It's Official, Steam Coming to Linux


Jul 6, 2003
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The Telegraph has received a confirmation today from Valve that Steam is actually coming to Linux, extending the biggest gaming platform even further.[br]

With more than 50 games, Steam has been released on Mac earlier today. The gaming market for Mac users just got bigger and better, Linux soon to follow.

I'm not sure how I feel about sharing my servers with mac and linux users, to be honest.
Happy schoft is happy.

Server admins must find a way to identify mac users. Maybe a simple portscan for every client that connects to determine what they are running /evil laugh
This is going to add a lot of value to the source SDK. Now all they have to do is work on the tooling.
Server admins must find a way to identify mac users

Make a script that forces players to press their right mouse. If they don't do it in 10 seconds then they are kicked and banned.

lololololololol (See what I did thar?)
This is awesome news. Gaming using a free OS with incredibly low system usage? Count me in.
My god. I don't use Mac or Linux...but...shit, a company opening to all those platforms?!? When will you see this between consoles? NEVER.

*EDIT* I mean a company that has worked with PC for so long, yet broadens it reach.
Holy shit a newspaper reporting on it :O

My god steam is taking over!
I always wonder why they tell the Telegraph. I mean, yeah I'm a gamer and I read the Telegraph but I'm hardly the target market. Seems like an odd choice is all.

But awesome. More platforms means more people on servers, means more fun!
I'd be interested to see how modern PC-games will run in Linux performance-wise.
IMO Valve is making a great step because they bring commercial games to all popular PC platforms, not limiting gamers to Windows. I might eventually end up using Linux myself.
Valve, I love you. So much. Though not that I use Mac or Linux as my primary terminal, but this is a really
awesome expansion nonetheless and I'm very excited to see how things will turn out with the exporting.
It might make a surprising drop in the Windows users. :p
My god. I don't use Mac or Linux...but...shit, a company opening to all those platforms?!?

On the contrary, other companies narrow down their user base. Remedy, learn something from Valve.
I have a netbook with Ubuntu on it that meets the minimum requirements. This is great. Now I can play Plants vs. Zombies and Peggle anywhere. :D
Wow. Lack of Steam/games was one of my biggest reasons for not trying Linux. I wonder how many Steam games will actually run on Linux though.
I think the idea is to have the source SDK available on all platforms so that they can attract developers.
Wow. Lack of Steam/games was one of my biggest reasons for not trying Linux. I wonder how many Steam games will actually run on Linux though.

I have no reason not to use Linux now either. Except that I program for Windows. But heck, maybe that should change? Can always have windows installed as well.
I think the idea is to have the source SDK available on all platforms so that they can attract developers.

But the Source SDK is horrible. I don't see them attracting many people with that, linux or not.
It's almost enough to make me re-install my Laptop with Ubuntu or something, though I don't think Steam alone will cut it for me. May just do it on a spare HDD to have a mess around.
But the Source SDK is horrible. I don't see them attracting many people with that, linux or not.
Your face is horrible.

If this means that the HL, TF2 en L4D games are getting a port, I'm switching permanent to Ubuntu.
I'd be interested to see how modern PC-games will run in Linux performance-wise.

Source games run fine through Wine so it can only be better from here. However likely there will still be the same teething problems Mac users are going through. The fun part will be the linux users not crying like a bunch of little girls and figuring stuff out for themselves.

I love to switch fully to linux except I can't. A program I rely on every single day is windows only, it works well enough through Wine but that's not a perfect solution.
Valve just saved the PC Gaming Market for another 5-10 years imo
Next one will be Steam on Google Chrome OS, mark my words.
You mean don't get Microsoft as your publisher?

Let me rephrase: Remedy should learn to choose better publishers. Valve would never give away its soul to EA like Remedy did with Microsoft.
gaming was one of the things holding me back from running linux as my primary operating system.
can't wait for this!