Court recommends Jack Thompson disbarred for 10 years

Yes I did , EAT IT JACKIE! How do you like me now?!
I bet money that he either turns to booze or commits suicide after being disbarred.
I would cry tears of bloody joy if either happens.

But maybe he will make a crappy movie like Al Gore did , that would be horrific , it would be scarier than Silent Hill 1-3!
I would cry tears of bloody joy if either happens.

But maybe he will make a crappy movie like Al Gore did , that would be horrific , it would be scarier than Silent Hill 1-3!

Video Games: An Inconvenient Truth.
Uh oh , what if he sees this and decides to make it? I must go commit suicide , Mech Man away!
That whole thing with Penny-Arcade was probably my favourite bit of his career.

Ah, donating $10,000 to... somewhere... "For Jack Thompson, because Jack Thompson won't."

And then he tried to sue them for criminal harrassment.

Ah, good times.
Thompson gave Reno a letter at a campaign event requesting that she check a box to indicate whether she was homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Thompson said that Reno then put her hand on his shoulder and responded, "I'm only interested in virile men. That?s why I'm not attracted to you."[10][11] He filed a police report accusing her of battery for touching him. In response, Reno asked Florida governor Bob Martinez to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate.[12] The special prosecutor rejected the charge, concluding that it was "a political ploy." Reno was ultimately re-elected with 69% of the vote. Thompson repeated allegations that Reno was a lesbian when she was nominated as U.S. Attorney General, leading one of her supporters, lieutenant governor Buddy MacKay, to dismiss him as a "kook."[10]

In 1990, after his election loss, Thompson began a campaign against the efforts of Switchboard of Miami, a social services group of which Reno was a board member. Thompson charged that the group placed "homosexual-education tapes" in public schools. Switchboard responded by getting the Florida Supreme Court to order that he submit to a psychiatric examination. Thompson did so and passed, and since then has stated on more than one occasion that he is "the only officially certified sane lawyer in the entire state of Florida."[13]

it's a travesty that someone who is obviously insane gets a rubber stamp that sane ..they need to revoke his rubber stamp