ITT our greatest fears

A puppet? Sounds HIGHLY comical lol

The only thing I have seen or watched that has been disturbing or made me feel uneasy was on Nuremburg, a documentry about, yep you guessed it, the Nuremburg Trails against the final top Nazis, in the scene of the court where they showed images of the Holocaust, just like hundreds of bodies being picked up by diggers and dumped into holes, looked just like plastic dolls, and images of men that were literally in the complexion of a skeleton who were somehow still alive, made me feel really uneasy to think that man could allow such a thing to happen.

Also, the Blair Witch Project was well dodgey, up until the end bit in the house in middle of no where, where you hear the girl screamign before being silenced, that was rather amusing
Only this one of Joshua made me lol :D


The first one makes me feel uneasy :|
I'm desensitized. I've yet to see anything photographic that scares/disturbs me.

I didn't know about the other Understanding Joshua pictures, thanks Rakuri :D

I'm the same way with nudity/sexual picture (goatse, etc., etc.) but violent pictures, whether fake or real, still uneases my stomach.
Hahah they should make a screamer with the face of that puppet LOL.

PS: And yeah the first pick makes me fill uneasy too, weird...
Being in the woods alone at night is damn creepy too, but I think that's a human thing in general.

Aye, its pretty much an instinct because Night Predators have the advantage over you. Its an animal thing in general.. except for nocturnal predators