Jehovahs Witness'


Sep 13, 2003
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What's their deal?

Whenever I ask about what their beliefs are, people just shush me. What do they believe it, and why is it so bad?
i met one on a train..... luckily he was more interested in converting my brother than talking to me. I was going to tell him i was a zen buddhist, but he didn't ask...
They're just hard core christians who think they're doing Gods work by trying to convert everyone. They're a bit too fundamentalist but thats not really why everyone hates em,. its their pushy preachy nature thats so irritating.
you can have so much fun with unsuspecting jehovahs witness'
orgazmo said:
You two boys can just **** right off!
You heard me, Take that book of mormon and shove it so far up our righteous asses that you choke! You soul-soliciting pig****ers

did someone say mormons?
When i was 19 and me and my brother lived together, we had a young woman and her daughter come visit us every sunday morning (jehovas witness). They rang the door bell sunday morning, and i used to spend 4-5 minutes talking to them, they where very nice...and i sure as hell would love to do the mother.....

So 1 saturday me and the big bro had been out drinking really hard, and when the door bell rang at 10 in the morning, i was still so drunk that i tripped 4 times towards the i opend not thinking about who it could be (now mind u, i was heavely drunk, u could strike a match on my toung, i was in my underpants only, and yes....oh yes, i must have had a very wet dream). So i opend the door, and there stood the woman and her 5 year old daughter...both of their eyes fell to the neither regions of my body, the jumped right up again, stifly fixed onto my eys...the woman, and gave me the watchtower then scrambled off.....dint see them again hehehe :E
I saw a group of monks near my town centre, I wanted to talk to them. But, I was afraid that I would offend them (Talking to religous people just offends them all together).

I got a book from Jehova's witnesses... It had a lion being friendly to someone and a full peaceful land, I opened it and it said that god will take us to a better planet *cough*Blisstonia*cough*. After reading that I threw it away like my 'Jesus can save the forest' and 'Your bill is 8 weeks overdue' booklet.
Once they rang on my doorbell...then i started chanting satanistic rituals, make faces and dance around like a madman! (i had been drinking) was really fun! :D
When i was little, my nieghbours (being jehovas) would through a party every weekend and i would use my 'hunting' instincts and look for any food for them to give me. It was great!
Just shout through the door that your naked with an erection, but will open the door as soon as you find the key. They won't still be there when you do.

Danimal, if you want to talk to someone, go up and say hi. The worst they will do is tell you to piss off, and thats not a problem now is it?
Link said:
Just shout through the door that your naked with an erection, but will open the door as soon as you find the key. They won't still be there when you do.

Danimal, if you want to talk to someone, go up and say hi. The worst they will do is tell you to piss off, and thats not a problem now is it?

You hope..
Mattigus said:
Whenever I ask about what their beliefs are, people just shush me. What do they believe it, and why is it so bad?

just stay away from them, that's all you need to know
Ah. Jehovah's Witnesses...

Well, you see, I have this almost illegally real-looking cap rifle...

We recently developed an infestation of JWs in our suburb. As well as a Mormon nest. Thankfully, the council saw to it that they were situated right next to each other.

Hopefully, they'll get so busy arguing matters of religion and attempting to convert each other that they'll leave us alone...
these people are wicked, trying to force feed people thier beliefs, if they just stuck to themselves and did thier own thing id respect them, but they come knocking your door, giving leaflets, trying to convert us :flame:
I've been confronted by two Jehovah's Witnesses back in the states.

For the first one, I just debated endlessly with him about the existence of God. He got rather huffy and puffy, so he eventually left... but not before giving me his card.

His ****ing card, for God's sake.

For the second one, I decided to have a bit of fun. I told him I was a satanist and then invited him to come into my basement where me and my friends were about to sacrifice a goat for Lucifer. I was completely stone-faced the entire time. He told me that this wasn't something to joke about, and I indignantly told him that I was serious. Tables turned. I spent a good five minutes trying to convert him. He got angry and then left my porch.

God, they're great.
All I know is that a religious sect that doesn't let their children celebrate their birthday is trouble.
they dont celebrate anything...they dont give presents but they readly accept them...
My colleague is a Jehova's Witness. He's a really nice guy who does not force his religion upon us. He is really open minded. During a company dinner we spent all night discussing all the stereotypes about JW's you guys talked about.

That certainly changed my opinion on this religion. Not every JW goes door to door. The guy I work with spends his free time in jail (no joke) talking to heavy criminals sentenced with murder who show remorse.
He recently took care of a very sick child with meningitis, thereby saving his life.

Now I don't know about you, but this is a hell of a lot better than most of us do all day tossing off in front of anime or playing games, rrright?
I just refered them to my brother who is christian and he would then argue with them for ages about how they were talking complete shite. :)

EDIT: And yeah fair enough, not all of them are annoying. But some really get annoying... :p
ive had the same preacher dude come to my apartment about 3 times in 2 years O_O; its kind of freaky, wish i told em from the start that i was atheist but meh. i was curious.
Absinthe said:
I've been confronted by two Jehovah's Witnesses back in the states.

For the first one, I just debated endlessly with him about the existence of God. He got rather huffy and puffy, so he eventually left... but not before giving me his card.

His ****ing card, for God's sake.

For the second one, I decided to have a bit of fun. I told him I was a satanist and then invited him to come into my basement where me and my friends were about to sacrifice a goat for Lucifer. I was completely stone-faced the entire time. He told me that this wasn't something to joke about, and I indignantly told him that I was serious. Tables turned. I spent a good five minutes trying to convert him. He got angry and then left my porch.

God, they're great.

haha I love messing with them.. I have like 10 minute long debates about weather god exists or not.. hes like "everyone will go to the land of our savior" and im like "prove it.." then he says some long thing and i just say "PROVE IT!!" or something stupid and in the end i just slam the door. Or like someone else said if its a woman ill just open the door but ass naked and let my flag fly right in front of her and ask "can i help you?"
My cusin is a Jehovah witness, hes a real cool guy but Im Christian and whenever my aunts husband comes over they get into a fight with each other since hes like the only Jehovahs witness in my family so things can get pretty nasty at times when they start exchanging their beliefs.
I usually screw up their leaflet and throw it in the bin while the watch, but meh. I intend to have some fun with them sooner or later.

With or without cattle prods is another matter though.
one time my friend was really effed up and they came to the door. He ate the pamplet. I told them he was possesed. They left