It's not time for Christmas avatars anymore.

Forget you! I always keep my Christmas avatar up for a good month or two after the holiday season. After I painstakingly applied these millions of extra pixels to the cow, I want time to enjoy it.
Mine isn't very christmasy anyway. I'm keeping it.
okey dokey, time for the hair to flash its beauty once again.
I changed mine back, even before Christmas.

Beat that suckers. Lawl.
I'm not changing it. My T1000 likes the Xmas hat LOL
I like my Christamssy Kane, he looks cute :D
My Christmasy Mr. Supi is soooo cute!! ^_^''
Christmas avatars are just like trees, they'll come down when they're good and ready and stinking up the lounge.

For those of us who even bothered, of course :)

Gman is still looking in the same direction aswell
F*ck it ALLLLLLLLLL! The Santa hat makes the banana rape enjoyable.

Actually, I just don't want to change it because I like to fight teh powuh.
Christmas isn't over yet. 12TH night! 6th of January!
^ Details details. I'm keepin' mine the whole year anyway:laugh:
My avatar is much improved with a hat on. I think ill keep it this way.