Jack Thompson Playstation 2


Sep 13, 2003
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This is a project I started 6 months ago and let languish. I finally decided today to finish it and show it to the internet. This is the Jack Thompson Playstation 2.


As you can probably see, I took Jack's book and turned it into a Playstation 2. While its still a little rough around the edges, it still works. Unfortunately, the cover doesnt close by its own weight, hence the cell phone sitting on Jack's face on the fourth picture.

I'm almost positive somebody else has thought of this, but I figured that some people here would be interested in it. And yes, the first game I played on this thing was GTA3.

EDIT: Now that this bad boy has been featured on Kotaku, I feel like I have to clarify a few things.

1: I did not buy this book new. It was used on Amazon and it cost me a total of 7 bucks, including shipping. It was also a library book, which evidently was never checked out.


2: Here is a picture of it running. I fixed the problem with it not closing all the way by gluing a bunch of pennies inside the dust jacket.

You killed it :'(

Great job really but c'mon you could of chosen a better cover art surely.
I saw image two and after a while I laughed. Image 3 is priceless. Nice one.

You need to take more images of it! You should put it on a better surface to take photos though.

To weigh the book cover down, just stick some weight to the underside at the edges. Double sided tape + small piece of iron or whatever works.
That is excellent and very worth the couple dollars Jacko got from you for buying that book.
Props. Pretty clever job you did there. Does the tray still come out?
Haha thats pretty good/funny, you should email him the pictures.
any chance you could put this on youtube?? it would get a lot of hits i bet!
Awesome! More pics or a vid of it in action would be very much appreciated.
Send it into Kotaku.com, in my opinion.

Great job :)
Awesome, that was pretty cool!

Jack Thompson.
Must Kill.
Very amazing idea. I'd buy one from you if I didn't have a PS3 along with my PS2 :laugh:
Hey Mattigus, did you give attention to the awesomeness of HL2.net when you got it featured on Kotaku?

Awesome by the way!

EDIT: Just now looking at the Kotaku article, and Halflife2.net is mentioned. Awesome!
The modder is Mattigus, a user on the Halflife2.Net forums whose sheer brilliance shines like a gold mine.

Rofl. And it's true.
*basks in Mattigus' brilliance*
Wow Mattigus, congrats on getting a whole Kotaku article for yourself! And woot for HL2.net's mention! We haven't had anything resembling media attention hardly since the source code leak :D
I'm not going to lie, I've told all my friends today that my sheer brilliance shines like a gold mine today.
It does. I immediately knew this was going to be huge. Legendary even.
As did I, which is why I sent in the tip to Kotaku.

Awesome casemod Mattigus, fame and glory well deserved!
Brilliance at its best. You should email him the pics.