It's The Final Countdown!

Make that 50 minutes. This server is off a good 7 minutes by the way. I'm refreshing a navy atomic time website. Man I'm such a geek.
Oh man. Wow 1 hour just passed super fast!
I hope Valve releases their last batch of files soon. I don't think I can stand to wait any longer. :) This forum is slowing to a crawl as well...

40 minutes.....
About 9 hours for me, although I won't really have a sense of passage of time while I'm sleeping. :sleep:
30 minutes to go! I went to bed around 8:00 EST so I could get up and play. Go HL2!
30 minutes But by the time the page refreshes it will be 28. :)
its 8.40 here in germany and im at work, somebody help me :( ive started at 7.30 so i can leave at 4.30 and play this damn game :D
20 minutes left - hi from the UK ;) (been up all night killin' stuff in WoW beta ;0 )
Omg history is writing new epizodes on our eyes :D 08:46 Here in Poland
28 mins left, Uk here too. Bus for school comes at 8:05, i leave the house at 8 EXACTLY ;( But still, sooo close.
3:46am here in Nova Scotia, Canada err make that 3:47 omg hurry it up will you ,you god dam f%$king slow ass seconds sorry sorry im just a bit tense right now

BTW 3:49 now :O
this thread reminds of that 80s song "the final countdown"...i'm gonna listen to it now while waiting for hl2
I now know truly how much Half-Life 2 means to me.... I tried to read a book... no focus. I tried to sleep... restless. I tried to meditate.. but my mind was racing. No game, book, movie, or anything, has EVER created this much anticipation anxiety for me :p

I'm hyped. 9 MINUTES!!!111ONEONE

The catch.... Right on schedule, according to Murphy's law, I'm required to do some FLOOR TILING, as of, well about now really. I'm just awaiting the order. GOD DAMNIT.
4 minutes holy shit its happening :p I also spent from until the eagles game ended till now playing WoW beta.
2 minutes holy shit its happening :p I also spent from until the eagles game ended till now playing WoW beta.