I've been debating

Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
if I shold get this game or not. But lately I've been talking about it with some friends and been watching some previews/trailers, and holy crap! It actually looks really good and amazing. So I think I'm going to actually get this when it comes out =D!
if I shold get this game or not. But lately I've been talking about it with some friends and been watching some previews/trailers, and holy crap! It actually looks really good and amazing. So I think I'm going to actually get this when it comes out =D!

Well, just wait and try it out on the 11th if you haven't already. That's when they will release the demo publicly, and then you can form your own judgment on it.

However, if I were to think whether to buy this or not buy it based on stories and screenshots alone, well, I purchased it just because of everything I read about it. You'll honestly love the game.
U know I actually thought that the game was being released and the non-pre-payers demo was all coming on the 11th. Kinda had me pissed but full game's coming out the 18th :P
Yesterday I thought it comes out on the 11th, but then I found out it's the 18th and my excitement went away lol. I can only play on Steam during the weekends, so I'll have a couple of days to play the demo. I'm pretty excited for that though
One thing i didnt expect is the consolized menu interface, i was expecting the usual
One thing i didnt expect is the consolized menu interface, i was expecting the usual

I actually find it better than the previous menus. I mean they did leave out a few options from the graphics such as water detail, HDR, etc., but other than that, I think they did a pretty good job. Of course, some will complain about the lack of a server browser button, I honestly find the consolized lobby system better for your friends to join and such, but they need to work on what servers to use and such.
so far there's relatively little water anyways. Though is there any HDR in effect at all?
Same thing that happened with tf2 for me : didn't have much interest in the game until I actually got to play it.

It's great.
I'd get it, it's one hell of a game. A good Zombie game to, considering.
Same thing that happened with tf2 for me : didn't have much interest in the game until I actually got to play it.

It's great.

That happened with me also. I got Tf2, and was praying for it to be good. I started playing it and couldn't stop
Heh, I got TF2 part of the OB and didn't really even care for it, I just wanted Ep.2 and Portal. But guess which one I got most hours in?
I've seen Peggle on my list, but I've never bothered checking it out or anything. What is it?
It's a little arcade game. It's OK fun, once you play it, you can't stop for a couple of hours..
