Jesse Jackson Urges Boycott of Seinfeld DVDS

Hmmm... that was a bit harsh. Wonder how drunk he was. Not enough reason to boycot an entire show - afterall he's just ONE washed up actor from that show & there are many many other people who make money from those DVDs.
What he said was out of order, but I wouldn't boycot the show over it, nor would I buy extra copies in protest of thoose who refuse to buy it.
What he said was out of order, but I wouldn't boycot the show over it, nor would I buy extra copies in protest of thoose who refuse to buy it.
You feil at teh counter-sensationalism.
nothing worthwhile before seinfeld? FFS he was Stanley Spudowski in the movie UHF, a cult classic!

"You get to drink from the fire hose!"
From wikipedia:

Remarks about Jews

Jackson has been criticized for some of the remarks he has made about Jews and Jewish issues: that Nixon was less attentive to poverty in the U.S. because "four out of five [of Nixon's top advisors] are German Jews and their priorities are on Europe and Asia"; that he was "sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust"; that there are "very few Jewish reporters that have the capacity to be objective about Arab affairs"; [7] In addition the Rev. Jesse Jackson had referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. [8].

So tell me... what is the real reason Jackson is calling for a boycott of Seinfeld?

"Damn those Hymies, for being able to complain about their tragedies and thepersecution of their people better than I, Reverend Jessie Jackson can about mine."
Why would they boycott the DVD's? Michael Richards is prolly only getting 5% of the profit, I would assume Larry David and the publisher would get the rest

So really, Jesse Jackson is against jewish people
