where their mouth is). :)

I hope they don't try jumping on the I'mavictimandI'moffended bandwagon. ;)
For those of you that are christian it means the beginning of Lent.
It is a cultural-religious holliday which applies to certain sectors of christianity (Catholics I think).

It's not nessecarly a bad idea, but it is cultural in nature, not religiously mandated.
I am giving up masturbation and porn. Wow, that will be very hard.
ray_MAN said:
I am giving up masturbation and porn. Wow, that will be very hard.
i wanted to as well... but i already did it once :eek:

forgive me god!!! i'm giving it up!!! thats it... NO MORE!!

/me padlocks pants to his crouch (ouch!)


i have to go potty:eek:
AmishSlayer said:
It's officially Ash Wednesday. For those of you that are christian it means the beginning of Lent. I don't wanna get into detail about what it's supposed to mean to us and things... People usually give something up that they like for 40 days (until Easter Sunday). Some give up ice cream...their favorite TV show...etc.

I'm giving up masturbation

I figure that'll be a challenge...especially since I don't have a girlfriend right now that could help me out...

If you're giving something up...what is it?

Actually, Lent is celebrated by Catholics.
Not all Christians are Catholics.
I'm Catholic and I can't eat meat today and every Friday until Easter. But I'm gonna try to give up... masturbation! Heh, everyone else was quitin' it and I wanna be part of the in-crowd.
Hmmm I bet I can fool God somehow...
Ahhh Haaa! I'll simply tie a kitten up to a chair and stick some dynamite in it's butthole, then i'll light the wick and proceed to masturbate. God, seeing that I am masturbating will be offended and strike down a kitten. But wait! he can't kill a kitten because I'm about to kill one! So he will have to save the kitten that I'm trying to kill so He doesn't end up on the losing end. Thus, I masturbate, and no kittens are killed!

edit: no. ...that wouldn't work
Ill give up no wait i wont...
I may be Catholic but screw that ****ed up giving up meat on Fridays bullshit...
I'm giving up gouging out my eyes with nails, lighting them on fire, and then jabbing the flaming eye-kababobs into my groin.

Should be hard.