Jack Thompson wants early copy of Bully.


Apr 12, 2006
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Thompson filed a petition today with the 11th Judicial Circuit Court asking for Wal-Mart and Take-Two to furnish him with an advance copy of Bully so he can have "an independent third party" play the game and determine if it would constitute a public nuisance in the state of Florida (in which case it could be banned).
I know it's best just to ignore this guy, but what he's asking for is outrageous. It's time someone dragged this douche into the street and gave him a knuckle sandwich; or better yet, a knuckle deli. p://www.gamespot.com/news/6155892.html
One thing I've noticed about Jack Thompson, he never seems to go after the developer, only the puplisher. I wonder why?
Stop bringing attention to him.
Ooo... let him have an early copy and make him sign something like a nondisclosure agreement...

and if he says anything about the game... sue his ass!!!
Ooo... let him have an early copy and make him sign something like a nondisclosure agreement...

and if he says anything about the game... sue his ass!!!

Yeah, like all the rest of us beta testers.
He added that preselling a game that hasn't been rated yet is "akin to a pharmaceutical company selling a new and controversial drug without prior FDA approval,"
What sh*t.
The problem with Jack is that he thinks it is not a parents responsibilty to stop their children playing games that are not appropriate, and instead thinks they should ban them to stop them playing them. He is wrong.

I've said it before, the simple solution is this: Jack must give his children various copies of violent/obscene videogames, and make them play them. Then, if the children run off and start murdering people, then congrats Jack, you win, yes you sacrificed your child to save the nations children, but that just makes you an American hero. Woohoo. Of course, if they fail to randomly murder people, then you lose, and must shut up and/or die.
Jack Thompson sounds like The Clap got the best of him.
Honastly i can see what he is trying to say and i think it is fair to ban violent games to kids. I think the ratings system in the Uk is very fair and you rarley get anyone complaining about that. But at the end of the day it's up to the parents
I think all Jack Thompson needs is to get layed.
One thing I've noticed about Jack Thompson, he never seems to go after the developer, only the puplisher. I wonder why?

He doesn't know the difference, and publisher's are generally higher profile. In fact, I would venture to say he knows absolutely nothing about games at all. I wonder when he's going to realize that the only situations he's discussed in are when gamers making fun of him. But we still have to put up with righteous Hilary and her morality bandwagon jumping friends.
But Jack Thompson is an idiot. What else do you expect? Just let him waffle away and don't pay any attention.
I'm sick of computer games taking the rap...It's basically a scapegoat for poor parenting skills. Personally I have played games all my life and have yet to hit someone or do worse.

Ratings are there for a reason but it is also up to parents to take a role and make sure that their child can seperate reality from a simulation. The Sims is a game that can be played by anyone over the age of 3 (according to the box). This is not to say that it is a safe game to play...If you play too much you will neglect yourself and others but it is up to parents to step in and take charge.

Other forms of entertainment cannot be singled out either...Is it Marilyn Mansons fault that children start to question the church, or rap for looking at girls and suggesting drive-bys. No. None of this was around years ago and violence has often been the backbone of society.

It has been a form of conquest, entertainment and more... Hitler did not play Age of Empires or Command and Conquer and decide to tank rush Poland for example.

Maybe all game fans should start protesting games in order to get early/free copies of games...

It's time for parents to actually play the role that they are supoosed to play.
We don't even know how the game plays out lol.

What a retard.
If he gets it, I'm so becoming an anti-games activist :O
thompson doesnt want violent video games to be banned for kids, he wants them to be banned period, regardless of rating
Listening to Jack Thompson inspires violent behavior. Ban him!
He doesn't understand the fact that ratings exist for a reason heh.