Japanese Whalers Ram Activist Ship.

Wrong. They take hundreds.

I'm guessing you're Japanese?


Ok so I know wiki isn't the most reliable source but here goes anyways straight from wiki:

In the northeastern Atlantic the total population of minke whales is estimated to be in the order of 103,000 (95% confidence interval, IWC Scientific Committee 2008.[citation needed]) As of 2008, the estimates for Southern Hemisphere (CPIII with common Northern Boundaries) are 665,074.[8] In the early 1990s the IWC Scientific Committee, after analysing the available data, agreed that minkes in the Southern Hemisphere numbered 760,000 ( CPII ), which the Japanese whaling industry currently uses as the (2005) estimate. In 2000, however, the Committee withdrew this advice in light of new survey data suggesting population estimates 50% lower than in the 1980s (Branch & Butterworth 2001). Final circumpolar estimates from the IWC IDCR/SOWER population surveys (1978/79-2003/04) were 338,000 and were only 39% of those from the 1985/86-1990/91 surveys[9], however, as of the 2008 Scientific Committee meeting, the figure of 665,074 was presented and discussed at the meeting and, subject to further analysis, may be the accepted 2008 population figure. The IWC has not yet decided whether these estimates reflect a real change in the population or simply a change in the survey methodology. Minke whales are widely distributed throughout the world, commonly found from the poles to the tropics but prefer the open sea. The IUCN list the northern species as Least Concern and the southern as Data Deficient. CITES on the other hand, list both of the species in Appendix I (threatened) with the exception of the West Greenland stock, which is given in Appendix II (trade controls required).

Oh and I am a honky. No Japanese relation what so ever.

Ok so I know wiki isn't the most reliable source but here goes anyways straight from wiki:

In the northeastern Atlantic the total population of minke whales is estimated to be in the order of 103,000 (95% confidence interval, IWC Scientific Committee 2008.[citation needed]) As of 2008, the estimates for Southern Hemisphere (CPIII with common Northern Boundaries) are 665,074.[8] In the early 1990s the IWC Scientific Committee, after analysing the available data, agreed that minkes in the Southern Hemisphere numbered 760,000 ( CPII ), which the Japanese whaling industry currently uses as the (2005) estimate. In 2000, however, the Committee withdrew this advice in light of new survey data suggesting population estimates 50% lower than in the 1980s (Branch & Butterworth 2001). Final circumpolar estimates from the IWC IDCR/SOWER population surveys (1978/79-2003/04) were 338,000 and were only 39% of those from the 1985/86-1990/91 surveys[9], however, as of the 2008 Scientific Committee meeting, the figure of 665,074 was presented and discussed at the meeting and, subject to further analysis, may be the accepted 2008 population figure. The IWC has not yet decided whether these estimates reflect a real change in the population or simply a change in the survey methodology. Minke whales are widely distributed throughout the world, commonly found from the poles to the tropics but prefer the open sea. The IUCN list the northern species as Least Concern and the southern as Data Deficient. CITES on the other hand, list both of the species in Appendix I (threatened) with the exception of the West Greenland stock, which is given in Appendix II (trade controls required).

Oh and I am a honky. No Japanese relation what so ever.

Anyway regardless of how much whales they actually take, they are illegal fishing in Australian waters, and now they have attempted murder to there name.

They are not allowed to be in Australian waters and are going through a legal loop hole
Anyway regardless of how much whales they actually take, they are illegal fishing in Australian waters, and now they have attempted murder to there name.

They are not allowed to be in Australian waters and are going through a legal loop hole

If it is a legal loop hole then it sounds like they aren't in the wrong to me. Until this "loop hole" is closed the ****ing retard hippies need to stop aggressively engaging the Japanese ships. They are very harsh waters trying to foul the props of Japanese ships. That is not only dangerous but it is stupid. I don't blame the captain one iota. Trying to foul another ships props is way over the line. He did what he felt was necessary to protect the ship. How many times had that thing circled the ship?

The bottom line is the Sea Shepard actions are actions of piracy. They should be harshly punished for these actions. Piracy can not be tolerated. If the Japanese have a legal leg to stand via research claims or whatever then they can legally be there. The hippies need to focus there efforts via legal avenues. I hope something is done soon about them to be honest. It is still fun watching them act like retards and hurt eachother when they launch there boats to go after whaling fleet.
If it is a legal loop hole then it sounds like they aren't in the wrong to me. Until this "loop hole" is closed the ****ing retard hippies need to stop aggressively engaging the Japanese ships. They are very harsh waters trying to foul the props of Japanese ships. That is not only dangerous but it is stupid. I don't blame the captain one iota. Trying to foul another ships props is way over the line. He did what he felt was necessary to protect the ship. How many times had that thing circled the ship?

The bottom line is the Sea Shepard actions are actions of piracy. They should be harshly punished for these actions. Piracy can not be tolerated. If the Japanese have a legal leg to stand via research claims or whatever then they can legally be there. The hippies need to focus there efforts via legal avenues. I hope something is done soon about them to be honest. It is still fun watching them act like retards and hurt eachother when they launch there boats to go after whaling fleet.

I don't see what the problem is with the hippies disrupting the whaling? They are just doing what the government should be doing.

The Japanese are illegally in our waters fishing, this is why i support the hippies harassing them to get them the **** out. I find it funny how you are saying the the hippies are pirates etc when it's the Japanese who are in the wrong, it's the japanese who rammed there ship, it's the Japanese who are illegally in our waters.

I wonder what will be next? Maybe the government will let china come mine our resources and then after 5 years say "oh we may take them to court to try to stop it"
I read the headline as Japanese Whaler Activists Ram Ship.

An underrepresented demographic I'm sure.
I read the headline as Japanese Whaler Activists Ram Ship.

An underrepresented demographic I'm sure.

Why would they ram the ship? It'snt that pretty stupid.

Anyway it's clear in the video the whaling ship rams the activists boat.

Ok so I know wiki isn't the most reliable source but here goes anyways straight from wiki:

In the northeastern Atlantic the total population of minke whales is estimated to be in the order of 103,000 (95% confidence interval, IWC Scientific Committee 2008.[citation needed]) As of 2008, the estimates for Southern Hemisphere (CPIII with common Northern Boundaries) are 665,074.[8] In the early 1990s the IWC Scientific Committee, after analysing the available data, agreed that minkes in the Southern Hemisphere numbered 760,000 ( CPII ), which the Japanese whaling industry currently uses as the (2005) estimate. In 2000, however, the Committee withdrew this advice in light of new survey data suggesting population estimates 50% lower than in the 1980s (Branch & Butterworth 2001). Final circumpolar estimates from the IWC IDCR/SOWER population surveys (1978/79-2003/04) were 338,000 and were only 39% of those from the 1985/86-1990/91 surveys[9], however, as of the 2008 Scientific Committee meeting, the figure of 665,074 was presented and discussed at the meeting and, subject to further analysis, may be the accepted 2008 population figure. The IWC has not yet decided whether these estimates reflect a real change in the population or simply a change in the survey methodology. Minke whales are widely distributed throughout the world, commonly found from the poles to the tropics but prefer the open sea. The IUCN list the northern species as Least Concern and the southern as Data Deficient. CITES on the other hand, list both of the species in Appendix I (threatened) with the exception of the West Greenland stock, which is given in Appendix II (trade controls required).

Oh and I am a honky. No Japanese relation what so ever.

so basically your justification for japan's whaling is:

a. there's enough of them to go around so it'k ok to go against international law so long as you lie about why you hunt them.

b. we should protect japan's culture even though it's not part of their culture just so that a few companies can make a profit

c. whalers by the nature of their profession are the sworn enemies of Hippiesâ?¢. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

d. who cares if whales are intelligent, have complex language and culture or not. whale penis soup = dems good eating
They kull the wales so they don't **** up the eco system. We did do the same with foxes here in the UK but some ****ing carebears who dont have a ****ing clue whats going on go and cry and now our eco system is ****ered.

Let them kill wales and bring back fox hunting.

Secondly, this is complete bull crap. Boats of that size literally take miles to turn and even further to stop, so when you got a bunch of fags who park up in fount of you to protest you don't have much choice but carry on.

These retards put their boat where they did just so they would hit them so they would be able to start all this crap up again, its pathetic. Go back to thorwing stinky butter.
I think, with a medium degree of certainty, that it's almost as wrong to kill a whale as it is a human being.

They are very intelligent creatures who do no harm to us, let the whales live.
Yea they are smarter then most creatures but that dosnt stop their population being to large and ruining the food chain.
Yea they are smarter then most creatures but that dosnt stop their population being to large and ruining the food chain.
Surely we as human being are ****ing the whole planet and food chain more than whales? Why can we do it with impunity, but they must be killed for it?
I really love the modern for the thrill hunters..."we're saving the environment from over-breeding animals".

The funny part is that the more we wreck the environment the more we have to kill "pests". A never ending loop.