Jagged edges around lighting, will it be fixed?

Well smack me in the head and call me huey. You could be right about that. :D

Ah well. Doesn't bug me either way. :D
Originally posted by Ahnteis
Doom3 has fully dynamic lighting so the problem goes away. So does the ability to run on slightly older computer, but that's a tradeoff they've decided to make.

Remember valve said something about lightmaps being :
1) Hard to compress.
2) Taking up lots of memory
3) Possibly releasing hi-res versions for people with 256 MB gfx cardss. (I'm not going to search for it - you find it if you're interested. :P )

No Gabe said they will release a HL2 High Definition style pack later on when machines can handle them.
Half life was developed to be run on future generation machines.
Why does something as small as this bother you? I am 99.9 % sure you will be busy playing the game when it comes out, than looking at every little imperfection anyway.
You guys need to understand that making some things high-res is a waste. Just becuase you can see something in a screenshot doesn't mean anything.

The sparks are square? They also burst out and probably last 1 sec. at the most. The same applies to moving lights.

The human eye's ability to pick out detail drops remarkably when things are moving.

I don't if anyone here every played morrowind, but when you got hit there was a red flash around the screen. Not until I got a screenshot in th middle did I realize that the resolution of the red flash was like 50x50 and each "pixel" was almost half an inch on my screen.

So why all the naysaying? You're gonna buy the game anyway. I don't understand why anyone cares here if HL2 or D3 is better...no one here has/had any part in making them or has anything personally invested. So chill. Play them both.
The jagged edges are the result of the "technology scaling"

I can almost guarentee it.
The jagged shadow phenomenon is so inconsisted throughout the vids and screenshots that I doubt its the way the map tools build shadowmaps. Otherwise it would be as ugly as HL all over the place, and not just in those rare instances.

But anything any of us say is mere speculation at trhis point anyway...
OK, Gabe got back to me, that will NOT be in the final, I was correct in the map-side light map issue.

heres the mail:

This has turned into a somewhat heated debate over at the forums (Man those guys are picky)
anyhoo, was wondering if you can clear this up once and for all.

in this screenshot
the shadows on the wall are very pixelated, Unless Source does things compleatly different from every game out there, its due to a low-res lightmap.
Is source capable of high-res light maps like the Unreal engion, and if yes, is it something that has to be changed while making the map, or can be changed "On the fly" from a settings menu?

Thank you for your time,


you can set lightmap density per face

it's set by the mapper

the example you show is the kind of thing we're cleaning up now (i.e. it's ugly and needs to be higher-res)
just like i said

they CANT fix it completely without really high res lightmaps, and that is a big memory drain

every single game released has low res lightmaps :D or most

doom3 wont have that because it has razor sharp shadows from raytracing technology something :D