It's Que's "Pick someone to hug" thread!


Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
In case you're retarded, I'll explain the thread- pick someone to hug, and then, I guess you hug 'em or something.

My mom- she needs it.

Natalie Portman- I bet she gives nice hugs :S

A terrorist- I'm sure the act of compassion will cause him to change his ways and become the ultimate humanitarian. Or he'll blow me up.
Keira Knightley because she's my future wife whether she knows it or not.
Myself - Because straight jackets let you hug yourself AAALLLL day!
Cpt. Stern...I bet he's a really lovable guy off of the interwebs
jesus....with a knife in my hand.

edit: oh and alex sim wise mmmmmmmmm didnt.....

Cpt. Stern...I bet he's a really lovable guy off of the interwebs

if I'm gonna hug a man i at least better get some ear nibbling or an ass grab ...fag

hug my kids, but I hug them all day so ...hug my kids
I was reading through The God Delusion again last night. Kinda spaced out on percocet at the time (which made for fascinating reading somehow), and I got into my head that I wanted to hug Richard Dawkins. He's just so smart and witty, and his heartfelt fascination for science just seems so endearing and passionate that I just wanted to hug him for being the way he is.

I thought about hugging a lot of people then, but most escape memory.
wha... whats this? Absinthe? Hugs? DOES NOT COMPUTE!
I want to hug Gordon.
Hey, he won't complain.
I want to hug...... carpet.

I want to hug............ desk.

I want to hug lamp!
I doubt that's necessary. I think Stern's got it. I'm just really high right now.
I want to go hug my woman.

Oh wait.....


Oddly I've wanted to hug Ace Pilot too.

Oddly I've wanted to hug Ace Pilot too.

Hahaha.... hahah.. Oh god, I never saw that episode.

:3 I feel loved.

My best friend who I saw for the first time in a year yesterday. *crys like little girl*
I'd hug everyone, but Acepilot.

Maybe Mew, but not Acepilot. >_>
Zombieturtle's new avatar freaks me out. What is that from? It's familiar..

...I hate you Danimal! 'Mind Rape!'
Amelie, yeah. Very, very good movie.

Also I want to hug everyone because I'm DRUNK LOL
Jessica Alba - Why not? :p

My Mom - I haven't hugged her in a week and I still live in her home. (I'm 15, duh.)

my Dad - ... I can't remember why... OHH! That's because it was supposed to go in the "pick someone to kick in the balls" thread. Sorry. :(
I agree with the Jessica Alba.

I'm going to kill you, Canem!
ph34r teh Rion!
Right now I guess I wanna hug my last and only real good friend who a) lives near me and b) I could see with some kind of frequency. But, like the rest of them, he's moving away next month.

Eh, what can you do =/