JBMod 0.5 - what am I doing wrong?


Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score

Maybe I am missing something but I can't get this to work.

The JBMods files are extracted to:

F:\Valve\SteamPowered\SteamApps\tsutton\half-life 2\jbmod

I have this sortcut:

F:\Valve\SteamPowered\Steam.exe -applaunch 220 -game jbmod -console

as per to the readme.txt file.

When it loaded up, I am just on the main menu. I click New Game. It's blank. Load Game is blank too.

How do I get it to work?

You need to load a map in the console. Use the map whatmapyou wanthere.

Type maps *. to see all the maps you have available.
JBmod is a mod, and, as such, doe not read HL2s default maps or saves. My advice is to first put the jbmod folder into your 'sourcemods' folder in 'SteamApps\tsutton' so it will show up in Steam. Then use the console to select a level. A full list of maps can be found by typing 'maps' with a space after it.
my jbmod still has loading errors witht the physgun

i.e. unknown entity problems

so far noone has no idea how to fix this
im getting jbmod errors as well, it wont even load it up.... :S