Jeopardy - CPU AI contestant GO

I wonder if I can friend Watson on facebook?

I love the exact numbers it wagered for things based on its probability for a correct answer.
I love the insight they have provided periodically during the episodes, especially during day 2. Very interesting.

One day in the future, we may have something like this -- probably much more polished -- all in the palm of our hand, or as a wrist watch. Go on, ask it a question. Beats the pants off the Magic 8 Ball.
I understand it's not connected to the internet. I don't see why would probably be 10x better if it could gather some information from the web.
I understand it's not connected to the internet. I don't see why would probably be 10x better if it could gather some information from the web.

But thats cheating.
One day in the future, we may have something like this -- probably much more polished -- all in the palm of our hand, or as a wrist watch. Go on, ask it a question. Beats the pants off the Magic 8 Ball.
And then I'll look back on the days of hick mothers asking Yahoo Answers how to deliver babies in the pantry and think to myself, 'back in my day, people had to ask banal questions to other people, so at least someone had to use their brain for more than half a second!' And then cry because the human race will have regressed into a preschool of toddlers talking to screens.
I understand it's not connected to the internet. I don't see why would probably be 10x better if it could gather some information from the web.
Even if it could it would probably slow it down more than anything else. It also needs to be able to buzz in before the humans.
I understand it's not connected to the internet. I don't see why would probably be 10x better if it could gather some information from the web.

The speed it requires to compete with Brad and Ken probably comes with storing all the information locally.

Edit: Goddamnit.
HEY! I just remembered something...

Remember that movie The Time Machine? Yeah I know it was a book first blah blah but you remember that Library information robot thing? This reminds me of that.
I understand it's not connected to the internet. I don't see why would probably be 10x better if it could gather some information from the web.

The humans aren't connected to the internet while on the stand, are they?
Pretty cool. It seems like they should loosen up the timing on it buzzing in because it seems like the only time the other guys can buzz in is when the computer hesitates and isn't sure about the answer.
I can understand the 'reflexes' of a computer being faster than a humans in most cases, but I think they are giving the machine a slight advantage in this area.
The speed it requires to compete with Brad and Ken probably comes with storing all the information locally.

Edit: Goddamnit.
This. There is a huge building next to the Jeopardy studio that's full of Watson's servers and processors and whatnot. The thing in the studio is just an "avatar".

I've watched it the past two nights and I'll watch again tonight. So far I love it. It's cool to get some understanding of where AI is today... he actually understands a surprising amount of language despite not understanding grammar at all. Just complex word association algorithms and unspeakable massive amounts of informational data.

My only gripe is how Ken and Brad clearly know all the answers but are getting screwed over because they don't buzz in before Watson does. After Trebek finishes reading the answer, a dude backstage has to press a button to turn the buzzers on. Presumably Watson reads this event and responds with a buzzer instantly, way faster than a human could. The humans aren't privy to the exact timing of the button push so they have to just make a guess and try to get the rhythm right. The buzzer locks you out for ~1/5 of a second if you push it before the buzzer is activated so you have to time it just right.

If they made Watson able to hear and "learn" the right interval to wait after Trebek ceases speaking to press the buzzer (just like the humans do) I would be MUCH more satisfied with this competition.

It's cool either way though. I've been enjoying watching it. Some of the super dorky tech guys in the audience are funny as hell too, every time it cuts to them applauding Watson there's always one or two grinning like a total fool and clapping like a maniac.
When is the buzz-in point? The moment the question is done being spoken?
And then I'll look back on the days of hick mothers asking Yahoo Answers how to deliver babies in the pantry and think to myself, 'back in my day, people had to ask banal questions to other people, so at least someone had to use their brain for more than half a second!' And then cry because the human race will have regressed into a preschool of toddlers talking to screens.
Haha. But don't forget someone had to enter that information into a computer at some point.

Pretty cool. It seems like they should loosen up the timing on it buzzing in because it seems like the only time the other guys can buzz in is when the computer hesitates and isn't sure about the answer.
I can understand the 'reflexes' of a computer being faster than a humans in most cases, but I think they are giving the machine a slight advantage in this area.
I agree, but I'm not sure if that's not part of the test - how long it takes it to search all of its archives and go through all of its algorithms to come up with the answer. Sometimes the computer takes longer than the humans. EDIT: Once or twice, I think. Not just when it wasn't above the threshold to attempt.
When is the buzz-in point? The moment the question is done being spoken?

The moment after the guy backstage listening in presses the button, so roughly around the moment the question is done being spoken. I was reading something off reddit earlier that explained the whole system and talked about how Jeopardy is like 95% buzzer rhythm competition since all of the contestants know most of the answers.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE IN THE WORLD STOP ****ING SAYING "AN HISTORIC"! Say "a historic" The h isn't ****ing silent so you use "a" instead of "an"!

I will destroy you!

The supreme intelligence to rule over us all is here, and its name is Watson!
They should really have it say "I can't let you do that Dave" at some point through the show, as a prank.
"I for one welcome our new computer overlords"

Hahaa, that guy gets major props for that.

I can only imagine Watson just sitting there... show over, everybody clapping and the credits rolling. Next please? Next please?

But there is no next.
A European.

Caught up on the first two episodes earlier today (thanks for the links) and saw the final show tonight. It was really interesting to watch even though we all knew who was going to win. Although, I felt a little stupid for watching an hour and a half of an IBM advertisement.
I'd just like to take a moment to say that the thread title annoys the shit out of me. CPU AI? That doesn't make sense. Its just AI.
Is it wrong I was rooting for the computer to beat the measly humans?
Is it wrong I was rooting for the computer to beat the measly humans?

No. Especially after seeing that litle clip with everyone LOLing at the computer's stupid answers when it was in testing. Revenge is sweet, hahah.
Now, I want to ask it questions... When is this thing going to go online? :blink:

I'd just like to take a moment to say that the thread title annoys the shit out of me. CPU AI? That doesn't make sense. Its just AI.
I think I was going to name it something like "CPU vs. Human", commonly used in games, but I trying to fit as many short keywords into the title to make it clear what the thread was about from the lounge, in order to generate interest.

I expected the thread to just fizzle and die immediately. I'm quite surprised by the interest, but on the other hand, it's not like I've ever watched more than an episode of jeopardy in my life until now, so I guess... yeah.
I bet it doesn't have paradox absorbing crumple zones.
I bet it doesn't have paradox absorbing crumple zones.


"That's it captain! We now know how to destroy it!"

Heh, it was so amusing how in all those episodes in TOS involving evil supercomputers, they always resorted to irrational behaviour to make them go nuts and "blow a fuse". LOL

"That's it captain! We now know how to destroy it!"

Heh, it was so amusing how in all those episodes in TOS involving evil supercomputers, they always resorted to irrational behaviour to make them go nuts and "blow a fuse". LOL

Not to mention The Motion Picture. VGER...
Well lets all hail our new computer robot overlords
which probably is Hal9000 and GlaDOS as queen and King
Now, I want to ask it questions... When is this thing going to go online? :blink:

IBM Watson Team Takes Your Questions

IBM's Watson, the newly crowned Jeopardy champ, is now fielding your toughest questions at

IBM's engineering team behind the Jeopardy super computer will be answering the ten most popular Watson-themed questions submitted to this thread at on Tuesday, February 22 at noon Eastern.