Jedi!! Jedis in SWG!


Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
I can't believe it, there must around a 100 jedis out there out of more than 250 000 players and one of them was right in front of me! Here are the screens:

jedi pic1

jedi pic2

The names have been taken out in order to protect the identity of the jedi and my friends; bounties on the force sensitive characters can go very high, and the bounty hunters will pay ludicrous amounts of cash for info on a jedi :)

If you want to see a jedi in action click here

it's insane! I think spending months searching holocrons is absolutely worth it.
it won't be worth it when you die after spending months of subscription money and time and you develop your jedi and then die from some lame bug or lag or something....or maybe your jedi will die of boredom because the game lacks content.
The game doesn't lack content, there's just so much to do, you should've joined a guild then you'd have stuff to do trust me :)

And yes the jedis have permadeath, but that's even better, you just have to be careful what you do, who you speak to. I think it's great, it adds a lot to the roleplay dimension. And by the way, once the force sensitive char slot is unlocked you can create a new jedi char if the other one dies. That's what I've been told :)
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
The game doesn't lack content, there's just so much to do, you should've joined a guild then you'd have stuff to do trust me :)

And yes the jedis have permadeath, but that's even better, you just have to be careful what you do, who you speak to. I think it's great, it adds a lot to the roleplay dimension. And by the way, once the force sensitive char slot is unlocked you can create a new jedi char if the other one dies. That's what I've been told :)

Thats really cool how you permently die, keeps things intresting. Id run around whippin my lightsaber out in front of people and run away screaming "I love the way you move WOOHOOO I love the way, i love the way you move" and everyone just starin at me like "WTF".
yeah create another force sensitive character who you have to re-train and build a new lightsaber and....omg what a waste...just my humble opinion :P
Originally posted by Maskirovka
yeah create another force sensitive character who you have to re-train and build a new lightsaber and....omg what a waste...just my humble opinion :P
Hey! Its better than having every lamer running around with a lightsaber isnt it? I think it adds to the whole universe, that the jedi were supposed to be hidden and all it would be so freakin lame if you got a hit put out on you..then you ressurected 15 minutes later...
How can I see those pictures? They're saved in txt format o.O
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
How can I see those pictures? They're saved in txt format o.O

IE displays them fine, their renamed as text files to get around that no external linking rubbish free hosting sites are doing now.. Wont be long before they block that too though :(

and I agree with the others if it was too easy everyone would be one, no fun in that.
FENRIC DAMNIT!!! Your avvy just gives me the goddamn CHILLS ;( ;(
"Told you not to get close lol"

what were you doing to make him say that? :E
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
FENRIC DAMNIT!!! Your avvy just gives me the goddamn CHILLS ;( ;(

Maybe best you don't turn around then ;)

MaTT: I'm gonna guess he just used some force power on the guy, or pulled out his sabre to show off (now wouldn't it be funny if a thief player came up behind and stole the lightsabre from his hand) :D
Originally posted by |MaTT|
"Told you not to get close lol"

what were you doing to make him say that? :E

To whip out the light-saber he had to duel someone, and that someone got too close to see what a saber looks like upfront lol :)

This game rocks! I'm having a blast with my guild hunting down animals, players, imperials. And once you get bored of PvP you can always begin the quest for Holocrons, the path to unlocking the Force sensitive slot begins here.

If only I had the time and the money. I might actually play something like this one day.

And it must ROCK beyond belief to know that your one out of those lucky 100/250,000.

And I aint even a big fan of star wars. I just think the lightsabre is a cool weapon!!!! :P
Just like the nano sword in deus ex. Both ROCK!!! :)
Depends on how lucky you are: to start you need holocrons which can be bought for ridiculous amounts of cash... once you have one you use it: then a few things can happen:

- nothing..
- tells you to become a master in a certain profession
- to continue the path you've chosen
- and nothing again

Once you become a master in the profession the holocron told you unlock the FS slot. So it could take ages yeah. I've seen guys get a working holo on the fifth try, only to find out they must become a Master Musician or Image Designer lol!
Originally posted by thehunter1320
well... become a master at every profession and THEN use a holocron

lol, that would take a freaking ton of time.
well hunter the thing is when you start out you get 250 skill points: everyone gets the same amount and you cannot win skill points so you have to choose what profession you want to go for. For example when I created my char I chose Scout and Marksman: to master both you need to use about 120 skill points. And i'm also a rifleman, that's a derivative of the marksman profession so in the end I'll be left with 30 skill points which won't be enough for another profession.
so are u forced to use your skill points or something? why cnat u start out looking for holothingys and master the profession that it tells u with the skill points u havent used?

oh and if i were to start playin a MMORPG, SWG would prolly be it.

oh and lol i was totally pumped about this game till i found out its not a "twitchy" game, where your skill with the mouse will win, like cs sorta. it would make more sence in a blaster fight or a light saber fight.
holocrons are hard to find that's why; you only find them on special loot drops like force crystal caves or on darktroopers...

I'm dying to see a darktrooper. I think I will die when i see one lol :)