Japanese Internet vs. North American Internet

Thing disconnects randomly though so we will be switching to cable soon, I think the speed will go down but at least I can use it then.


Bah, screw some of you guys and your godlike internet speeds...
The fastest I can ever download something is about 200 kbps, but usually around 160kbps.

Is that what speedtest results means? because why is everyone's listed as being so fast?

if your speedtest results are 5231 kb/s do you download stuff at 5231 kb/s?!

Now to figure out how to play games without getting fired... :LOL:
The fastest I can ever download something is about 200 kbps, but usually around 160kbps.

Is that what speedtest results means? because why is everyone's listed as being so fast?

if your speedtest results are 5231 kb/s do you download stuff at 5231 kb/s?!

The speeds are in kilobits and downloads are in kilobytes, 1024 kilobits is 128 kilobytes, and most of the time you won't get the full speed when you are downloading something.
Oh, I see. Thanks.

Who was the genius who made Kilobytes and kilobits both kb? lol

Isn't one of them supposed to be Kib now anyway?
Oh, I see. Thanks.

Who was the genius who made Kilobytes and kilobits both kb? lol

Isn't one of them supposed to be Kib now anyway?
Far as I understood it, the only discernible difference is that kilobits is meant to be expressed as kb, whereas kilobytes is KB. Something like that. Not that everyone bothers of course, which just makes it all the more confusing...
Yeah now only if there were more than 2 sites I go to that get the high ass dl speeds. Steam and some other programs can get high but definitely not on a game release day.
I can't wait until i get to college to bask in those incredible download speeds. :imu:

WTF @ "50 miles" I live right in Phoenix

I'll post from work maybe later. Should be lightning fast. This is my home cable connection at 20mbps
I'm like right next to that Texas area that forces you to pay more for more downloads.
I'm worried as hell.

Pretty bad, considering I'm supposedly paying for a 15mb download/2mb upload connection...however it's almost 10pm on Friday so it's probably pretty heavy in traffic too.

Better then it used to be when I had dial-up.. 3.5KB/s.. just terrible.. I actually uploaded faster then I downloaded. I pay $15 a month.
Internode: $39.95, 512/128k,  5 GB
    iiNet: $49.95, 512/128k,  4 GB
    iSage: $44.95, 512/128k, 35 GB[/FONT]
I think I'll stay where I am thanks.
Internode: $39.95, 512/128k,  5 GB
    iiNet: $49.95, 512/128k,  4 GB
    iSage: $44.95, 512/128k, 35 GB[/FONT]
I think I'll stay where I am thanks.

Bah you could get 40gb for $60 on a 1.5MB connection if you're in SA. I couldn't be arsed looking around but better providers do exist around the same cost.

$69.95 1500/256 kbps 40 Gbytes

Internode. Awesome service, PIPE content doesn't count towards quota, premium radio streams, etc. I'm on 8000k/384k 40,000 MB $89.95