Japanese develop 'female' android

OMFG hawtness... where can i buy one? and can it be programmed for doggy style?
I've seen this before, there were videos, it was scary....

Imagine underneath the skin.... T-800 series?
Only a matter of time before we begin a war with androids
xLostx said:
Only a matter of time before we begin a war with androids

At least the upcoming android apocalypse will be sexy!

RakuraiTenjin said:
Repost I think

Well, it is new to the BBC at least "Last Updated: Wednesday, 27 July, 2005, 09:10 GMT 10:10 UK"
Very cool tht they've made tht bt...Oh dear....just get a real woman :p
DarkStar said:
I sure hope our future android overlords fight in the nude.
or even better, that you can dress them up in any fetish clothing you want before fighting them... i know that would make it even harder ;)...:o
Those Japs sure do know how to make some freaky shit!
Must... restrain... urge... to... be... consumerist...

/EDIT Didn't mention uncanny valley. Also this is 1000 post. Yay, me.
Techy innuendo like "can I stick my plug in your socket" has reached an all-new level of relevance.
Am I the only person who wants his Robot to look like a Robot?
I find it hard to believe it can actually move like a human and not - be - all - all - all - jerky. Video anywhere?
Lmfao, this is great. Those japs! Everyone wonders why I wanna move there :P
why everyone think they make the robot to use as sex toy?

in the article it say that the creator just wanted to make a human looking robot (right?)

no that he wants to use it to fornicate

"OMG japan the country of sexual perverts want o make robots to hav sex lololol japan sucks lolololo!!!!11"
Judgement Day is getting closer and closer...
Better start building a nuclear fallout.
I just hope that they come programmed with the Quote: "Bite my shiny metal ass!"
Yeah..I saw that 5 months ago on TV kinda neat but still some bugs.
Yeah, there're a bit late...

I myself have been intergrating myself into society in order to overthrow the pitiful carbon-based lifeforms that consider themselves to be the dominant speci-

I mean... boy, I'm glad to be squishy and organic. Hurrah.
dream431ca said:
Yeah..I saw that 5 months ago on TV kinda neat but still some bugs.

Probably crabs.

I wish to have a robot wife
With her there would be no strife
I wouldn't have to wash her hair
I'd always know she would be there
Unless she watched that red dwarf show
And off into space she would go
To meet that handsome devil Kryton
Yes, Kryten is very handsome.

You should know this sort of thing, you've got numbers for a name.
Jintor said:

You should know this sort of thing, you've got numbers for a name.

I have the feeling that I've been insulted.