Jagged edges around lighting, will it be fixed?


Jul 6, 2003
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Ok, start off by looking at this picture by clicking here.

Notice the jagged edges around the blue light? I've seen that before in previous pictures, and was wondering if Valve has mentioned this being fixed before release.
i thought this would be a gay thing and i was gonna flame you but

your right hm...
hopefully itll get fixed
congrats, poison. you get the blank stare o' the day o_o

that's due to how qrad builds light-maps. every quake engine game (and apparently source now) has this inaccuracy. guess they didn't udpate how it builds lightmaps much :\ i hope they do, because that looks pretty fugly.
every single game out right now has lightmaps like that. you can make super high res lightmaps, but it will take a lot of memory.

the only game that wont have that is doom3 and its razor sharp shadows
Doom3 aint out yet, so you dont know, that is speculation, like everything else that is that hasnt been announced by valve or been proven in some way. But you kinda do have a point, Doom3 may fix it.
Well I believe that Traptown was recorded on a much older version of the engine. It seems to be lacking many details a video such as Tunnels has.
Originally posted by SnowBall
Well I believe that Traptown was recorded on a much older version of the engine. It seems to be lacking many details a video such as Tunnels has.

This is true.
I'm not sure if it will be fixed, but the jagged edges come up very rarely in the vids.
^^^Positive, those jaggies appear in other pictures as well.
yea, most likely there is a setting "Lightmap Resolution"

proably that screen has it set to like 512 or something, hopefully resolutions up to 1024 and beyonds are supported...anyone e-mailed Gabe about it?
like a few people said .... all the steam videos are 1 year old so dont worry about the graphics. they will be fixed.
it will still have some low res light maps

EVERY SINGLE GAME has them right now. doom3 uses completely dynamic lighting, meaning there are no lightmaps, so it wont have it look like that.
Originally posted by mannyfresh027
every single game out right now has lightmaps like that.

Except Splinter Cell, if I recall correctly.
Originally posted by SnowBall
I really hope we dont have to compile maps anymore.

if you create a map you will have to compile said map to play it. same as with HL.
thats something i could overlook, ill be too involved with the action going on in the game to worry about something so miniscule
These screens are getin up there in age so im pretty sure they have been fixed by now.
even if it hasn't ill be to busy blowin the head crab off a zombie to notice.
That's one of the photos in the very first set to be released. That one is really old.
Originally posted by MrTeatime
That's one of the photos in the very first set to be released. That one is really old.

I know, I was just pointing out the errors.
The "jaggie" lighting as shown in the first post will not be changed.
Same goes for character shadows.

No, doom3 will not have this.
I'm not familiar with the technology, but I have questions. :/

I assume that a lightmap is similar to placing a texture, no? If so, why can't it simply be a higher resolution? Why would that cause more fps strain than high-res textures? Shouldn't HL2 be able to do all dynamic lighting anyway?
I assume that a lightmap is similar to placing a texture, no? If so, why can't it simply be a higher resolution? Why would that cause more fps strain than high-res textures? Shouldn't HL2 be able to do all dynamic lighting anyway?
No - you do not manualy place lightmaps - after building the map the lighting is pre-caculated and 'baked in' to the level. You can increase the res of he lightmaps with more video ram, but lightmaps are very ram-heavy (to double the res of the lightmap you have to quadruple the memory hit).

Splinter Cell's levels are lit with a Vertex light (lower tech than lightmap) and shadow volumes (more high tech than lightmap) the lower the reslution of the shadow volume the more pixellated it is.

Also - Traptown is not earlier tech than Tunnels - I'm sure this is all the same build - a build created about a week before E3.

The situation is - pre-calculated lightmaps give you much more realistic lighting (with radiosity etc) but it is not dynamic. Valve chose to go this way because it will work on low-end as well as high-end cards. I would not expect this resolution to increase that much in the final game, nor would I expect any of you to notice it while you play the game.
the jagged shadow edges wont get fixed. it is just the way sourse handles the shadows in hl2 the engine is finished, so dont think they will make changes to the engine (only way you can get other shadows).
and the thing about the light @ the combine that is shooting @ the antlion. You wont see it. the light is just 1 frame. just look at the sentinels in the bugbait video, they have the same thing and you simply dont notise it because it happens to fast!
ok, it SHOULD be fixable, seriously, the aging unreal1 engion could do better. it its ANYTHING like the unreal1/2 editors, you just need to tell is what res to make the lightmap for each lightsource. Its a problem that exist in every game because it slows down maps, hopefully Source allows you to change shadow map reses on the fly. I'll e-mail Gabe about it.
Lets hope that we didn't have to wait another year for nothing.

It will get fixed in my opinion. They spend 5 years on it and they have to fix it one way or the other
Originally posted by jat
Doom3 aint out yet, so you dont know, that is speculation, like everything else that is that hasnt been announced by valve or been proven in some way. But you kinda do have a point, Doom3 may fix it.

No it isn't. Lol. We've seen Doom 3 footage. Lots of it.

Doom 3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Halo 2.
LOL the videos and ss's a year old and you guys dont think it will get fixed. gg idiots. If they left any major, noticable graphical error go untouched in the game for a whole year+, and never fix it when they are fixing other things we might as well call valve poopy brains and not valve anymore.

The lighting looks horrible in the screenshot on previous pages. Theres no way they would let it stay like that. some of you ppl are complaining about freaking 1 year old alpha stage graphics and you need to stop because for the people who dont know you are just making them think the game will look bad.
honestly, you probably watched that movie what, maybe 15, 20 times before noticing? Sure it's not photorealistic, but it still looks great. What i prefer to see in that shot is the rich environments, gorgeous colors, and great gameplay possibilities.
Most of the things people complain about wont even be noticed while playing. Like somebody did in another thread. Comlaining about the sparks being square in the tunnel video. I mean, come on! Things like this wont ruin the game.
Originally posted by jat
Doom3 aint out yet, so you dont know, that is speculation, like everything else that is that hasnt been announced by valve or been proven in some way. But you kinda do have a point, Doom3 may fix it.

Doom3 has fully dynamic lighting so the problem goes away. So does the ability to run on slightly older computer, but that's a tradeoff they've decided to make.

Remember valve said something about lightmaps being :
1) Hard to compress.
2) Taking up lots of memory
3) Possibly releasing hi-res versions for people with 256 MB gfx cardss. (I'm not going to search for it - you find it if you're interested. :P )
Actually, Valve were talking about normal maps being hard to compress, not lightmaps.