It's September 1st...

Mr.Reak said:
No, I didn’t disagree with you, I quite agree that everything is pretty much relative and depends on point of you. I am just talking about American media itself, they call them Chechnya rebels, while in Iraq people who use same tactics to kick USA out of country are called terrorists. That’s my point, which I find quite strange on media part, but then whatever.

so we're pretty much in agreement :)


Sgt_Shelback said:
EDIT: Aye aye Sir! 20 is easy... (Note.. I was in the Navy for 12 years before going to the Army)

are you saying that you only have to do 20 because you were in the navy? Your in the army now soldier, we dont put up with that kind of backtalk! That's insubordination! give me another 50! ;)
dawdler said:
And levelling cities to the ground with thousands of civilian casualties is friendly behaviour now? Russia dont exactly discriminate. Shooting refugees is of course a neccessity. They could be terrorists.

This doesn't warrant a response...

Edit: Whoops I did... :wink:

Edit v2.0 Dang my arms are tired...
in all seriousness Sgt ..did you ever see combat?
But you know what, I actually cry inside for poor Chechnya civilians… Oh god, you know after this, if any children will die, Russia will level Chechnya to the ****ing ground, will go Stalin on their asses, doesn’t really matter if civilians or not.
CptStern said:
in all seriousness Sgt ..did you ever see combat?

Only Navy wise... IE Somolia, Gulf War 1, Panama... But safely and comfortably off the coast sending lead over the beach...

Me and a bunch of my buddies were shot at in Triest during liberty but I think that was from a scorned Italian gal who just saw white sailor uniforms and went nuts.
Sgt_Shellback said:
Only Navy wise... IE Somolia, Gulf War 1, Panama... But safely and comfortably off the coast sending lead over the beach...

Me and a bunch of my buddies were shot at in Triest during liberty but I think that was from a scorned Italian gal who just saw white sailor uniforms and went nuts.

those nutty italians :)
I go back tomorrow. I'm enjoying my last day. ;(

Summer break is over and still no HL2.

EDIT: Somehow you've managed to turn a thread about going back to school into a debate about terrorism. GJ, nothing is impossible for you guys :P .
I go back tomorrow too...

I would have expected to have played HL2 dice :(

Oh well...Hopefulyl sooner than later.
Today was my first day of school..

last year tough, that keeps me going ;)
September 1st means 29 days until my birthday! W00h00 ALMOST 17!