Jesus, Half Life 2 won 4 awards....

Not surprising, I can't remember the last time I was this impressed by a game demo.
Out of 5 games Doom3 wasn't even a runner up best graphics. D3 didn't even get runner up for jack shit.

Anyway, HL2 ... Game of Show, Best Action Game, Best Graphics, and of course Technological Excellence.

You could already tell that it's gonna be GOTY.

I don't know about you guys, but out of the other runner ups, I'm also looking forward to, Far Cry... runner up for Best Action Game and Technological Excellence.
heh just given those valve guys an even bigger head...heh hope it will force them to make the game of the year and fix all the wittle bugs and issues it had. not many, and i have professionals to back me up when i say hl2 has better graphics than d3 :P
Not to piss on anyone's cereal, but IGN is not known for their reviews.

In the runners up for best graphics, deus ex is on top of STALKER. WTF?
hehe I feel really sorry for DOOM 3, they worked so hard on it and we where all amazed by it, then HL2 was announced and it went straight down to the bottom with HL2 at the top :D
Its thier own fault.. they shouldnt had focused on the graphics so much but more on the gameplay. Doom3 is going to be a great game, but it will only exist in the shadow of hl2.
To be fair, the people at e3 saw almost nothing of D3's gameplay, especially compared to 25 minutes of gameplay from Hl2, so we still don't know much about it. Even the alpha was too rough to say for sure. Wait and see. But wait and see HL2 first. :)
It's probably some knida dont-win-2-years-in-a-row policy, cause last year, lets look at doom 3:

Best of the show, best action game, technology excellence, best graphics.

Familiar yet? :>
Uh, I guess you guys didn't read the article (and I only just did). D3 was not qualified to win any awards, because there was no playable demo, which was the requirement for competition.
Originally posted by Limited
wow, doom 3 isn't even a runner-up for best graphics. :eek:
wow... I had a little bit of hopes up for D3..
HL 2 Realy pissed on Doom3s fire.:) this i find realy funny.:bounce:
So there was a playable demo of Doom 3 at last years E3?
Doom 3 won several IGN E3 awards last year (for E3 2002), so...

Kind of strange that iD has a playable demo at E3 last year but not this year. Unless the rules for the competition were different last year.
I don't know what the rules were last year, but it could not enter the competition this year.

Is IGN the only place that does "best of e3" awards anyway? Or do all mags do them?
Yep: magazines do their own "best ofs."
Here's gamespy's #1 pick:
Guess what it was? And gamespy DOESN'T have a restriction to playable demo (though all the games they list seemed to have one), though they might have a restriction on multiple year winners.

One of the reviewers does say that HL2 blows D3 away. I think, given that there are TONS of games with great graphics out there, the next big thing in graphics is not necessarily going to keep people's interest as solidly as gameplay.

Aren't there official e3 industry awards though?
Halo 2 didn't get anything either. Were they just giving out awards for PC games?
Originally posted by Apos
Uh, I guess you guys didn't read the article (and I only just did). D3 was not qualified to win any awards, because there was no playable demo, which was the requirement for competition.
Yea, you're right. I only read the awards part of it. Even if D3 had a demo, I still think HL2 would've came out on top in the Game of Show, Best Action Game and Technological Excellence categories. Maybe D3 for Best Graphics though. *shrugs*
Originally posted by Stitch
Halo 2 didn't get anything either. Were they just giving out awards for PC games?
Yea, tokin posted the link for PC games.

Here's the Xbox E3 awards

Halo 2 won for Best Graphics, Technological Excellence, Best Shooter and Best Xbox Game of E3.