Jesus Christ


Sep 18, 2005
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So I went to the movies to see a film with my mates, I told my mate I was ganna go home early to get some water (I had no money). My house is just in the next neighbourhood, all my mates got home earlier for some reason. So my Mum goes looking for me and I was just hapily walking home (only half an hour late after my mates got home and rang up to see if I was there) and all of a sudden when she gets back walking home for some water is very odd behaviour and apparently (she says) I bought drugs on the way home and had probably been bullied by some gang to buy drugs and also the family has no money because Dad buys lots of drugs (we do have money and Dad only buys beer and hardly any luxuries for himself anyway.) Also my aspergus syndrome is now a "suviere intellectual disability where you cant judge situations correctly" and I need to be notified to the police as a person who needs protection.
This isn't some emo "o ma lif is zo hard lolz" thread, I never even said that, I just think she's blown things out of preportian.
Let me get this straight:

Your mom, all of a sudden, for no reason, said that you needed to be reported to the police? And accused you of having contact with illegal crime groups, whilst purchasing illegal narcotics?


No offence, but your mother seems to have.... gone overboard, or something.
Let me get this straight:

Your mom, all of a sudden, for no reason, said that you needed to be reported to the police? And accused you of having contact with illegal crime groups, whilst purchasing illegal narcotics?


No offence, but your mother seems to have.... gone overboard, or something.
Yeah, normally I woulden't make threads about my life problems but this does seem a little shocking and retarted.
She did find some weed I smoked but that was bought from a friend who stole it off his dads plant, not some big drug dealer walking around with guns, I have told her this again and again.

Solaris said:
You have aspergors syndrome?
Smack that bitch and set things straight. This is yo house!

Also, no offense.
Can you like do complex math in your head in secounds?
Smack that bitch and set things straight. This is yo house!

Also, no offense.

wait, when did I say "Mum tells me what to do wa wa wa?"

Solaris said:
Can you like do complex math in your head in secounds?
No. I do consider myself to be smarter then most people my age though to be honest.
So how does it affect you then?

I'm just curious.
So how does it affect you then?

I'm just curious.

I can get very obsessive over things and want to know everything about them and I don't personally think my social skills are that bad.
Your mom seems to be having a breakdown of some kind, because that isn't exactly what a normal person would say in such a situation :/
I can get very obsessive over things and want to know everything about them and I don't personally think my social skills are that bad.
Have you read "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" by any chance?
I think your mum's a little bit overprotective/mad.

Get her stoned, that'll help her chillax.
You need to give your mom a mushroom stamp.

That'll teach her!
I love the way this dude types. Makes it seem as though he has personality issues.

Sorry about your mom though. She's kind of on another level.
I'm glad I now know someone else who has heard of--and read--this book.
Everyone has read that damn book. We did it in school even, and reading it for the second time has made my hatred of it grow.

a) Your mother is incredibly insane.


b) You really do have some sort of disorder and are lying in regards to the details of your story.
Or C) Aliens.

Gang aliens, drug aliens, I don't know. But aliens!
Or C) Aliens.

Gang aliens, drug aliens, I don't know. But aliens!

Are we talking Duddits aliens, or crab-like rape your face and burst out of your chest aliens?

Or Duddits raping your face and bursting out of your chest aliens?

Or chest raping your Duddits and bursting out of your face aliens?

Also, your mom is insane.
Your mum has cracked. Quickly! too the mobile... and yes i mean that bus
Can't we just use the bananana phone to call the Banana Splits to give us a lift?

I was expecting a thread on Jesus Christ, the son of God. What a disappointment.
Everyone has read that damn book. We did it in school even, and reading it for the second time has made my hatred of it grow.

I borrowed a copy off a friend and then spilled coffee all over it. Does that count as reading it, even if I never opened it cause it sounded dull anyway?
Que-Ever said:
Or C) Lesbian.

Gang Lesbian, drug Lesbian, I don't know. But Lesbian!
So Solaris got a nervous breakdown during New Year? :(