Jack Thompson: Oblivion worse than Hot Coffee


May 5, 2004
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slashdot said:
Jack Thompson has commenced his attack on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion by seeking appearances on several talk shows. A press release announcing his availability speaks of Take Two not having 'learned its lesson' over the Hot Coffee scandal, before continuing to detail the issues surrounding Oblivion's re-rating, in particular regarding nudity - concluding that the game content will spawn 'an even worse disaster' than occurred during Hot Coffee."

leave it to Jack to get all the details wrong. Bethesda did nothing wrong. The Esrb folded under pressure before anyone raised the issue of nudity in game and rerated it to Mature ..now their sign of weakness thrust Oblivion into the limelight. So Jack is spinning this into a lucrative run on Talk shows spewing lies and misinformation in the hopes of alarming every upper middle class soccor mom into believing her spoiled lazy son is training to become a murderer by playing video games. Look out Oprah, here comes Jack

Jack's press release:

Hi I'm a big fat idiot named Jack said:
"Last summer the video game industry was rocked by revelations that Take-Two Interactive, the makers of the hyper-violent Grand Theft Auto games, had illegally embedded in GTA: San Andreas graphic interactive adult sexual material. Take-Two lied and said it didn't do it.

The undersigned then prepped Senator Clinton for her "Hot Coffee" press conference, and all Heck broke loose. The House of Representatives voted 355-21 in asking the Federal Trade Commission to whack Take-Two for the fraud.

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ordered a recall of all of the Mature-rated GTA: SA games, slapping an Adults-Only rating on it. The fraud cost Take-Two, conservatively, $50 million, which loss has resulted in class action shareholder lawsuits because of a plunge in Take-Two stock value.

You would think Take-Two would have learned its lesson, right? Wrong.

Its popular and newly released Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has now been re-rated "Mature" and recalled by the ESRB because Take-Two and its co-publisher have been caught embedding nude figures and scenes in the game which can be unlocked with a code provided by the developer. This is not a modification or "mod" of the game by gamers. It is an unlocking of content that was put there by Take-Two with the unlocking code provided by the developer!

Expert guest, attorney Jack Thompson (and author of Out of Harm's Way, an expose on violent video games) is available to be your Talk Show interview guest to discuss this new scandal that has just exploded. During your interview, jack explains that this game is an even worse disaster than last year's' "Hot Coffee" scandal in that it has resulted in the re-rating of a "Teen" rated game that kids of all ages have already bought and secondly because it shows that the Take-Two and the ESRB and the industry as a whole learned absolutely nothing from last year's scandal.

Specifically, the ESRB has now admitted that it rated this game "Teen" without even reviewing the entire game, unlike the movie industry rating system that is based upon a movie seen in its entirety. The ESRB, which is supposed to be the guardian of kids, simply didn't even try to do its job.

The ESRB, once again, has been caught with its pants down. What Senator Clinton said last year, with the undersigned's help, is now more true than ever: "The entire video game rating system is broken."

It is also clear that Take-Two corporately and its senior officers, including CEO Paul Eibeler, individually, must now be prosecuted criminally for the knowing distribution of "sexual material harmful to minors" which is a felony in most states and nationally. The undersigned intends to work toward that end immediately.

Thompson, a graduate of Vanderbilt Law School, where he was a classmate of former Vice President Al Gore, shares with your audience how violent videos have a brain-altering effect that can lead to deadly results. During your interview, Thompson also gives antidotes from his new book, "Out of Harm's Way" (Tyndale House Publishers).

In Jack Thompson's new book, Out of Harm's Way, Jack puts the powerful video gaming industry in his cross hairs. Pointing to medical, scientific, and law enforcement evidence, the author shows how unhealthy and dangerous this popular "entertainment" has become-and how violent video games have been linked to the increase in school shootings. Lest the video gaming industry think Thompson is not capable of opposing their powerful stranglehold on the entertainment business, his history strongly suggests otherwise.

In Thompson's engrossing memoir-an account of a modern-day David's battle against the entertainment business, there is a much needed call to arms. Writing as one who has been at the front lines of the culture war for the past two decades, often standing right in the line of fire, Thompson explains the moral, legal, ethical, and racial implications of this battle and why it is vital that parents-and anyone else concerned about the health, safety, and well-being of children-understand it-and join the battle to stop violent video games-dead in their tracks.


All the Grand Theft Auto games
The Warriors
Halo 2
Blitz: The League (Jack was on Anderson Cooper 360 about this game)
Brothers in Arms
Earned in Blood 50 Cent
Bulletproof True Crime
New York City Bully (not yet out)
25 to Life (not yet out)


A 1976 graduate of Vanderbilt Law School, where he was a classmate of Al Gore, Jack Thompson is a former "hands-off-business libertarian" and "First Amendment absolutist" who subsequently became convinced that the entertainment industry must be forced into taking responsibility for the brain-altering and deadly results of the violence and indecency it is spewing into millions of homes, families, and minds.

An attorney specializing in litigation against the entertainment industry since 1987, he has been interviewed for hundreds of radio and TV programs about the link between violent video games and teen violence. His legal successes include: securing the first FCC decency fines (1989); securing the first verdict that a sound recording is obscene (2 Live Crew case in 1990); forced Time Warner to pull rapper Ice-T's "Cop Killer" from store shelves worldwide (1992); and received ACLU's "Top Ten Censors of the Year Award" (1992).

Recently, Thompson has represented parents of three girls shot at a school in Paducah, Ky., by a 14-year-old video gamer. He also got shock jock Howard Stern kicked off all Clear Channel radio stations and Clear Channel fined $495,000 for illegal indecent broadcasts. He also successfully predicted a "Columbine-type" incident on national television one week before it occurred, and he also predicted that the DC Beltway Sniper triggerman would be "trained on a sniper video game."

A frequent speaker on college campuses, Thompson lives with his family in south Florida where he is a lay leader in his Presbyterian church.

Suggested Interview Questions for Jack Thompson, author of "Out of Harm's Way":

Jack on Video Games:

* Do you really believe violent games lead to violence? What proof do you have?
* Can video games really permanently alter a persons brain?
* Isn't this really just a parent's responsibility, not the government's?
* Are you opposed to all video games or just some?
* Tell me one story that would be most likely to cause a listener to share your concern that video games cause violent behaviors?
* What is the solution to the play of so many violent games by kids?
* Are violent games really being sold to minors?
* Didn't you play cops and robbers as a kid?
* Are all violent games bad or just some?
* Do you think we're going to see more laws against the sales of violent games?
* Is this a Republican issue or a Democratic issue?
* Aren't Republicans supposed to be opposed to more government regulating our lives?
* Where does your regulation end? Aren't you putting us on a slipper slope of censorship?
* What are some of the video game companies that you believe are acting irresponsibly?"

what a tool
He could die in a car accident next week for all we know. You shouldn't worry about this guy. Just ignore him.
cant, he's already done enough damage. He needs to be discredited
True, but unless the Video Game Industry stands up to HIM in particular, nothing will change
Evo said:
True, but unless the Video Game Industry stands up to HIM in particular, nothing will change

they have to varying degrees ... Penny arcade having the most success at making him look like the idiot he is .....but he was responsible for losing Take Two a shitload of money by pulling GTA: SA off the shelves to be re-rated. Dont underestimate Thompson ...under all that fire and brimstone he has a lot of key players supporting him from the sidelines
I can't believe anyone takes him seriously anymore. :| He's become such a self-parody.
Plus if graduated Law School in the 70's I cant see him staying around for much longer anyway
It's a sorry comment on the state of the game industry when our strongest spokesman in the battle against Thompson is a random internet comic.
n Jack Thompson's new book, Out of Harm's Way, Jack puts the powerful video gaming industry in his cross hairs.
there is a much needed call to arms.
Jack Thompson incites parents "there is a much needed call to arms" in this fight against video games. Jack Thompson puts the video gaming industry in his cross hairs. Holy shit if these statements aren't ironic.

LOL. So then all of us 'dangerous violent' video gamers should "take up arms" and blow this ****er away. :devil:

Take-Two and its co-publisher have been caught embedding nude figures and scenes in the game which can be unlocked with a code provided by the developer. This is not a modification or "mod" of the game by gamers. It is an unlocking of content that was put there by Take-Two with the unlocking code provided by the developer!
You are a bold-faced lier Jack Thompson, and your lies will be exposed. This is just NOT true, it IS a mod created by gamers, and there is no code to unlock it. If there is, please post it so I can try it out. :D

I've said it before, you can photoshop the images in any video game to depict nudity, how is that the publisher's fault? Besides there are no nude scenes in this game. WTF?
It is also clear that Take-Two corporately and its senior officers, including CEO Paul Eibeler, individually, must now be prosecuted criminally for the knowing distribution of "sexual material harmful to minors" which is a felony in most states and nationally. The undersigned intends to work toward that end immediately.
This entire argument is based on the lie in the previous quote.
Actually the developers did put it in there, it was one of those silly devs that secretly put in there without telling anyone, or something like that D:. He is obviously a silly billy.

It has been found that some pages of Jack Thompson's book, Out of Harms way, when re-assembled to form coherence, produce distinct images of Bullshit on every line of the page. The publishers, Tyndale House, claim that they didn't know about this startling 'page-mod' that could be produced by replacing the name 'Jack Thompson' with 'C*nt'

The BRC, who rated the book as "Dyslexics only", were forced to re-rate Jack Thompson's book after harrowing pressure from the mass public. The book is now rated as "100% bullshit", and should therefore not be read by anyone.
Personally, I quite like Jack Thompson. I thought his spoken-word renditions of rock & roll classics, like Pulp's "Common People" were surprisingly good, and his participation in the current Bran Flakes ad campaign shows he doesn't take himself too seriously.
Oh wait - that's William Shatner.
Sorry - Jack Thompson's a reactionary fool with the debating skills of a child.
Don't know why I got those two mixed up...
Wow, once again he displayes his ignorance by confusing a puplisher with a developer and simply being an outright jackass. (no pun intended)
Aw, I thought he had died a few weeks ago because I stopped hearing of him.

Now im sad :(
Best thing you can do is ignore him, those of us who know we just play games for fun don't need to defend ourselves, it's self evident that the majority of gamers are not violent.
clarky003 said:
it's self evident that the majority of gamers are not violent.
Good point. A very many people play video games and I don't see violent crimes going up.

If video games had never been invented, I think there would be millions of bored, violent children running the streets rampant. Just think back to the "wild west" 'Everyone' carried a pistol, even many children.

You see, with violent video games, we actually release pent up aggression. This is similar to masturbation.

Now imagine for a moment if masturbation was impossible. I think rape would be common-place (it would happen quite often).

I just compared violent video games to masturbation. Yea, I said it.

When comparing violent video games to masturbation, Jack Thompson would like to make it impossible to masturbate. That mother****er.
I dislike that man. He called my mom 'dog breath' in an email when I used her email address by accident when mailing him.
what a fag. That is one of my favorite games, he seriously needs to **** off. Oh ya we are training to become mas murders. It is a game you fag, if you don't like it you don't need to look at it. He's trying to impose his views on all gamers. I know he is just a joke but he still pisses me off.
Samon said:
I dislike that man. He called my mom 'dog breath' in an email when I used her email address by accident when mailing him.
I wonder what you said to him.

what a fag. That is one of my favorite games, he seriously needs to **** off. Oh ya we are training to become mas murders. It is a game you fag, if you don't like it you don't need to look at it. He's trying to impose his views on all gamers. I know he is just a joke but he still pisses me off.
Thats right. It's only a game. Who could confuse a video game with reality? Before video games, and when I was a very young kid, we played Hangman in school. Our teachers used to play it with us on fun days.

I wonder if Jack Thompson used to love to play Hangman. That ****ing Hypocrite.


I'm curious. If games are breeding a generation of crack killers, surely this "army" would have taken out Jack many moons ago for his attacks on our hobby. If hes right, then he would be dead by now.
Krynn72 said:
Aw, I thought he had died a few weeks ago because I stopped hearing of him.

Now im sad :(
It's all right. His day will come. And it better come pretty God damn fast.
VirusType2 said:
I wonder what you said to him.

That I failed to see the point in what he was trying to achieve, and that I think it's pretty rude of you to address gamers as some kind of 'lowlife'. I wasn't rude. It doesn't matter what you send, he won't care.
Link said:
I'm curious. If games are breeding a generation of crack killers, surely this "army" would have taken out Jack many moons ago for his attacks on our hobby. If hes right, then he would be dead by now.

I've actually had that thought before. He may be insane enough that that's his plan:

There exists at least one gamer in the world who is an insane killer. Piss off all gamers in the world, so that one guy will go after him, proving him right, and his martyrdom will be a wake up call to the American people. How noble.
wait wait wait...did jack actually write that?

lol so the guy now reffer to himself in third person, randomly mentions he was class-mate with Al gore(as if it mattered), advertises that he's aviable for interviews and last but not least offers suggestions to what kind of questions should be asked. LOL could you possibly be a bigger attention whore than that?
One day you empty minded pixelantes will realize he's right.

TheSomeone said:
One day you empty minded pixelantes will realize he's right.


You are kidding right? Anyone can see what a wind bag this loser is.
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
wait wait wait...did jack actually write that?

lol so the guy now reffer to himself in third person, randomly mentions he was class-mate with Al gore(as if it mattered), advertises that he's aviable for interviews and last but not least offers suggestions to what kind of questions should be asked. LOL could you possibly be a bigger attention whore than that?
Yeah, lol, he often refers to himself in the third person in some of his crappy article type things. He is such a tard.
Jack Thompson is a prick, I want to know how he can sue these video game companies when the customers buy games out of their own free will, and it's not even required by law for the ESRB to rate these games, they do it because they are nice people, and they get paid. I hope he dies in a plane crash.

I don't see him going after porn sites because they have nudity on them.. he just needs something to do because he's a retired ass-hat.
Guys! Hold on, i just finished playing BF:2 so i've gotta go over the international students building and blow it up, then kill every police officer that shows up, so i'll like totally be back in 10.
I like how he implicates the publishers instead of the developers.
oh my god my kids are in danger cuz they can see nudity in theyr computer!

is funny how he talks "the ubersuperdupernazi violent game grand theft auto that traing and force inocents kids to kills menbers of the society whit terrorist and satanics attacks.."

seriously who can pay atention to that nuthead