ITT our greatest fears


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
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I currently have two.

One of them I'll copy and paste from my post in xchan, where x may or may not equal four.

I'm afraid of anything I can't see.

The dark, fog, curtains... anything that would allow someone, or someTHING, to stalk me.

And it's not even the threat of being attacked. It's the sensation that there's this thing... this nameless, faceless entity... or maybe it does have a face... just watching me, with soulless, unblinking eyes, close enough for it to smell me, breathe on me, but just out of reach, always there, always watching, its fingers curling in anticipation, never making a sound...

The other is an image that apparently goes by the name of "Understanding Joshua". I saw it today, and it has fully disturbed me, so much so that I still can't get it out of my mind, and I'm now intensely paranoid of any shadow or noise in my house.

Death (the actual act of dying, not the reaper...I don't fear the reaper).

These are the things that terrify me the most.
They are my fear, they drive my parnaoia.
I hate them, I fear them, last time I saw a needle, it was covered in a dark red aura I was so afraid of it. Instincts told me to run, anything but be near that thing.

I break out in cold sweat as it pierces my body, and still sweat cold after that, I become scared, cold, alone, quiet, and very faint in reality. Oh god, I can just imagine my muscles squeezing around the thin needle as it pierces it injecting some unknown fluid into my body

My arm hurts like hell, so I keep it as stiff as can be. But, it'll hurt later on if I don't.

And blood tests... well, I squirmed as my friend described it, I almost threw my headphones to the ground and almost felt like smashing my head against the wall intil I died. It sounds so ****ing horrible.
I hope I never get a blood test... ever.

Yes, I'm officialy, horribly afraid of needles.
I used to be afraid of things that spin, IE ceiling fans.

I'm diagnosed OCD so I used to worry so much about bacteria that I'd wash the skin off my hands.

Thanks to anti depressants, I'm not really scared of anything now.
Being alone, in the dark, but only when it's "indoors" dark.

I shit you not.
Being alone.
Failing in life.
Losing my family.
Any kind of violence against myself!
Going blind.
Losing my family.
Dying in a very unpleasant manner (burning)

Stigmata said:
The other is an image that apparently goes by the name of "Understanding Joshua".

So what is the image of?
Gay men touching me
Civilisation collapsing
Spacemen bringing dangerous bacteria back from Mars
Going blind.
Losing my family.
Dying in a very unpleasant manner (burning)

So what is the image of?

Alright, I just found it by the same means of Stig... What the hell D:

Somefool said:
To add to this, what triggered me to post this was seeing that ****ing creepy image of those guys pouring milk or something on a girl, while holding back this other guy with a decidedly tormented and non-human face... *shudders*

I google'd it too. Odd... I must say. Very odd. It came up with results from that film Spooke Houses aswell, which also looks odd.

Greatest fear? Errr, losing my family probably. Yeah.

EDIT: Charlie White, the bloke who made the Understanding Joshua series/photos also did the art direction and the puppet in the Evil video by Interpol, which really does make sense seeing that the puppet in that video is just as creepy. Who'da knew.
My Internal Organs being forcibly removed from my body.

No, seriously. I hate Rollercoasters. It feels like my heart is trying to jump out of my mouth.
Oooh, I love rollercoasters. And those things that zoom up straight into the air and then drop right back down again really really fast.
I lost most of my animal fears a while ago. Main one was spiders, which originated when some jackass gave me a book on poisonous spiders for a holiday or something. I thought every spider could kill you in ten seconds flat for years.

Nowadays I only get irrationally scared when it's dark inside the house, quiet, and I'm alone. Mainly the quiet part. I get over it by playing music, game, leaving a TV on, etc. Being in the woods alone at night is damn creepy too, but I think that's a human thing in general.

Also, not a fear, just odd, I have a strange habit of when I am in a room alone for extended periods of time I look for a "weapon" I could use for self-defense if someone attacked me. Loose, heavy object, or sharp basically. Right now it's a hardcover textbook in front of me at the moment.
Nowadays I only get irrationally scared when it's dark inside the house, quiet, and I'm alone. Mainly the quiet part. I get over it by playing music, game, leaving a TV on, etc. Being in the woods alone at night is damn creepy too, but I think that's a human thing in general.

Yeah I get that too when it's very quiet at night. It's very annoying when I'm trying to get some sleep but instead I strain myself to hear something and if I do I go see what made the noise:P .

As for the creepy woods, well you would be surprised. Once we were driving from my hometown to another city and we took a shortcut through the woods. There are no lights there, cars passing by are very rare and there are only a few scattered houses.
So while driving we passed by this group of lumberjacks that were going home after work. They dind have flashlight or any other kind of light source and didn't seem to mind the dark woods or the fact that there are bears there!

Also, not a fear, just odd, I have a strange habit of when I am in a room alone for extended periods of time I look for a "weapon" I could use for self-defense if someone attacked me. Loose, heavy object, or sharp basically. Right now it's a hardcover textbook in front of me at the moment.

Hahah I have something similar to that. I often imagine that I'm barricaded in my room with only the window to escape. So I think about breaking the window and jumping to our neighbour's balcony right before the burglar, monster or whatever breaks in the room:laugh:
Probably drowning....but that's huge for everybody. Who the hell wants to drown or suffocate. \=
Ever since I read House of Leaves, my house has creeped me the f*ck out.
Being alone, in the dark, but only when it's "indoors" dark.

I shit you not.

Same thing here. I could skip, humming to myself accross my 96 acres of woods and brush at night, but indoors... it's teh creepies.
Afraid of drowning? To me death by drowning just seems pathetic. But then I'm a very good swimmer, and I suppose others might not be.
To die of an illness that puts you in a death bed and you lie there, slowly dieing away, every hour you feel worse and worse, knowing that you cant do anything about it.

For more bad things to happen to my family, as my grand dad has died, then my brother died in a car crash, then one of my mum's best mates died, then she got cancer got through it then my dads best mate died. My ultimate fear is for more bad things to happen, since im the only male left under my dad's name, feel a massive responsiblilty to carry it on for my dad.

Plus, I absultely hate bugs, I mean i wouldnt scream like a girl when I saw one big, horrible thing, but they violent shudders down my spine.



Understanding joshua is not scary.

Wtf is wrong with you all.

I am scared of heights, yay.
The first time I saw Understand Joshua I thought it was screencaps from a funny porno. If you guys actually are serious that it scares you and aren't being sarcastic that's pretty weird.
Understanding joshua is not scary.

Wtf is wrong with you all.

I am scared of heights, yay.

Yeah, it's strange but not really that scary...

I don't know what my greatest fear is, but there was one time where I was up late at night and heard a weird crying sound outside the window, like a cat or a baby. It was kinda scary because I heard a story about creepy guys that try to lure women out of their houses by playing crying baby sounds at night, so they'd think there was an abandoned baby outside.
It seriously does scare me. I have somewhat of an overactive imagination. It also doesn't help that the second time I saw the image was while scrolling down an image forum, listening to Reptile by NIN, and just as the drum-crash/klaxon part came on, that milk image came up.
I loled @ joshua. I guess 4chan desensitized me more than I know.
What the hell is Understand Joshua, the twig dude looks like some sort of alien, i take it he/it aint real, looks highly comical
I'm desensitized. I've yet to see anything photographic that scares/disturbs me.

I didn't know about the other Understanding Joshua pictures, thanks Rakuri :D
It doesn't scare me...just makes me feel uneasy
