It's My Birthday!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Yea! 16 - Go for my license soon, bitches! Got an ice cream cake, too!

Also, I think it's Murray_H's birthday too.
Happy Birthday to all! And to all, **** you.

Serially, ice cream cake wins.
I just found out earlier I'm getting this and this.


Oh yea, the ice cream cake has a picture of a blue guitar on it in icing. Yea.
how far is welland from toronto ? .
if its about an hour away im going to come down there to kick your a.....erm share in your joy :D .
happy birthday mate.
@TollBooth Willie: I have the full version first Alien Shooter with both expansions, and beat them all on easy, medium and hard about 2 times each at least, and I have to say it is one of my favorite games on PC right now. Alien Shooter 2 looks the same, except better in every aspect.

@ mindless_moder: Welland from Toronto is about a 2-3 hour drive, lets go bitch! :D
happy birthday

we've got Alien Shooter: Vengance on the POS machines at work and it's definitely fun for a mindless shoot, though Shadowgrounds is a lot better and very similar in style.