It's my birthday!


btw, happy birthday!
Congrats. You can now go to rated R movies and in most states be charged as an adult in a crime. :D
Yeah, hopefully you finished all your raping, murdering and grand theft. Your pretty much ****ed if you do anything now.
Congratulations, exister! Your perilous journey has taught you well - passing the Birthing Trials, completing the quest of Mount Puberty, and finally defeating the legendary High School Freshman and its next-of-kin, Sophomore Slump. But your quest is not over yet, young warrior, for your next challenge is to defeat the monstrosity that is Junior the Third - a battle which may take you all but an entire year to finish.

Fare thee well, young prodigy, and show our good Forumites the spoils of victory!

Happy birthday Qonfy! :D

Have this life-sized inflatable Trent Reznor doll, to do with what you will.
Happy Birthday Q!

That makes you one year older then me...bastard...
My birthday was recently too. Hurrah!

Happy Birthday!

Dunno why, but I thought you were 17 or even 18 already.
Happy Birthday man, now go out and get shitfaced... and then get arrested for under-aged drinking! :D
happy birthday <3

i always forget that you're a year younger :O
Another Year In City 17 Fo' You!
Happy B-day Qonf
Happy "God dammit the condom broke.. *sigh* oh well we might as well have the kid" day
Goddamn you're young.

Have a good one, Travis.