Jedi Knight Jedi Academy


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
OK who has it and whos playing it? So far I have found that this game is fun. Ill let you know more whem I beat it. Ill post some screen shots soon.
More better lightsaber attacks, but not as good nor is it like the ones in a movie, in the movie, it was defend as much as you can then strike at the perfect moment, in Jedi Academy, it was more like," Don't worry if he hits you, you'll still have 75% health."
its got this guy named Rosh, who is the most annoying character of all time. You get a chance to kill him though

they didnt bother with much of a story, instead they made missions that you pick, so its just a bunch of random stuff with like 5 main story levels.
Originally posted by Steven Q Urkle
its got this guy named Rosh, who is the most annoying character of all time. You get a chance to kill him though

they didnt bother with much of a story, instead they made missions that you pick, so its just a bunch of random stuff with like 5 main story levels.
yeah, that describes it quite well :)
Its just a common shooter. Simple as that. Little better story, little better fighting, but not much. Dual wield sabers are cool, but I would have liked a real adventure instead... I got my hopes up for KOTOR instead.
The singleplayer was fairly short but I got it for the multiplayer since I'm in a JK2 clan, hence we're moving to JK:JA.
STarted playing it today...

I kinda kinda like the character set up before you start to play... but maybe thats cause i like RPG's :-P
Originally posted by pHATE1982
STarted playing it today...

I kinda kinda like the character set up before you start to play... but maybe thats cause i like RPG's :-P
It doesnt matter much though. But its a nice touch yes, I wish every game was like this (except some of course, Indiana Jones games for example wouldnt be smart to use it in :)). Personally, I prefer seeing a womans butt wriggle in front of me than a mans ;)
I always play RPGs as female, hehe.
Originally posted by Alzxul
The singleplayer was fairly short but I got it for the multiplayer since I'm in a JK2 clan, hence we're moving to JK:JA.

Shouldn't be hard since it's in the same mundane combat system.
I'm running this thing @ 1024x769 everything turned on full
No AA or AF

My specs are:
1 gig RAM
Radeon 9700

And it runs a tiny bit jerky :-(
And it looks crap compared to HL2... oh dear
I don't hold much hope for my system, which i think is pretty damn good still.
I run it on a Amd 1700+ XP
GeForce 3 128MbRam Ti200

Everything is on MAX except the shadows, I've put them on simple. It runs smooth at 1024x769
With the demo, I got around 75-92 FPS with 1600x1200 Highest details, but that's all, I turned Shadows off AA off, AF off etc...
P4 1.8 Ghz
512 MB ram
Radeon 9600 Game Buster 128MB
Runs great with
AMD Xp3200 400MHZ
1024MB DDR 3200
Nvidia Geforce FX 5900 Ultra 256MB :)
10,000 RPM HD
Everything turned on
Full AA and AF at 1600X1200 :) I really dont know why you guys are having trouble.

I may not be able to play HL2 as well as some of you will but Ill tost you when I play games in linux :)

I got the new version of wineX going but its not as good as a full opengl game.
It was a problem with a force feedback option being turned on. Don't know why it was, as i don't own any force feedback hardware. Runs at 100fps now... bit of an improvement from 'bout
Originally posted by nietzsche
Quick and painless: Played the single-player demo. It was nice, but nothing earth-shaking. They might have saved the goodies for the full version, though. I didn't like fiddling around with the character setup before I could even start the game.

I agree 100%. I loved JK2:JO it had decent graphics compared to other games, and the gameplay was tight. But JA didn't seem to look much better at all and I detested the way that the stages were laid out. But then again I only played the demo.
I admit that I don't have JKA (I did play the beta tho) but I think that its more or less the same as JO - e.g. weapons are the same (save the Blaster pistol and the Concussion Rifle), models are reused, same force powers and the saber moves are still the same...

(BTW N0N1337H41 do you like APC?)