I've always wanted a game...

poo poo head

Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
...where i can be an animal, like a predator animal of some sort.

where you can travel across the plains, or the forests or something with awesome graphics and stuff, and its open ended, like the way you eat effects your enviroment or something. I always had an interest in animals, and being the animal would be pretty cool.
This has always been the ideal game idea for me too.
Not sure how you could work in a game story or much meaning into it other than being just an enjoyable sandbox, but still.
i think that a game like this would be very cool. it's also the sort of game i'd buy rather than torrent.
I've been thinking of something like this, too.. you can pick any creature, and do the best to protect yourself, like building a den if your a muscrat, then mating, and controlling a pack of your offspring to help you gather/hunt.. that'd be kick-ass. And you'd get the benefits of each creature, like if you pick a cheetah you'd get awesome speed, if you pick a gorilla you'd get amazing strength.. And obviously each creautre you pick get the environment they are naturally in...
Aliens vs predator is what you want ..playing as the Alien is awesome
I remember this really old isometric game where you played as a wolf in the forest, you had to eat, mate, sleep, and avoid the occasional hunter. Really fun back in the day (1996-1998 I think it was).
Spore is on my to get list, but i just wanna be a real animal, from this world. Altough controlling the evolution of a species is awesome.
You can always play Turok and pretend you're another dinosaur!
I wanted a game where Que Ever would dance naked infront of me.

Yah, that would be sweet.

Or more games like Fortwars or a polished up Zombie Mod similar to the CS:S zombie levels.
closest i've seen to this is the AVP alien campaign.. loved that
This is something I've thought could be cool too, they'd just have to find ways to make it interesting and set it apart from other similar games.

Another thing along these lines that I thought could be cool was a game where you controlled an insect of some kind and did... insect stuff. The way you could make whole worlds out of things like cars and bedrooms, or even just a couch, because it'd take that much longer to traverse them, and there'd be so many more places to explore in all the nooks and crannies - that seems really cool to me.

But yeah... there'd still be the task of making it interesting :)
AVP 2 alien campaign that is :) recommend a playthrough for anyone in this thread, the sp that is =D
...where i can be an animal, like a predator animal of some sort.

where you can travel across the plains, or the forests or something with awesome graphics and stuff, and its open ended, like the way you eat effects your enviroment or something. I always had an interest in animals, and being the animal would be pretty cool.

Will Spore quench your thirst for open endedness ;)
btw, has there been any more news about Spore recently? I've been out of touch for the last few months..
Yeah that would be very cool. WoW is kinda like that. If you choose a druid for example you can change into many different animals and travel faster in the form of an animal.
...where i can be an animal, like a predator animal of some sort.

where you can travel across the plains, or the forests or something with awesome graphics and stuff, and its open ended, like the way you eat effects your enviroment or something. I always had an interest in animals, and being the animal would be pretty cool.
You have demonstrated an astounding level of brilliance and ingenuity with this idea. BEWARE game developers will undoubtedly steal this concept from you and create their own games with awesome graphics and stuff.
Impossible creatures might be what you are looking for
Played AvP 1, never got to play 2, i loved being Alien.

I have a 30 Druid, but my WoW time just ended.

Impossible Creatures was alright.

Being an Alien in Natural Selection has also had its fun times.
The game would have some novelty interest but doesn't sound very fun to be honest.
there is a game called 'Afrika' coming out for PS3 that would probably be of interest to you. Its not clear if it is an animal-sim, some kind of nature/wildlife photography game or a big game hunter game, but its got potential for either of those game types. The animations are bloody good btw
Alright, so i made this concept HUD for a game where you play a tiger, just to give some sort of an example of what i'd like to see.

Graphics courtesy of Cry-engine 2, boar is a real pic, and on the right is your stance status (prowling, crawling, climbing, running) and the red lower left bar is health, and the blue one is a stealth meter, so if its fully blue, your obvious, fully grey, your a ghost.


just a concept.
You sir would love playing as an alien in AVP2's single player campaign, I can't stress it enough lol
I wish i could get AvP2, i know its somewhere in the bargain bin. I loved playing Alien in AvP 1, best campaign, especially tearing people apart.
I wish i could get AvP2, i know its somewhere in the bargain bin. I loved playing Alien in AvP 1, best campaign, especially tearing people apart.

It's the most immersive FPS experience i've had playing something other than a human, I absolutely loved it. Instead of treating it like a smaller human or something they truly made it feel like you walked, sounded and creeped around like a face hugger / chestburster or drone and many more (especially in the expansion which added more classes to multiplayer and SP). If you can find it i'd strongly recommend it =). Oh yeah NS is also one of my favorite Half-Life mods and is great at this type of FPS sensation too.
shameless bump.

I also picked up AvP2 from one of my friends, installing it now.
i think that a game like this would be very cool. it's also the sort of game i'd buy rather than torrent.

....A mod talking about torrenting games...thats great.

Isnt that what we are against here?
I can imagine that when the way we see games changes radically and becomes mainstream e.g. glasses/massive engufling screens we'll see a lot of recreational sandbox games being made. It would be a nice experience for one, probably relaxing if it can be made as real as possible.