I've always wanted to play Wind Waker...


Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
...and now that I am, I'm not really impressed. Literally, from the first time I saw my friend playing the Wind Waker on his Gamecube I've always wanted to play it, REALLY REALLY BAD. That was when it first came out. I was something like 12-13 and Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were both still pretty fresh in my mind as probably the best singleplayer games I had ever played. I admired the immersiveness and the dreamy, mature settings of those games. The only times I remember waking up at 5 in the morning on a school day to play videogames were for those two games. Seriously, they made me feel alive. They were the only Zelda's I really knew about and I based everything I know about Zelda on them.

So, needless to say, I was looking for something fresh that would fill the Zelda hole in my heart, and Wind Waker seemed to be it.

6 years later, I finally have ZELDA: THE WIND WAKER. I'm only at Forest Haven but this is what I think so far:

It's crap.

- The graphics and smoothness of gameplay are beautiful.
- The sounds are kinda cool, and somewhat immersive.
- The music sucks. There's some use of the classic songs, but it's poorly used imo; like when you're in the jail cell crawling through the tunnels and finding the Pictograph in a den filled with skulls, the song is the one used for the inside of people's homes. Da da daa.
- The puzzles make you feel stupid instead of clever. They're patronizing as hell.
- The storyline basically consists of the King of Red Lions just saying "uhoh! We better go south/west/east/north to the next area to get more pearls and save the universe!" after a dungeon, and pretty much nothing else such as WHY, or WHAT are the PEARLS FOR.
- The intro for Ganon is just a drawback shot of his back + darkness and fire, for about 15 seconds. Really epic.
- Everything looks and acts baby-ish.
- The story is baby-ish. Why is Nintendo catering to 8 year old children now?
- The Deku Tree literally looks like a hillbilly retard. WHY? He's supposed to look wise.
- I'll probably add more criticism the further I progress through the game, so this is incomplete...

One thing I seriously can't believe is that besides the stupid arguments about WW's cel-shadedness, no-one really realized how stupid the game itself is. Mind you, there are short periods of fun, just not enough.
your childhood is ruined
Wind Waker is one of the best games ever made.

How dare you.

Just thinking about playing it on a night where I have nothing to do or worry about and nothing going on the next day is relaxing... just sit back sail... aaaah.

Oh and the combat is by far the best out of any game in the series. Twilight Princess would be the worst. **** I hate that game.
Wind Waker is one of the best games ever made.

How dare you.

Just thinking about playing it on a night where I have nothing to do or worry about and nothing going on the next day is relaxing... just sit back sail... aaaah.

Oh and the combat is by far the best out of any game in the series. Twilight Princess would be the worst. **** I hate that game.

Hell yes. I loved Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask. All very great titles. Also, OP, you're at like the first real part of the game. Keep going. It doesn't suck, JESUS.
Wind Waker > Twilight Princess because:

Valoo the wind spirit (big red dragon) is respected and loved
In Twilight Princess on the other hand, I hated being forced to slay the twilight dragon boss in that Sky Palace dungeon.

Look at my avatar, go figure.
I got this game used in about 2005. It was a huge disappointment. Really terrible.

The last Zelda game I liked (that I've played) was on the Super Nintendo. Nothing beats the original on the NES, though Zelda 2 was really good and the one on Super Nintendo was nice.
I got this game used in about 2005. It was a huge disappointment. Really terrible.

The last Zelda game I liked (that I've played) was on the Super Nintendo. Nothing beats the original on the NES IMO, though Zelda 2 was really good and the one on Super Nintendo was nice.
I'm among the minority who say that Zelda II > all the others, with the SNES, "Link to the Past" as a second.

The series started to nosedive gameplay wise imo after OoT. There just wasn't anything new the series could bring anymore.
Although I still love all of them.
I loved Wind Waker. I still remember the afternoon that I went into town straight after school to go pick it up. I played it for like a solid week after that I was that immersed.

Fantastic game.
I'm not very hesitant to say that Ocarina of Time is probably the last really good Zelda game in my opinion. Majora's Mask was okay, but not the slightest as good as the previous title.
Maybe it's because you're 6 years older now?
When I was 11 I played my first Zelda game, which happened to be the Wind Waker, and had a lot of fun with it, so i bought Zelda: Collectors Edition(Gamecube ports of OOT+MM+some NES crap)
I played OOT and MM, and they weren't harder than Wind Waker, so it's probably you because you've waited too long with playing it.
They don't call him lame-o just 'cause of his brief stint in the breakfast cereal industry, Darkseid.
And YOU! Why didn't you use your powers of clairvoyance to forsee that he would create this thread and kill him in the past?
Hey, man. I'm a smoker, not a killer.


That, and I've never played a Zelda game in my life. So I have no idea what this thread would've done.

while that hogspotting bag of douches is allowed to post his retard opinion without retribution. WHY DO THE MODS LET THESE PEOPLE GO UNPUNISHED

the man doesn't even realize that Nintendo has always catered to children

oh God I'm raging so hard

I can't even see
Wind Waker and Majora's Mask are tied for my favourite Zelda ever. Ocarina of Time is classic but not the best.
My infraction box remains empty, so I will discuss the new McDonald's McAngus burger.

Behold thee the Angus the Mighty!
It's magestic, marbelled beef heart
Your sauce flavours bitey
Cradelled in your printed cardboard cart

You are no cylinder
That is for pussies
Squarer than Dillinger
Far beyond cookies

Slayer of the Munchies
Reaper of the weak
Thicker than palm trees
The one you must seek

Buns so elegant and soft
Dusted ever so lightly with dreams
Perkier than Lara Croft
In my mouth projected flavour beams!

Meat adorned in rare onion
The origin unknown
Approved by the awesome union
Their pockets, swollen, have grown

Still you lay before me
Tantalizing in grease
Just wait and you will see
In my stomach you'll rest in peace.
Oh yeah, if Banimal was here he'd totally infraction every bypass of the swear filter.
I'm surprised that you're surprised at this. You seem to bypass the swear filter a lot, the mods don't usually like that :rolleyes:



And c'mon, what would I be without cursing vehemently at everything? The mods should just overlook it when I break the wordfilter. It's me. I should be declared a special circumstance.
Munro isn't here, man.

He hasn't been for eons.

I-It's obvious, man! Look around the streets! The Scum! The Sin! WHERE IS YOUR MUNRO NOW?!

Naw. Maybe they always have catered to small children, but back then it wasn't STUPID. A lot of the things they did in Wind Waker were simply made to tickle the funny bone of people with minds like soup: ie. the disco dancer guy who's obviously supposed to make me rofl my socks off on Windfall Island, the Deku Tree looking like a hillbilly inbred which is obviously supposed to make me chuckle but I just felt disappointed, and Valoo's predicament of having his tail being pinched by the first boss is a freaking AWESOME joke - it's so impressive to see a joke taken straight from a kids show like "Dragon Tales" in a Zelda game.

You wouldn't see crap like that in any other Zelda game. Name one extremely infantile joke in bad taste coming from any Zelda game other than possibly Twilight Princess or the Phantom Hourglass.
I'd say it's a three-way tie for me between Wind Waker, Ocarina and Twilight Princess.
You wouldn't see crap like that in any other Zelda game. Name one extremely infantile joke in bad taste coming from any Zelda game other than possibly Twilight Princess or the Phantom Hourglass.

"Name something bad from the games except for these games with contains bad."
I'm still wondering if this is a troll or if you really do just have a bad opinion. Maybe Wind Waker doesn't appeal to your sensibilities. You seem to want a MATURE ZELDA FOR MATURE GAMERS SUCH AS YOURSELF.
According to this post, there needs to be a W40K / Zelda crossover.

Tingle would make a badass ork.
There's enough crazy things in Warhammer (Fantasy/old) to compare to some of the baddies and beasties from Zelda, that's for sure.
Wind Waker is so ****ing epic it makes me want to jizz in all shades of cel.

But then 90% of all Zelda games are epic.
Naw. Maybe they always have catered to small children, but back then it wasn't STUPID. A lot of the things they did in Wind Waker were simply made to tickle the funny bone of people with minds like soup: ie. the disco dancer guy who's obviously supposed to make me rofl my socks off on Windfall Island, the Deku Tree looking like a hillbilly inbred which is obviously supposed to make me chuckle but I just felt disappointed, and Valoo's predicament of having his tail being pinched by the first boss is a freaking AWESOME joke - it's so impressive to see a joke taken straight from a kids show like "Dragon Tales" in a Zelda game.

You wouldn't see crap like that in any other Zelda game. Name one extremely infantile joke in bad taste coming from any Zelda game other than possibly Twilight Princess or the Phantom Hourglass.
Sounds like you took the cartoon graphics too seriously. IRONY!
Hm. Personally never cared whether it was too cartoony or whatever.

I loved the cell shading but admittedly wasn't a fan of the artwork they used. It's all about having fun though.

I think I got a music instrument item or something and couldn't figure out how to get it to trigger the rock even though I was sure I was in the right place. After trying a dozen things I was thoroughly stumped and was no longer enjoying the game. I got very annoyed and never played it again..

Now I'm disappointed because you guys are saying its so great.

I think when I was a kid I was much more determined to keep going than I am anymore. Now, If I get stuck or bored, I get a different game. In retrospect, I should have looked up a help guide to get passed it.

When we were kids, playing Zelda [1] was a big mystery to the neighborhood and we all put our heads together to solve the puzzles.
In the beginning I found myself underwhelmed. But being a completest I stuck to it, and after you get into it it starts to get a lot better.
- The storyline basically consists of the King of Red Lions just saying "uhoh! We better go south/west/east/north to the next area to get more pearls and save the universe!" after a dungeon, and pretty much nothing else such as WHY, or WHAT are the PEARLS FOR.
- The intro for Ganon is just a drawback shot of his back + darkness and fire, for about 15 seconds. Really epic.
- Everything looks and acts baby-ish.
- The story is baby-ish. Why is Nintendo catering to 8 year old children now?
The story really only kicks in after you return to the Forsaken Fortress. Things are actually given reasons then.

On the subject of baby-ishness, it's really no more than any other Zelda game, even Twilight Princess, and of all the Zelda games this one gives Ganon the most characterization and motivation other than I WANT TO RULE THE WORLD. He's still not massively developed, but it' better than the other games.
The first one for the NES is by far my favorite Zelda. Ocarina is second and the second Zelda for the NES is my third. I liked Wind Waker, didn't like Majora and was very underwhelmed with Twilight Princess.
Majora's Mask is my favourite (I just love the three day system and the atmosphere) and Link's Awakening (my first) is second.
...and now that I am, I'm not really impressed. Literally, from the first time I saw my friend playing the Wind Waker on his Gamecube I've always wanted to play it, REALLY REALLY BAD. That was when it first came out. I was something like 12-13 and Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were both still pretty fresh in my mind as probably the best singleplayer games I had ever played. I admired the immersiveness and the dreamy, mature settings of those games. The only times I remember waking up at 5 in the morning on a school day to play videogames were for those two games. Seriously, they made me feel alive. They were the only Zelda's I really knew about and I based everything I know about Zelda on them.

Go figure, I just got Wind Waker the other day. Recently, my 360 got the RRoD, so now I've been turning to Nintendo for my gaming needs, and I decided to get this. So far I'm having a blast. I have to say, I love all of the 3D LoZ games that I've played (OoT, MM, WW, and TP)<3. Never really got into the 2D games though.

Just looking at the artwork for the next LoZ game makes me want to take my pants off.
...of all the Zelda games this one gives Ganon the most characterization
No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing...Death.

And as long as we're discussing favorite Zelda games, THE ADVENTURE OF LINK.