It's Que's "Pick someone to hug" thread!

My brother for awesomeness.


Angela Merkel for her sexy voice.
*looks at thread*

It's alive! It's Alive!

No one has hugged my penis, yet...
Amelie, yeah. Very, very good movie.

Also I want to hug everyone because I'm DRUNK LOL
Like, dude I like, dude...Dude I like SOOO totally love you man. Like, T FOR TOTALLY DUDE! *hugs*

I'd like to hug a really good friend of mine and before Dave and Alex say anything...Shut the **** up. Just shut your little whore mouths, k? I know where you two are gonna go with this. SHUT IT.
Oh wow.

I pick my friend who has been giving me lots of hugs lately, to give a hug.
Anonymous - the many faces of 4chan

Jessica Alba - Yes, yes. :D

Bacon, eggs, cheese - With mah teeth!
Jessica Alba - Duh.
Vegeta - Because he's always so hateful towards me
Munro - For being haired.
I would hug Jessica Alba's face with my ass.
I would hug Princess Jasmine from Aladdin and Natalie Portman.
As before, Jessica Alba, and she looks cute in the new movie she's in. But, she'd look better with my di- ... Nvm...
Then a certain girl in my school >>
then Me kitteh, Pumpkin. :D
I would hug Jessica Alba's penis with my vagina.
I would hug Jessica Alba's titties with my face. :o
Cause she wants to hug my face with her titties.
I'd hug her -

Mouth with my penis
Crotch with my penis
Titties with my penis
Ass with my penis (definitely this one, if I could only choose one - this'd be it (no anal, though).

You can also replace penis with face on all those, too.

Alright, I think it's fully established that we all want to have sex with Jessica Alba.
I'd hug-YOUR MOM! O'_'o

Sorry... that was my... err... Turrets. :D

I'd hug my computer. :D
I was responding to Que but it applies to you too :naughty:

edits: ohshit, 14,000
I would give Chicago style hand jobs to every forum member
I would visit each and every one of you while you were asleep and leave super salty secret presents in your hair.

And if that's not love, I don't want to know what is.
I'd hug Bad^Hat

I love Bad^Hat

I want to have sex with Bad^Hat
I would visit each and every one of you while you were asleep and leave super salty secret presents in your hair.

And if that's not love, I don't want to know what is.
Only Haddaway knows what love is. Or does he? D: