I've just now finished HL2 and I bought it the day it came out.

Thadius Dean

Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Granted I've only obtained a computer able to run it recently. Still, any of you guys not beaten it yet?

Thought so :smoking:
hmmm, now i feel incrediblely sad because i beat Hl and HL2 in the first two weeks i bought it. I got the GOTY Edition a month ago. I beat it on hard. Somehow my dyslexia made me think that you beat it the day it came out and i wouldn't feel quite as pathetic. But no....
pssh quick saves are for noobs! esc out, then name your saves, etc.
Know what's funny? I was a big HL1 fan, but when HL2 came out, I didn't buy it right away... I looked at the box and I was like Eh, looks alright. Little did I know it was the best game ever! Finally bought it about a week after it came out, but I still regret that one week I could have been playing! A year and 3 months? Now that's rough!
I didnt realise when it was released, the day after someone told me about it, but I didn't believe them. I looked it up, and sure enough - it was on sale! :D

Then I had to upgrade my PC - which took a week due to faulty parts :frown:
Thadius Dean said:
Granted I've only obtained a computer able to run it recently. Still, any of you guys not beaten it yet?

Thought so :smoking:
You just now finished? You must have an awesome g/f :imu:
Well I got it on Sunday ( Game of the Year edition) and I barely played Half-life2 becasue I'm playing Half-life 2 deathmatch and Counter-Strike source. But I plan on playing it soon. Maybe after school tommorow.
I've had Diablo 2 for 3 years and have never got past Act 2.

I suck horribly at RPGs.
I find HL2 to be most enjoyable on medium. Not because hard is too hard, I easily beat it on that, but because on hard it feels like you are shooting rubber bullets at the enemies which makes firing a gun less enjoyable.
Spectre01 said:
I find HL2 to be most enjoyable on medium. Not because hard is too hard, I easily beat it on that, but because on hard it feels like you are shooting rubber bullets at the enemies which makes firing a gun less enjoyable.
But on medium it feels like they are firing paintballs at you.
I beat it in 4-5 days on hard, don't actually use quicksave. The hardest part for me was Follow Freeman with all of the Striders.
Hi all. Damn, how do you guys not use any quick saves? You're hardcore! :cheers:
I'm saving very regularly and I'm only doing medium. Like, after a difficult or tricky fight, or picking up various powerups and getting myself into the exact spot ready for the next bit of exploration and fighting, I'm topping up my health and saving. In certain sequences such as shooting down those two dropships firing at me, I did it several times, shot down one of them, then I'd die. So eventually I just saved after one ship was down, then I only had to finish off the other. Might sound lame but hey, was still satisfying.

Spectre01 makes a good point. I haven't tried hard but I can imagine the 'rubber bullets' feeling. There's something very satisfying on medium when taking out enemies instantly using secondary fire with the shotgun. In fact, that is my weapon of choice as it was in doom3 too.

Anyway, I bought the game about 3 or 4 months ago, and only unwrapped it last week. I'm currently on anticitizen one. This game is absolutely awesome. You think the thread starter is bad, well, I started doom3 in august 2004, played it on and off and only finished it 1 week ago. :p Mostly because I've been focusing on quake3 online for the last 3 years so SP games took a backseat.
I finished it on hard, without any saves, eyes closed and without a sound card

now I'm not even sure it was Half-Life 2
I finished it within probably 4 days on easy, how sad.

Then I went back again and played medium and hard :)
i played through it once and was done with it. twas a decent game. cant see myself playing through it ever again though.
A few months before release, my friend started harping on about it. Then PC Gamer. I had never played the original so I had no idea what the fuss was about. I looked at the website and decided that as it had just been my birthday I may as well buy the Silver edition seeing as people were saying it was going to be the best game ever.
On the day of release I was so caught up in the hype on forums and from my friend that I stayed up until 6 am playing it, even though I had to wake up at 7. In that time, I got up to Water Hazard and was truly gripped. The next evening I thought it would be fun to turn the difficulty up to Hard because I had been playing on easy and it had been too easy. I found the remainder of Water Hazard much more fun to play but intended to turn it down to Medium after I got back on foot. Well.. I kinda forgot to put the difficulty down and played through my first time on Hard. No quicksaves either because I didn't know you could. :smoking:
Spectre01 said:
I find HL2 to be most enjoyable on medium. Not because hard is too hard, I easily beat it on that, but because on hard it feels like you are shooting rubber bullets at the enemies which makes firing a gun less enjoyable.

I kind of know what you mean, but I found that rubber bullets feeling to be far worse in HL1. Also, considering some other people say they found the game to be waaay too easy, I reckon Valve got the balance about perfect.
To tell you the truth I don't know how to quicksave, considering I've never done it. Only time I've ever saved(saving a really fun part) was when I pressed ESC and pressed Save game. Of course I use autosave too :)
I never quick saved. Most of my gameplay is me wandering around, hopelessly, like a puppy. Then I get on gamefaqs and find out what the hell I'm supposed to do.