
Didn't sound much like japanese to me.
Oops it is a Chinese ad. Btw since when did turning into an Elf/human not be a furry?
Btw since when did turning into an Elf/human not be a furry?
Since f'rever, matey. The fair folk ain't covered with fur, and no animal parts about 'em, so they're not furry.
This isn't half as weird as the one where the woman gets sucked into the game and then a bunch of orcs pick her up and walk off into the sunset laughing, presumably to rape her.
And I love me some animal parts.

Yeah. If It looks like a human, and doesn't have a tail or fur, its not furry.
This isn't half as weird as the one where the woman gets sucked into the game and then a bunch of orcs pick her up and walk off into the sunset laughing, presumably to rape her.
As was in their right, accordin' to the rules of plunder.

Tacoeaterguy said:
And I love me some animal parts.
I'll bet ye do, lad.
Blistering barnacles. I knew I 'ad forgotten sommink.
Out there, in the vast reaches of the Nipponese islands, a Japanese Coke executive just died at the thought that someone confused him with the man in that ad.
They don't even fall into the category of Scaleys.
Nor are they Anthropomorphic.

What the heck are they.
Don't ye know nothing, boy? Elves be the children of Oberon, king of the fairies.
There was that writer wrote about it, so he did. I 'ad 'im on my crew once, old as Eden but strong as an ox. They called 'im Shakey Bill and once fer a wager 'e ate a cannonball.