It's rememberance day!

Jun 30, 2003
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I dedicate this thread to those who fell during the first World War and the second.
And Korean War. (I never knew about it until yesterday)
War is hell.

Why can we not set aside our differences and unite into the humanity that we are destined to be?

If we don't change the state of things as they are now, one day a group of ultra-violent terrorists will be able to build a weapon capable of ending the world in one blow. Then the earth will float on through space, dull, lifeless, sad. The epoch of mankind will have been written for nothing.

Is this really a future we want for our great species?

*closes eyes for a moment of silence for all the world's soldiers, who die for a lost cause*
Originally posted by LittleB
War is hell.

Why can we not set aside our differences and unite into the humanity that we are destined to be?

Because people keep buying the timeless government lie that wars "protect us". :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

When will we learn?:sleep:

As Patton said "War isn't about dying for your country. It's about making the other sap die for his.":sniper:
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Because people keep buying the timeless government lie that wars "protect us". :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

When will we learn?:sleep:

As Patton said "War isn't about dying for your country. It's about making the other sap die for his.":sniper:

I though it was bastarb not sap. but o well. :)
Originally posted by LittleB

*closes eyes for a moment of silence for all the world's soldiers, who die for a lost cause*

Why bother to type it...its like on september the 11th people typed *silence* or *stops talking*...Not realising the whole idea of the thing. You give a moments silence to reflect on it, not to just shut up. If you are still doing something such as typing then there is no need to even stop talking.
I did it after I typed it. I typed it in the hopes that others would reflect with me as they read it. duh
My grandad died a year ago today, strange how he died on rememberance day...anyway i went to his grave, put a poppy there, all good, sorta:s

I dont feel that a mins silence is worthy of all those who have died. I show respect by talking about them and such, and respecting what they did in the war...its hard to explain lol

Anyway, my fulleset respect to those who we remember, and those that we dont. R.I.P
Originally posted by LittleB
I did it after I typed it. I typed it in the hopes that others would reflect with me as they read it. duh

This is a pointless argument.

Typing it not only makes you look foolish but there really is no point, people arent going to seriously think about it because they saw some guy post something saying he closed his eyes.
I dedicate my respect to those who have been good, by being good myself. It's hard to explain cause I don't want to sound braggy. But if you just show your love to others it will be reflected back to you. Nearly every religion has some idea of the "eye for an eye" concept, but it works much better with kindness then hate. It must be true right? There's this bum at my work (I'm a cashier at a gasstation), and he always borrows 50 cents or a dollar or so form me. I don't mind cause he doesn't shoplift, and he always pays me back. Now lately he's been trying to pay me back twice as much as he owes me. Ofcourse I don't accept it, but how amazing is that? Try smiling to the people you meet everyday. Think about how hard their life is, and show them you feel compassion.
Originally posted by LittleB
I dedicate my respect to those who have been good, by being good myself. It's hard to explain cause I don't want to sound braggy. But if you just show your love to others it will be reflected back to you. Nearly every religion has some idea of the "eye for an eye" concept, but it works much better with kindness then hate. It must be true right? There's this bum at my work (I'm a cashier at a gasstation), and he always borrows 50 cents or a dollar or so form me. I don't mind cause he doesn't shoplift, and he always pays me back. Now lately he's been trying to pay me back twice as much as he owes me. Ofcourse I don't accept it, but how amazing is that? Try smiling to the people you meet everyday. Think about how hard their life is, and show them you feel compassion.

True words, well said :cheers:
we had our after history, coincidence? i dont think so.

(we also just finished studying WW1 yesterday.)
*dedicates a moment of silence for the soldiers and civilians on both sides, both in recent and unrecent wars*
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
This is a pointless argument.

Typing it not only makes you look foolish but there really is no point, people arent going to seriously think about it because they saw some guy post something saying he closed his eyes.
Just stop farrow...just stop.If they want to type something like that or whatever they was doing, let them do it.
I somewhat agree with Farrow, but I won't fuel the argument.

It's sort of weird that the equivalent of remembrance day here (the Netherlands) is in july (the 5th of july iirc, day after 'liberation-day'), and the US has it today. Why not one world wide day? Oh well.
The UK has it today as well. I also had 2 mintues of silence on Rememerance Sunday too.

Although a smiley on an internet board can do nothing to express the feelings of gratitude that we feel for those who laid down all they could, even their lives so I have the freedom to say: :) thank you
At my school today, I realised that today's rememberance day assembly was the first one I've ever been to that had a Veteran actually speak in it (I've been going to school for 12 years now). It disgusts me that some people in Canada just couldnt care less about this day. Thankfully, I'm not one of those ingrates.
Originally posted by Sushi
Thankfully, I'm not one of those ingrates.


